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Micros*t kills WordPad (and various other applications)

Started by jj2007, September 03, 2023, 02:05:38 AM

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M$ throws lots of stuff into the dustbin, here are some examples:
QuoteWordPad: WordPad is no longer being updated and will be removed in a future release of Windows. We recommend Microsoft Word for rich text documents like .doc and .rtf and Windows Notepad for plain text documents like .txt.
QuoteOffline symbol packages (Debug symbol MSIs): We're no longer making the symbol packages available as a downloadable MSI. Instead, the Microsoft Symbol Server is moving to be an Azure-based symbol store. If you need the Windows symbols, connect to the Microsoft Symbol Server to cache your symbols locally or use a manifest file with SymChk.exe on a computer with internet access.
QuoteWindows Help Viewer (WinHlp32.exe): All Windows help information is available online. The Windows Help Viewer is no longer supported in Windows 10. For more information, see Error opening Help in Windows-based programs: "Feature not included" or "Help not supported".


Not surprising really. Good thing that Windows 7 still works for most purposes. Heck, on Windows 7 I still use mspaint.exe and freecell.exe from Windows xp.  :biggrin:
I can't stand what they call "Metro Apps", with all of their dependencies. Yuck. DotNet Framework version 12, at 4 GB, or more, is coming.  :badgrin:


What a shame, I have used and tend to prefer the relative simplicity of 'Wordpad' for rtf files creating and reading :(


I have RichMasm for rtf files, but it's worrying that they scrap because WordPad also uses the RichEdit control. If they drop WordPad, I doubt that they will invest in RichEdit; and it would require some investment, as it is still a buggy control.


Yet even more reasons, if any were needed, not to use the latest OS from Micro$oft. I'm very happy with Windows 7, after taming it (still some minor issues, like with certificates, that I'm just ignoring for the time being).

Quote from: zedd151 on September 03, 2023, 03:58:34 AMGood thing that Windows 7 still works for most purposes. Heck, on Windows 7 I still use mspaint.exe and freecell.exe from Windows xp.  :biggrin:

Same here; I play FreeCell (actually an upgrade from the one that came w/XP, although have you noticed that it's been dumbed down a bit: it no longer tells you when you've reached a state where all you can do is move the same card back and forth between two stacks?).

mspaint? You gotta be kidding; that's one of the world's all-time brain-dead apps. (Almost as primitive as Notepad.) I use Paint Shop Pro 7, which was last updated, oh, back in the year 2000. Still works like a champ under Win 7, with a few oddities here and there which I can live with. So much smarter and with a far richer set of capabilities than Paint.

BTW, that item about the offline symbol packages is just part of the overwhelming "wave of the future", where nothing will be stored locally on your computer; it'll all be in "the cloud", with perhaps fees to access it. Kind of like what we keep hearing from Klaus Schwab regarding the Brave New World: "You won't own anything." (Not sure if I believe that's the intention, but it certainly sounds ominous ...)
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Quote from: NoCforMe on September 03, 2023, 08:56:02 AMmspaint? You gotta be kidding; that's one of the world's all-time brain-dead apps. (Almost as primitive as Notepad.) I use Paint Shop Pro 7

 circa 2007


That still works under Win 7? If so, very nice.

Paint Shop Pro is about halfway between Microsoft Paint and Photoshop. For what I do, Photoshop is way overkill. I usually deal with graphics on the pixel level, where Photoshop is really oriented towards scaling stuff for web or print. No question that it has a hell of a lot more stuff than PSP, most of which I'd never use.
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Quote from: NoCforMe on September 03, 2023, 10:45:21 AMThat still works under Win 7? If so, very nice.

Paint Shop Pro is about halfway between Microsoft Paint and Photoshop. For what I do, Photoshop is way overkill. I usually deal with graphics on the pixel level, where Photoshop is really oriented towards scaling stuff for web or print. No question that it has a hell of a lot more stuff than PSP, most of which I'd never use.
It was for sure an impulse buy. I used to make custom avatars, on another forum, way back then. Photoshop came in quite handy, albeit very expensively.


I never used Photoshop much at all. I did, however, use Adobe's InDesign extensively when I once owned a print shop. (Long story; biggest mistake I ever made in my life.)

That software was great; if a customer brought in a PDF to print from, I could go from their disc to plates on the press in about 2 minutes, with no problems, no layout adjustments or anything needed. Tres kewl.
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Do they want PC owners get office 365,when there is lot of other editors?
Hope nomore symbols, doesn't mean drop support for japanese,Chinese language pack
I use Windows the help files that comes with qeditor :(
Downgrade OS or translate to HTML if more users are interested?
Ms paint simple use for screenshot
I own a wacom tablet for pixel art
But tablet with Photoshop touch easier to use
Training sketching and draw Chinese chars, undo as many times you like, instead of wear out paper, using pencil and eraser

my none asm creations
I am an Invoker
"An Invoker is a mage who specializes in the manipulation of raw and elemental energies."
Like SIMD coding


I believe 'symbols' in this context, refers to symbols used for debugging. Not the Asian character symbols.  :wink2:


Quote from: NoCforMe on September 03, 2023, 08:56:02 AMmspaint? You gotta be kidding; that's one of the world's all-time brain-dead apps. (Almost as primitive as Notepad.) I use Paint Shop Pro 7, which was last updated, oh, back in the year 2000.

I am happy with PSP 4.1. When I launch it, I get the greeting that I am on day 2166 of my 30-day evaluation period, but I almost never close it, so that is fine for me. And it does all I need to do.


MS Paint is not that bad. It's a practical tool for daily usage.