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How and Where to end this Finite State Machine Program?

Started by xcbart, May 08, 2019, 01:24:16 AM

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I've been asked to write this program from a given diagram. I did it except I have no clue where to stop it from running. Any idea?
Thank you

    A DWord ?
    B dword ?
    prompta  byte "what is your digit a?",0
    promptb  byte "what is your digit b?",0
    message0 byte "you are in s0 with output ",0
    message1 byte "you are in s1 with output ",0
    message2 byte "you are in s2 with output ",0
    message3 byte "you are in s3 with output ",0

main PROC

     call s0
       call waitmsg

     readdigits proc
     mov edx, offset prompta
     call writestring
     call readint   ; dword into eax
     mov a,eax
     mov edx, offset promptb
     call writestring
     call readint
     mov b,eax
readdigits endp

s0 proc
   mov edx,offset message0
   call writestring
   mov eax,0
   call writedec
   call crlf
   call readdigits
     call s0
     call s1
   call s2
s0 endp
s1 proc
   mov edx,offset message1
   call writestring
   mov eax,0
   call writedec
   call crlf
   call readdigits
     call s2
     call s3
   call s1
s1 endp
s2 proc
   mov edx,offset message2
   call writestring
   mov eax,1
   call writedec
   call crlf
   call readdigits
     call s0
     call s1
   call s2
s2 endp

s3 proc
   mov edx,offset message3
   call writestring
   mov eax,1
   call writedec
   call crlf
   call readdigits
     call s2
     call s3
   call s1
s3 endp

end main


Your end states are your exit states. If you don't have any end states, you don't have a terminating FSM.

You will need to decide how to tell your program that you're done with inputting values.


That's what I'm asking. How I am supposed to know where the program ends by just looking at the diagram? I don't think it's my decision where to end it.


Quote from: xcbart on May 08, 2019, 01:24:16 AM
I've been asked to write this program from a given diagram. I did it except I have no clue where to stop it from running. Any idea?
Thank you

Where is the diagram and where are the original questions posted by the instructor? It is better to start from there given that students many times have a biased view of the problems.


Quote from: AW on May 09, 2019, 12:11:49 AM
Quote from: xcbart on May 08, 2019, 01:24:16 AM
I've been asked to write this program from a given diagram. I did it except I have no clue where to stop it from running. Any idea?
Thank you

Where is the diagram and where are the original questions posted by the instructor? It is better to start from there given that students many times have a biased view of the problems.

You can see the diagram here


Quote from: xcbart on May 09, 2019, 06:45:05 AM
Quote from: AW on May 09, 2019, 12:11:49 AM
Quote from: xcbart on May 08, 2019, 01:24:16 AM
I've been asked to write this program from a given diagram. I did it except I have no clue where to stop it from running. Any idea?
Thank you

Where is the diagram and where are the original questions posted by the instructor? It is better to start from there given that students many times have a biased view of the problems.

You can see the diagram here

I understand now.
There is no provision for stopping the program. So you are expected to keep it running until you kill the process. "Finite" does not imply that it will finish sometime. The software that controls Traffic Lights is not expected to finish execution, only when externally decided.
However, only seeing the questions of the instructor I can access how far you are from what is required.


Quote from: AW on May 09, 2019, 07:19:02 AM
Quote from: xcbart on May 09, 2019, 06:45:05 AM
Quote from: AW on May 09, 2019, 12:11:49 AM
Quote from: xcbart on May 08, 2019, 01:24:16 AM
I've been asked to write this program from a given diagram. I did it except I have no clue where to stop it from running. Any idea?
Thank you

Where is the diagram and where are the original questions posted by the instructor? It is better to start from there given that students many times have a biased view of the problems.

You can see the diagram here

I understand now.
There is no provision for stopping the program. So you are expected to keep it running until you kill the process. "Finite" does not imply that it will finish sometime. The software that controls Traffic Lights is not expected to finish execution, only when externally decided.
However, only seeing the questions of the instructor I can access how far you are from what is required.

This is the only instruction I'm given here, and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do it with. I asked my instructor, and he told me that I have to figure it out myself. He also told me that the program has to stop somewhere.


1- Go to this website

2- In the Input Automation tab enter this DFA (which corresponds to your picture):
I replaced 00,01,10 and 11 with a,b,c,d


3- Push Create Automation. It will create the same Transition Graph you have.

4- In the Simulate Automation enter this string:
dabdbda, which correspond to the input table you have

5- Push the buttons to see the transitions.
According to your instructor table, the cycle, or whatever, ends at stage 2, so stop it there (but only when transiting from Stage 3).
It appears that you are not requested to provide a program for all possible transitions, just for those on the list. But it is dubious. You have to decide.

Anyway, I am not going to check your ASM code, sorry for that.