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Black&White System Image List!

Started by xandaz, June 10, 2013, 10:09:45 PM

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   hey guys.... i'm trying to use the system imagelist to create a black and white alternative to it. BuildBWImageList    PROC    hWnd:DWORD

    local   hDC:DWORD
    local   hMemDC:DWORD
    local   hBitmap:DWORD
    local   cxIml:DWORD

    mov     tvis.hParent,0
    mov     tvis.hInsertAfter,TVI_LAST
    mov     tvis.item.imask,TVIF_IMAGE++TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE
    invoke  GetDC,hWnd
    mov     hDC,eax
    invoke  CreateCompatibleDC,hDC
    mov     hMemDC,eax
    invoke  CreateCompatibleBitmap,hMemDC,cySysImlCheck
    mov     hBitmap,eax
    invoke  SelectObject,hMemDC,eax
    invoke  GetLogicalDriveStrings,sizeof TextBuffer/2,addr TextBuffer
    invoke  SHGetFileInfo,addr TextBuffer,addr shfi,sizeof shfi,SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX+SHGFI_SMALLICON
    mov     hSysIml,eax
    invoke  ImageList_GetImageCount,hSysIml
    dec     eax
    mov     cxIml,eax
    xor     ecx,ecx
    invoke  ImageList_Draw,hSysIml,0,hMemDC,0,0,ILD_NORMAL

    I'm stuck here. How does one then get the bitmap from hMemDC? Can someone help me out?
