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Faster memcmp - Benchmark test

Started by guga, September 11, 2024, 02:41:37 PM

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Hi guys

I`m trying to create a variation of msvcrt memcmp, but i´m having some problems making it go faster. I created a variation in SSE2, like this:
Masm version
memcmp_SSE2_Original2 proc near

XMMReg0Dis      = byte ptr -58h
XMMReg1Dis      = byte ptr -48h
XmmPreserve     = dword ptr -8
Reminder        = dword ptr -4
pBuffer1        = dword ptr  8
pBuffer2        = dword ptr  0Ch
Lenght          = dword ptr  10h

                push    ebp
                mov     ebp, esp
                sub     esp, 4
                sub     esp, 54h
                mov     [ebp+XmmPreserve], esp
                push    esi
                push    edi
                push    edx
                lea     eax, [ebp+XMMReg0Dis]
                movdqu  xmmword ptr [eax], xmm0
                lea     eax, [ebp+XMMReg1Dis]
                movdqu  xmmword ptr [eax], xmm1
                mov     eax, [ebp+Lenght]
                test    eax, eax
                jz      loc_403819
                mov     edx, eax
                mov     esi, [ebp+pBuffer1]
                mov     edi, [ebp+pBuffer2]
                and     edx, 0FFFFFFF0h
                mov     eax, edx
                xor     edx, [ebp+Lenght]
                test    eax, eax
                jz      loc_4037D1
                mov     [ebp+Reminder], edx
                shr     eax, 4

loc_4037A6:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+68↓j
                movdqu  xmm0, xmmword ptr [esi]
                movdqu  xmm1, xmmword ptr [edi]
                pcmpeqd xmm0, xmm1
                movmskps edx, xmm0
                cmp     edx, 0Fh
                jz      short loc_4037C1
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     loc_403819
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_4037C1:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+58↑j
                add     esi, 10h
                add     edi, 10h
                dec     eax
                jnz     loc_4037A6
                mov     edx, [ebp+Reminder]

loc_4037D1:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+3A↑j
                test    edx, edx
                jz      loc_403814
                mov     eax, edx
                and     edx, 0FFFFFFFCh
                xor     edx, eax
                shr     eax, 2
                jz      short loc_403801
                mov     [ebp+Reminder], edx

loc_4037E8:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+9C↓j
                mov     edx, [esi]
                cmp     edx, [edi]
                jz      short loc_4037F5
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     loc_403819
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_4037F5:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+8C↑j
                add     esi, 4
                add     edi, 4
                dec     eax
                jnz     short loc_4037E8
                mov     edx, [ebp+Reminder]

loc_403801:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+83↑j
                test    edx, edx
                jz      short loc_403814

loc_403805:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+B2↓j
                mov     al, [esi]
                cmp     al, [edi]
                jz      short loc_40380F
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     short loc_403819
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_40380F:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+A9↑j
                inc     edi
                inc     esi
                dec     edx
                jnz     short loc_403805

loc_403814:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+73↑j
                                        ; memcmp_SSE2_Original2+A3↑j
                mov     eax, 1

loc_403819:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_Original2+22↑j
                                        ; memcmp_SSE2_Original2+5C↑j ...
                lea     esi, [ebp+XMMReg0Dis]
                movdqu  xmm0, xmmword ptr [esi]
                lea     edi, [ebp+XMMReg1Dis]
                movdqu  xmm1, xmmword ptr [edi]
                pop     edx
                pop     edi
                pop     esi
                mov     esp, ebp
                pop     ebp
                retn    0Ch
memcmp_SSE2_Original2 endp

called as:
buffer1 db '123456789101112312345678910111231234567891011123hfsjhgsghskgjdsgjgl10111231234567812345p789101112312345678910111231234567891011123hfsjhgsghskgjdsgjgl101112312345678', 0
buffer2 db '123456789101112312345678910111231234567891011123hfsjhgsghskgjdsgjgl10111231234567812345p789101112312345678910111231234567891011123hfsjhgsghskgjdsgjgl101112312345678', 0

    push 71
    push offset buffer2
    push offset buffer1
    call memcmp_SSE2

Can someone please, benchmark for me the results and also if someone has a faster version (Using SSe2 and 32 bits), pls post it here. The goal for the function is recreate the one existent in msvcrt. So it needs to load 2 chunks of data of any size, and then return 0 if equal or -1 or 1 if it is buffer1 is bigger or smaller then buffer2 etc.

