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Help on setting up EC2.0 to work with FASM

Started by bugthis, October 12, 2015, 06:45:44 AM

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Several weeks ago I got to know EC1 and started using it along with GoASM and followed (still following) Bill Aitken's excellent tutorial.

Now version 2 is out, so I wanted to try it out along with FASM. As far as I understood, in order to use FASM and to create VISUAL win32 projects, it is needed three things: MASM32 SDK, FASM & EC2.0

Unfortunately, I stepped into some issues when trying to build a visual project from the examples folder .

First, I installed MASM32 SDK, then FASM and finally EC2.0 on a winXP machine, so I ended up with these directories:


then I ran settings.exe as administrator and finally check the paths in the settings, actually I didn't need to do anything there because all the paths were valid and pointing to the correct executables and lib folders.

Then I picked the ECCLock example (x86 Fasm version), I compiled it with no errors, but then I tried to build it and these errors came out:

Compiling resources...
Proyecto1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__Module32First@8
Proyecto1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__Module32Next@8
Proyecto1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__Process32First@8
Proyecto1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__Process32Next@8
Proyecto1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals

So next thing I did was to pick the same example but MASM version this time and it was compiled AND built with no errors.

Lastly I created an new FASM visual project, didn't add/modify anything and compiled as it was (just like in Bill Aitken's tutorial first chapter). It was compiled but at build time it showed me the same errors I got with ECCLock fasm version.

I repeated the same process on a win7 machine with same results.
One more time, I repeated the process on a flash drive and got same results

Am I missing something here?, maybe I forgot to setup something else at installation time or config perhaps???

Thanks in advance for your help.



Hi bugthis,

It seems that you are not including "kernel32.lib". Make sure you are including all needed ".inc" and ".ib" files from masm32 (see the attached image).

EC coder


Back again  :biggrin:,

Hi Ramon.

First of all, I want to thank you for helping me and replying to my post.

Well, I just checked, and indeed the libs and incs are listed there in the project explorer. I attached a screenshot.

For now, I'm just running EC2, then select "New Project" > Visual Executable File.

Then (with no modifications whatsoever), I compile it, no errors, then I build it and that's where the errors are thrown.



Well, if you have the "FASM", "masm32" and "EasyCode" folders in drive C:, then your paths are OK.

Since that error does not happen to me, please give some time to see whether I can find some bug.


EC coder


No problem. That's OK Ramon.

It's great to see all the effort you put into EasyCode. Great software.


Hasta pronto.


Thanks for your kind words about the IDE.  :t

Well I finally found out what is happening. The problem is that you do not have the kernel files updated. Please replace the,, kernel32.lib and kernel32p.lib with the ones attached to this post.

Hasta pronto.


EC coder



That did it!

I'm amazed how fast you tracked the source of the problem. I wasn't supposed to log in into the forums the rest of the day, but curiosity led me to visit the forums one more time, and voila! to my surprise I find that you had already solved the issue.

Thanks man. I really appreciate your helping me out.

You rock!!!


EC coder