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Windows update for a 32-bit puter

Started by shankle, September 12, 2015, 03:08:15 AM

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Running windows 7 pro 32-bit.
Did a clean install a few weeks ago.
Windows update just hangs at checking for updates.
No message is given.
Tried several things: Mr. Fixit, sfc, changed windows update from a manual state to
check for updates but let me decide if I want to install them.
This is a 7 year old computer and I have been doing updates on it since I bought
it with no trouble.
Thank you so much Microsoft......


That's not so bad. Try updating Windows XP.  8)

On the other hand, Win7 isn't all that old. But they seem from all the negative things I have
seen and heard, to be making a big push toward Win10.

I tell ya MS is becoming a very bad virus.

personally, I never used their 'updates' on purpose. My motto is 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

And if it is broke, give the customer double their money back.  :biggrin:


google is your friend on this one

it's very likely that one of the updates hangs while installing
sometimes, it happens only when auto-updating - works ok if you download and "manual" update

whatever the case, others have probably had the same issue
so, google around to see what the cures are

when i read these suggested fixes, i take them with the grain of salt

if one guy says, "here's the fix" - i am not convinced
but, if several guys say, "that works, thanks" - i am more inclined to give it a try

there are ways to remove specific updates from the queue
again - you'll have to google that, as i have limited experience with windows 7


Windows Update has become a complete MESS.
I changed from manual updates to "download the updates but let me decide which ones I want".
Reason, I could get no updates for a 32-bit computer. ..
When I sign out I get, Do you want to install the updates.
This tells you nothing about what they are doing to your computer.
If you go to windows update and click on view updates. There is no way to refuse an update.
This is the big guy telling me how to run MY computer!
This is Windows 10 crap!!!!
I guess I could just run Windows 7 without doing any more updates.
Having a good virus checker, malwarebytes and sandboxie might just do it for me...


Hi shankle,

Today, I had the same problem at work. Trying to install the IE10 prerequisites, some important hotfixes failed. I created a .wim image after booting from the Windows Preinstallation Environment and patched the offline image :

Again booting from the Windows Preinstallation Environment, I formatted the system partition and restored the patched image. I was able to install Internet Explorer 10.

Operating system = Windows 7 Pro Sp1


Thank you for replying Vortex.
I'm still not able to get any response from Windows Update
for the 32-bit computer.
I have no idea what you are talking about in your reply so
I can not do anything with it.


WinPE (Preinstallation Environment) creates a CD to boot from
it's kind of like having a mini-windows boot disk
they are used for different things - one might be to make a backup image of a drive, for example
when booted in WinPE, you have unfettered access to the files on your boot drive,
that might otherwise be write protected, etc
WinPE disks are also useful when installing a new OS, creating custom install disks, etc

WinPE is available from microsoft for free
although, you'll have to do some reading to understand how to use it