My version is fast, but it is not fast enough in all situations. One way to make it faster is force the algo to work in parallel splitting the memory blocks in 2. So, working from 32 to 32 bytes.

So, we may uses xmm0, xmm1 to load the 1st 16 bytes on each buffer, and uses xmm2 and xmm3 to load the last 16 bytes, and then on each loop, we increase the 1st bytes by 16 and decrease the last by 16, until it reaches the middle of the data buffer.

And, of course, handling the remainder bytes, if the chunk is not a multiple of 32. I gave a try, and it is also fast, but surprising slow in small chunks of data

Also, on my version, i didn´t succeeded yet to make it return 0, -1 or 1. So far, it returns only TRUE (if the memory are equal or FALSE if it is different.

On my tests, it takes something around 16 clock cycles, against 38 on the normal msvcrt. I can make it a bit faster, avoiding preserving the registers esi, edi, and edx, (I reached around 9-11 clock cycles earlier, but, this is not desirable, since the registers must be preserved (including xmm registers)

Note. The RosAsm version is as this:

Proc memcmp_SSE2:
    Arguments @pBuffer1, @pBuffer2, @Lenght
    Local @Reminder
    Structure @XmmPreserve 80, @XMMReg0Dis 0, @XMMReg1Dis 16, @XMMReg2Dis 32, @XMMReg3Dis 48, @XMMReg4Dis 64
    Uses esi, edi, edx

    ; save the contents xmm registers to avoid altering them
    lea eax D@XMMReg0Dis | movdqu X$eax XMM0
    lea eax D@XMMReg1Dis | movdqu X$eax XMM1

    ; Step1 - Check if the lenght is zeroed. If lenght is 0, jump over the whole function
    mov eax D@Lenght
    ..Test_If_Not_Zero eax ; eax = 0 ? Lenght = 0, exit
        mov edx eax
        mov esi D@pBuffer1
        mov edi D@pBuffer2
        and edx 0-16 | mov eax edx | xor edx D@Lenght ; When 0 means lenght is divisible by 16 and we have no remainders, jmp over to the main function

        ; Step3 - This is similar to step2
        .Test_If_Not_Zero eax ; edx = 0 ? no remainders exit
            mov D@Reminder edx
            ; get the multiple of 16 and divide by 16 to get the amount of needed loops
            shr eax 4 ; divide by 16. ecx now is the counter of multiple of 16 bytes
                movdqu xmm0 X$esi;+ecx
                movdqu xmm1 X$edi;+ecx
                pcmpeqd xmm0 xmm1
                movmskps edx xmm0
                If edx <> 0F
                    xor eax eax | jmp L4>>
                add esi 16
                add edi 16
                dec eax
            mov edx D@Reminder

        .Test_If_Not_Zero edx
            mov eax edx | and edx 0-4 | xor edx eax ; eax = remainder of the multiple of 4
            shr eax 2 | jz L2> ; how many loops multiple of 4 fits in ? No multiple of 4 ? jmp over
            mov D@Reminder edx
            ; if eax = 0, means it is not divisible by 4. Therefore, we can have only 3, 2, or 1 reminders
                mov edx D$esi
                If edx <> D$edi ; if both are different
                    xor eax eax | jmp L4>>
                add esi 4
                add edi 4
                dec eax
            Repeat_Until_Zero eax
            mov edx D@Reminder
            Test_If_Not_Zero edx
                    mov al B$esi
                    If al <> B$edi ; if both are different
                        xor eax eax | jmp L4>
                    inc edi | inc esi
                    dec edx
                Repeat_Until_Zero edx

        mov eax &TRUE

    lea esi D@XMMReg0Dis | movdqu XMM0 X$esi
    lea edi D@XMMReg1Dis | movdqu XMM1 X$edi

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how about leveraging the usage of YMM CPU registers? they are as big as twice comparing to XMM ones


Unroll loop with use all xmm regs? Align start of loop with 64 bytes?
Use aligned Movaps instead?  One byte smaller than SSE2 uses 066h prefix+ opcode make it easier to unroll more times?

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Quote from: greenozon on September 11, 2024, 03:35:38 PMhow about leveraging the usage of YMM CPU registers? they are as big as twice comparing to XMM ones
At the moment, i cannot compile for 64 bits and neither implemented some specific AVX opcodes in RosAsm. That´s why i need to code mainly using SSE2. I´m currently trying to do several updates in RosAsm for the next release in order to do that later, so i can be able to try to port it to 64 bits as well.
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
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Quote from: daydreamer on September 11, 2024, 04:44:22 PMUnroll loop with use all xmm regs? Align start of loop with 64 bytes?
Use aligned Movaps instead?  One byte smaller than SSE2 uses 066h prefix+ opcode make it easier to unroll more times?

Hy Daydreamer. movaps/movups, i didn´t tried yet. Good idea, i´ll take a look to see if it makes any difference. About, unrolling the loops, i gave a test before unrolling the final loop for the remainder bytes (after the main xmm loops), but surprisingly was a bit slower - maybe because it resulted in a longer jmp to the end of the function, i suppose.
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
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Btw, did you guys tested the attached file so i can make sure about the timmings ?
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
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Quote from: guga on September 11, 2024, 09:00:50 PMBtw, did you guys tested the attached file so i can make sure about the timmings ?

here we go!

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz (SSE4)

3960    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
19566   cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
8961    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
8307    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW
8298    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW2
2917    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

3925    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
19586   cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
9075    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
8309    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW
8316    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW2
2898    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

3918    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
19536   cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
8872    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
8621    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW
8296    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW2
2895    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

4142    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
19533   cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
8919    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
8324    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW
8320    cycles for 100 * _MbStrLenW2
2880    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

21      bytes for CRT memcmp
10      bytes for Masm32 ucLen
10      bytes for MasmBasic wLen
66      bytes for _MbStrLenW
66      bytes for _MbStrLenW2
201     bytes for memcmp_SSE2 Guga

0       = eax CRT memcmp
100     = eax Masm32 ucLen
100     = eax MasmBasic wLen
100     = eax _MbStrLenW
100     = eax _MbStrLenW2
1       = eax memcmp_SSE2 Guga

--- ok ---


Great, greenozon. Tks.

Here comes a update I removed the shr eax 4 before the SSE2 operations, unrolled the loops of the remainder bytes as suggested by daydreamer, and placed the remainder bytes in dl and dh registers to preserve one more registers on exiting.

The new function is temporarily labeled as "memcmp_SSE2_New2"

Masm syntax:
memcmp_SSE2_New2 proc near ; CODE XREF: start+C↑p

XMMReg0Dis      = byte ptr -58h
XMMReg1Dis      = byte ptr -48h
XmmPreserve     = dword ptr -8
Reminder        = dword ptr -4
pBuffer1        = dword ptr  8
pBuffer2        = dword ptr  0Ch
Lenght          = dword ptr  10h

                push    ebp
                mov     ebp, esp
                sub     esp, 4
                sub     esp, 54h
                mov     [ebp+XmmPreserve], esp
                push    esi
                push    edi
                push    edx
                lea     eax, [ebp+XMMReg0Dis]
                movdqu  xmmword ptr [eax], xmm0
                lea     eax, [ebp+XMMReg1Dis]
                movdqu  xmmword ptr [eax], xmm1
                mov     eax, [ebp+Lenght]
                test    eax, eax
                jz      loc_4041C9
                mov     edx, eax
                mov     esi, [ebp+pBuffer1]
                mov     edi, [ebp+pBuffer2]
                and     edx, 0FFFFFFF0h
                mov     eax, edx
                xor     edx, [ebp+Lenght]
                test    eax, eax
                jz      loc_404150
                mov     [ebp+Reminder], edx

loc_404123:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+67↓j
                movdqu  xmm0, xmmword ptr [esi]
                movdqu  xmm1, xmmword ptr [edi]
                pcmpeqd xmm0, xmm1
                movmskps edx, xmm0
                cmp     edx, 0Fh
                jz      short loc_40413E
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     loc_4041C9
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_40413E:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+55↑j
                add     esi, 10h
                add     edi, 10h
                add     eax, 0FFFFFFF0h
                jnz     loc_404123
                mov     edx, [ebp+Reminder]

loc_404150:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+3A↑j
                test    edx, edx
                jz      loc_4041C4
                mov     dh, dl
                and     dl, 0FCh
                xor     dh, dl
                test    dl, dl
                jz      short loc_40419D
                mov     eax, [esi]
                cmp     eax, [edi]
                jz      short loc_40416D
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     short loc_4041C9
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_40416D:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+87↑j
                add     esi, 4
                add     edi, 4
                add     dl, 0FCh
                jz      short loc_40419D
                mov     eax, [esi]
                cmp     eax, [edi]
                jz      short loc_404182
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     short loc_4041C9
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_404182:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+9C↑j
                add     esi, 4
                add     edi, 4
                add     dl, 0FCh
                jz      short loc_40419D
                mov     eax, [esi]
                cmp     eax, [edi]
                jz      short loc_404197
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     short loc_4041C9
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

