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mov r64,imm64

Started by mineiro, August 01, 2016, 10:26:06 PM

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How can I write this?
mov rax,0123456789abcdefh

I'm receiving "Error A2235: Constant value too large: 123456789ABCDEFh"

Using other assembler I'm getting this:
   0:   48 b8 ef cd ab 89 67    movabs rax,0x123456789abcdef
   7:   45 23 01

I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything


  mov rax,123456789ABCDEFh
00007FF6729210F1 48 B8 EF CD AB 89 67 45 23 01 mov         rax,123456789ABCDEFh
This is what I get with HJWasm


Thanks for answering sir habran
well, I'm getting this result using HJWasm. Maybe my version is older or because is that I'm trying to generate elf file, follows the code.

;hjwasm -elf64 -Fo=test.o test.hjwasm
public _start
mov rax,0123456789abcdefh

HJWasm v2.14, Jun  9 2016, Masm-compatible assembler.
test.hjwasm(6) : Error A2235: Constant value too large: 123456789ABCDEFh
test.hjwasm: 7 lines, 1 passes, 329 ms, 0 warnings, 1 errors
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything