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Using exception handlers in MASM (To detect a Virtual Machine)

Started by pcMike, February 21, 2013, 03:07:16 AM

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I want my Win32 application to detect if it is running under Virtual PC or VMware, and found a how-to guide on it here:

They provide example code in C++ (with inline asm)  but I don't know how to convert the exception handlers into asm. Can someone show me how it's done?

How to detect Virtual PC

// IsInsideVPC's exception filter
DWORD __forceinline IsInsideVPC_exceptionFilter(LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS ep)
  PCONTEXT ctx = ep->ContextRecord;

  ctx->Ebx = -1; // Not running VPC
  ctx->Eip += 4; // skip past the "call VPC" opcodes
  // we can safely resume execution since we skipped faulty instruction

// High level language friendly version of IsInsideVPC()
bool IsInsideVPC()
  bool rc = false;

    _asm push ebx
    _asm mov  ebx, 0 // It will stay ZERO if VPC is running
    _asm mov  eax, 1 // VPC function number

    // call VPC
    _asm __emit 0Fh
    _asm __emit 3Fh
    _asm __emit 07h
    _asm __emit 0Bh

    _asm test ebx, ebx
    _asm setz [rc]
    _asm pop ebx
  // The except block shouldn't get triggered if VPC is running!!

  return rc;

How to detect VMWare

bool IsInsideVMWare()
  bool rc = true;

      push   edx
      push   ecx
      push   ebx

      mov    eax, 'VMXh'
      mov    ebx, 0 // any value but not the MAGIC VALUE
      mov    ecx, 10 // get VMWare version
      mov    edx, 'VX' // port number

      in     eax, dx // read port
                     // on return EAX returns the VERSION
      cmp    ebx, 'VMXh' // is it a reply from VMWare?
      setz   [rc] // set return value

      pop    ebx
      pop    ecx
      pop    edx
    rc = false;

  return rc;



you need to set up an exception handler (SEH) for that. Look here:
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


I have not been able to get any VmWare working yet, so I can't test this.

Could someone test this for me and let me know which o.s. you used as well ?

Vielen Dank,

; Detect if under VmWare
; Det_VmWare.asm  by Prof4
include \masm32\include\   

WaterMark   db  "SiegeWorks 2013 ð__ð" ; Alt 240 char
%Date       db  " &@Date " ; Compile date
%time       db  " &@Time"
%version    db  " Masm Version &@Version"



assume fs:nothing


; Setting a new Structured Exception Handling

xor eax, eax                      ; zero out eax register
push offset SEH_handler   ; put the stack pointer to the new handler
push dword ptr fs: [eax]   ; put the stack pointer to the old handler
mov fs: [eax], esp             ; register new SEH-handler

mov eax, 564D5868h ; VMware hypervisor magic value
mov ecx, 10                ; command for obtaining VMWare version information
mov dx, 5658h           ; VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT
in eax, dx                   ; Read from port


mov esi, [esp +0ch]; context pointer register

assume esi: PTR CONTEXT
mov [esi]. regEip, offset continue


invoke ExitProcess,0

end     start

Take care,



Quote from: Magnum on February 21, 2013, 09:27:58 AM
I have not been able to get any VmWare working yet, so I can't test this.

Could someone test this for me and let me know which o.s. you used as well ?

Vielen Dank,

; Detect if under VmWare
; Det_VmWare.asm  by Prof4
include \masm32\include\   

WaterMark   db  "SiegeWorks 2013 ð__ð" ; Alt 240 char
%Date       db  " &@Date " ; Compile date
%time       db  " &@Time"
%version    db  " Masm Version &@Version"



assume fs:nothing


; Setting a new Structured Exception Handling

xor eax, eax                      ; zero out eax register
push offset SEH_handler   ; put the stack pointer to the new handler
push dword ptr fs: [eax]   ; put the stack pointer to the old handler
mov fs: [eax], esp             ; register new SEH-handler

mov eax, 564D5868h ; VMware hypervisor magic value
mov ecx, 10                ; command for obtaining VMWare version information
mov dx, 5658h           ; VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT
in eax, dx                   ; Read from port


mov esi, [esp +0ch]; context pointer register

assume esi: PTR CONTEXT
mov [esi]. regEip, offset continue


invoke ExitProcess,0

end     start


Code is working on WMWare 8 + Windows XP SP3