loc_404197:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+B1↑j
                add     esi, 4
                add     edi, 4

loc_40419D:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+81↑j
                                        ; memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+96↑j ...
                test    dh, dh
                jz      short loc_4041C4
                mov     eax, 0
                mov     dl, [esi]
                cmp     dl, [edi]
                jnz     short loc_4041C9
                dec     dh
                jz      short loc_4041C4
                mov     dl, [esi+1]
                cmp     dl, [edi+1]
                jnz     short loc_4041C9
                dec     dh
                jz      short loc_4041C4
                mov     dl, [esi+2]
                cmp     dl, [edi+2]
                jnz     short loc_4041C9

loc_4041C4:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+72↑j
                                        ; memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+BF↑j ...
                mov     eax, 1

loc_4041C9:                             ; CODE XREF: memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+22↑j
                                        ; memcmp_SSE2_OriginalGuga_Quase6+59↑j ...
                lea     esi, [ebp+XMMReg0Dis]
                movdqu  xmm0, xmmword ptr [esi]
                lea     edi, [ebp+XMMReg1Dis]
                movdqu  xmm1, xmmword ptr [edi]
                pop     edx
                pop     edi
                pop     esi
                mov     esp, ebp
                pop     ebp
                retn    0Ch
memcmp_SSE2_New2 endp

RosAsm syntax (with comments)

; memcmp_SSE2_New2
Proc memcmp_SSE2_Final:
    Arguments @pBuffer1, @pBuffer2, @Lenght
    Local @Reminder
    Structure @XmmPreserve 80, @XMMReg0Dis 0, @XMMReg1Dis 16, @XMMReg2Dis 32, @XMMReg3Dis 48, @XMMReg4Dis 64
    Uses esi, edi, edx

    ; save the contents xmm registers to avoid altering them
    lea eax D@XMMReg0Dis | movdqu X$eax XMM0
    lea eax D@XMMReg1Dis | movdqu X$eax XMM1

    ; Step1 - Check if the lenght is zeroed. If lenght is 0, jump over the whole function
    mov eax D@Lenght
    ..Test_If_Not_Zero eax ; eax = 0 ? Lenght = 0, exit
        mov edx eax
        mov esi D@pBuffer1
        mov edi D@pBuffer2
        and edx 0-16 | mov eax edx | xor edx D@Lenght ; When 0 means lenght is divisible by 16 and we have no remainders, jmp over to the main function

        ; Step3 - This is similar to step2
        .Test_If_Not_Zero eax ; edx = 0 ? no remainders exit
            mov D@Reminder edx
            ; We are working with multiples of 16 bytes, therefore, we can get rid of using shr eax 4 and directly subtract 16 bytes on each loop
            ; On this way we get a bit more of speed while keeping performance. Interesting is that add eax 0-16 seems a bit faster then sub eax 16
                movdqu xmm0 X$esi
                movdqu xmm1 X$edi
                pcmpeqd xmm0 xmm1
                movmskps edx xmm0
                If edx <> 0F
                    xor eax eax | jmp L4>>
                add esi 16
                add edi 16
                add eax 0-16 ; subtract by 16 bytes. Faster then sub
            mov edx D@Reminder

        .Test_If_Not_Zero edx

            ; Now becomes the trick. Here we will calculate the remainders of our previous routine stored in edx
            ; So, assuming our initial value was 43, we now have only 11 as remainder, which is 2 Dwords (8 bytes) + 3 bytes
            ; So we have 2 main blocks to check. One containing only the dwords checking. So, a value whose range is 0 to 12 (multiple of 4 only, so, 0, 4, 8, 12
            ; and other related to the final bytes (3), whose values are a maximum of 3, so 0, 1, 2, 3
            ; We will store the Dwords computation in dl and the Byte computation in dh
            ; This way is faster then we use shr eax 2 or something to divid the dword by 4 and later compute the opther byte remainders

            mov dh dl
            and dl 0-4 ; dl = our Dword computation. So, values multiples of 4 only, on a maximum of 12
            xor dh dl ; dh = our byte computation. So, values are multples of 1 only, on a maximum of 3
            Test_If_Not_Zero dl
                ; If dl = 0, so if we have no dwords remainder, jmp over to compute the byte remainders
                mov eax D$esi | cmp eax D$edi | jz L1> | xor eax eax | jmp L4> | L1: | add esi 4 | add edi 4 | add dl 0-4 | jz L2>
                mov eax D$esi | cmp eax D$edi | jz L1> | xor eax eax | jmp L4> | L1: | add esi 4 | add edi 4 | add dl 0-4 | jz L2>
                mov eax D$esi | cmp eax D$edi | jz L1> | xor eax eax | jmp L4> | L1: | add esi 4 | add edi 4

