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Newbie for MASM 9.0, questions about initialization

Started by shabi101, April 06, 2014, 01:19:29 PM

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Hello Gentlemen,

I'm a completely newbie on Assembly Language, on MASM.

Recently I decided to study Assembly Language, to make up for the time I wasted in college. I've got a book which was writing with 16bit examples, so I thought, that was something 20 years ago, why don't I try something new?

I can't find any book in the world teaching 64bit assembly programming, so the only way for me is trying, searching, thinking, and keep trying. After some time I got ml64.exe and the linker working, started writing my first program.

Now I have several questions for you:

1. I don't need to define STACK segment in the future, with MASM9.0, right?

2. Do I need to initialize DS and CS explicitly in my program? If I do, how should I do it?

3. Is there an example with full features of 64bit assembly programming you can post? That will help me and any other newbies so much.




for 64 bit assembly use JWASM. Here is the link:
Unzip it and there you'll find many examples for 16/32/64 bits. Also here is subforum for 64 bit programming. There is not many books for x64 assembly and web tuts. But it may be helpful:

Welcome to the forum :t


Why do you want to start learning MASM from 64 bit version?
MASM32 already has documentation and tons of examples.
Anyway here's an Introduction to x64 Assembly which contains Hello world application source code.
A short quotation from Conclusion:
This has been a necessarily brief introduction to x64 assembly programming. The next step is to browse the IntelĀ® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals. Volume 1 contains the architecture details and is a good start if you know assembly. Other places are assembly books or online assembly tutorials. To get an understanding of how your code executes, it is instructive to step through code in debugger, looking at the disassembly, until you can read assembly code as well as your favorite language. For C/C++ compilers, debug builds are much easier to read than release builds so be sure to start there. Finally, read the forums at for a lot of material.

Good luck!


Hi shabi101,

first things first: Welcome to thze forum.

As a replenishment to Vertograd and Vogelsangs posts, we've a special 64 bit subforum. It contains examples for Windows, Linux and BSD. Good luck.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.