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I cant SUBtract GoASM

Started by asmNOOB, July 30, 2014, 12:22:12 PM

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Hi, first english is not my mother toungue so, i will try to explain my problem the more clearly i can XD. I just have start learning GoASM , so i try to do a program that add and subtrcat two number this is my code:
inicio DD 0
var1 DD 5   ;modificar
var2 DD 4   ;modificar
resultado DD 1
suma DD 43
resta DD 45
igual DD 61
show DD 1


Push - 11
Invoke GetStdHandle
Push 0, Addr inicio
Push 2, Addr show
Mov Bx, [var1]
Add Bx, 30H
Mov [show], Bx
Push Eax
Call WriteFile

Push - 11
Invoke GetStdHandle
Push 0, Addr inicio
Push 2, Addr resta
Push Eax
Call WriteFile

Push - 11
Invoke GetStdHandle
Push 0, Addr inicio
Push 2, Addr show
Mov Bx, [var2]
Add Bx, 30H
Mov [show], Bx
Push Eax
Call WriteFile

Push - 11
Invoke GetStdHandle
Push 0, Addr inicio
Push 2, Addr igual
Push Eax
Call WriteFile

Push - 11
Invoke GetStdHandle
Push 0, Addr inicio
Push 1D, Addr resultado
Mov Bx, [var2]
Mov Cx, [var1]
Sub Cx, Bx
Add Bx, 30H
Mov [resultado], Bx
Push Eax
Call WriteFile


I just can add two number, but i cant do it to subtract.



    Sub Cx, Bx
    Add Bx, 30H
    Mov [resultado], Bx

The result is in CX, not BX.


Hi asmNOOB,

Yuri is right. You should write:

Quote from: Yuri on July 30, 2014, 01:37:53 PM

    Sub Cx, Bx
    Add CX, 30H
    Mov [resultado], CX

And welcome to the forum.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.