            ; check if we have no byte remainders
            Test_If_Not_Zero dh ; dh = our byte computation. So, values are multples of 1 only, on a maximum of 3
                mov eax 0 ; surprisinly a bit faster then xor eax eax
                mov dl B$esi | cmp dl B$edi | jnz L4> | dec dh | jz L2>
                mov dl B$esi+1 | cmp dl B$edi+1 | jnz L4> | dec dh | jz L2>
                mov dl B$esi+2 | cmp dl B$edi+2 | jnz L4>
        mov eax &TRUE
    lea esi D@XMMReg0Dis | movdqu XMM0 X$esi
    lea edi D@XMMReg1Dis | movdqu XMM1 X$edi


My results:
QuoteAMD Ryzen 5 2400G with Radeon Vega Graphics    (SSE4)

4758    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
25474  cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
7661    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
2462    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New2 Guga
3102    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New Guga
2717    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

4700    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
25464  cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
7586    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
2832    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New2 Guga
3748    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New Guga
3223    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

5662    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
31167  cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
8993    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
2857    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New2 Guga
3703    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New Guga
3284    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

5595    cycles for 100 * CRT memcmp
25235  cycles for 100 * Masm32 ucLen
7788    cycles for 100 * MasmBasic wLen
2444    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New2 Guga
3106    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2_New Guga
2709    cycles for 100 * memcmp_SSE2 Guga

21      bytes for CRT memcmp
10      bytes for Masm32 ucLen
10      bytes for MasmBasic wLen
261    bytes for memcmp_SSE2_New2 Guga
197    bytes for memcmp_SSE2_New Guga
201    bytes for memcmp_SSE2 Guga

0      = eax CRT memcmp
100    = eax Masm32 ucLen
100    = eax MasmBasic wLen
1      = eax memcmp_SSE2_New2 Guga
1      = eax memcmp_SSE2_New Guga
1      = eax memcmp_SSE2 Guga

--- ok ---
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

My Code Sites:


Why do you limit the comparison to 71 bytes? The strings are 166 bytes long...



In fact, i didn´t limited on the function. I was mainly testing any amount of bytes to see if was also working on unaligned/aligned chunks or what happens when the data wan´t a multiple of 16 bytes etc etc etc. That´s why i used a sequence of XXXX bytes and while i was testing, i just changed the value of the length (easier than create new data chains on each time i made the modifications/updates)

You can insert 140, 166, 120 etc or any other value corresponding to the length of the memory you need to be compared, and it will also work.

Note: THis function seems to be fast on small memory data. To make it even faster, a variation can be made to deal with larger memory data (say, 1 Mg, 100 kb etc), simply making it work in parallel on each loop where we use SSE2.

So, for larger data we can split the data chunk to be analyzed in 2 blocks: 16 at the beginning and 16 on the end. So, we always compare the 1st 16 and last 16 at once. If the data was equal on the 2 blocks, we do the loop again, increasing more 16 bytes at the next loop and decreasing 16 bytes from the end block. When the function finds non equal data, it exists. It would be faster this way for larger memory.


a) Say our data chunk of 16 blocks are even (16*10) blocks.
esi+0    esi+(leght-16) ---> if both blocks are different, exit the function
esi+16    esi+(lenght-32) ---> if both blocks are different, exit the function
Loop N
esi+N    esi+(lenght-N*16). 


On this way, if all the 32*N bytes are equal, the function ends the loop when it reach the half of the multiple of 16 data. Or will immediately ends if both blocks are different.

b) Say our data chunk of 16 blocks are odd (16*11) blocks.
we compute the 1st block of 16 bytes and then we compute the other even pairs of multiple of 16

1 - compute the 1st 16 bytes (1 block).
2 - Compute the rest of the 10 blocks in parallel (doing 32 bytes at once)
3 - Then we deal the remainder bytes
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

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