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Adding graphics to DebugCenter

Started by HSE, October 12, 2024, 05:41:16 AM

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Hi all!

Some time ago I thought that could be useful an interface that allow little programs to show results in a graphical way.

Then I made some additions to DebugCenter for that.

Now a little console program like this can show a graphic:
start proc                                              ;Here is the program entry point
  SysInit                                              ;Runtime initialization of the OOP model
  DbgClearAll                                          ;Clear all DebugCenter windows
    ForLpR ir, FP8(0.0), FP8(500.0), FP8(20.0)
        DbgDataPoint ir, @fSlv8(ir^1.5), 0, "primera"
        DbgDataPoint ir, @fSlv8(ir^1.8), 1, "primera"
        DbgDataPoint ir, @fSlv8(ir^2.0), 2, "primera"
    NextR ir
    DbgDrawGraph "primera"

  SysDone                                              ;Runtime finalization of the OOP model

  invoke ExitProcess, 0                                ;Exit program returning 0 to Windows OS
start endp

Naturally, is just a first step  :biggrin:

All files from DebugCenter project, and others files added or changed, are in the zip (binary is 64bits).

Regards, HSE.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Cool idea.  :thumbsup:
Have you considered using ObjAsm's plotting capabilities like the one used here "ObjAsm\Examples\X\Demo07"?



Hi biterider!

Quote from: Biterider on October 14, 2024, 08:47:02 PMHave you considered using ObjAsm's plotting capabilities like the one used here "ObjAsm\Examples\X\Demo07"?

Chart object remind me Harvard Graphics  :biggrin: 

Very cool to make presentations after you finish the work  :thumbsup:

Just is not the way to think the data (or something like that).

Chart follow Graph2d. I used Graph2d a time ago, but that was a pain :biggrin: :biggrin:
Only used that to post the example, because I was using a more simple graphic.

I tried Chart a couple of months ago, when idea begun, but I erased that.


Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


I took a closer look at the code you posted.
I think your idea is a really cool one.  :thumbsup:

At the moment I have added a little feature I needed to DebugCenter that I borrowed from RadAsm to show selection information on a ChildTxt statusbar. 

Adding the plotting capabilities you have shown will be the next step.



Hi Biterider!

Quote from: Biterider on October 19, 2024, 07:25:40 PMa little feature ... that I borrowed from RadAsm to show selection information on a ChildTxt statusbar.

I never pay attention to that, but I checked here in last versions (2 and 3). RadAsm don't have status bar in child windows. Selection information go to main status bar. Always show selected child information.

With that addition, most of the time DebugCenter have 2 empty status bars  :biggrin:  Don't look so good.

Quote from: Biterider on October 19, 2024, 07:25:40 PMAdding the plotting capabilities you have shown will be the next step.

 :thumbsup: That it's most simple idea. More work could be to create an specific "ShowCenter", but in practice I'm using DebugCenter like that.


Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Quote from: HSE on October 20, 2024, 01:49:39 AMWith that addition, most of the time DebugCenter have 2 empty status bars
I think you are right. I'm going to change this and display the information of the focused MDI child in the status bar of the application.
