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Easy Code: A new visual way of assembly programming

Started by rsala, May 24, 2012, 08:19:39 AM

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First of all, I would like to thank all support the Easy Code IDE has received. The idea is to make 32-bit Windows assembly programming as much easy and quick as possible, that is why Easy Code libraries (static or dynamic) are needed in Visual projects. They certainly increase the final file size (just a few KB), but that is the price for easyness and quickness. On the other hand, for those who prefer to program in the traditional way, Easy Code also has the Classic projects, where the final size only depends on the code you write (no libraries nor extra code added). The IDE is available for both, Masm and GoAsm compilers. The Masm version needs Masm32 or GeneSys to be installed in order to build the projects. For the GoAsm version a specific Easy Code package has been prepared, ECGo, including the Go tools and all the necessary include files.

I know Easy Code can be improved and I will try to do it, but I think it is already a good IDE. I really hope you will make good Windows applications in order not to let assembly language to die.

Thank you very much.

Ramon Sala (Easy Code programmer)
EC coder