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Forced switch to 64bitWin7

Started by RsiR, July 29, 2012, 02:01:56 AM

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I was not active in this forum for a while.
Hutch even wiped my account.
I made a few programs (with help from this forum) that I still use daily.
I am proud that even colleagues across the country use them.
Now .. The IT-department at my hospital told me that
they plan to switch to 64bitWin7
and that my applications failed in their test.
And what I intend to do about it ...

I have no copy of Win7 (yet)
The hard disk with Masm32, RadAsm, etc crashed a year ago.
I still have a print on paper with the source code

Start from scratch? Or is there a smarter way?


I have my current and older sources on 1. my home pc, 2. my office pc, 3. on various USB sticks.
OK, that was the educative part, now to your problem :icon_mrgreen:

Check why your proggies don't run. They should because Win32 code has in principle no problems on Win64. And make a high-resolution scan, perhaps you can save your code with OCR. Good luck :t


it may be that you wrote the programs as 16-bit DOS applications
in which case, they will not run on 64-bit systems
write win32 apps, instead


I'm still just learning this stuff but I'm on windows 7/64bit and, as Dave said, all the 32 bit stuff compiles and runs fine on my machine. It's likely fairly trivial to fix whatever is causing your apps to break.


Hi RsiR,

Welcome to the forum.

Did you try to rescue your files from the corrupted hard disc? A Linux distribution like Ubuntu could help you. ( Modest GUI knowledge is enough for this task. )



unless it can be recovered from the old hard disk, you will have to retype the whole lot to get it into source code. RE: Your account, everyone had to re-register as this is a new forum in another country.