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What will software engineering be like in 2022?

Started by jj2007, July 18, 2019, 10:52:14 AM

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Quote"Hello world" will take twenty minutes to run because the underlying virtual machine, interpreter and OS is so slow. To speed this up, Amazon will offer "hello world" as a service.
Only eleven people will be left in the world who know how to program in assembly language. Microsoft will put out a press release announcing that all the assembly code that could possibly exist, already exists.


 :rofl:  :joking:  :greenclp:  :thumbsup: Nice! I like this one too:
QuoteAnother bug in OpenSSL is exploited to rebroadcast nude selfies on US bank sites. Bank site visits will go up 137% and the bug will be reclassified as a feature.



I wonder if Apple will still be around if they are not part of Huawei as a minor subsiduary to make the next step of computers that "Do what I think" for the average IQ of an Apple user ?


i think some thing like this
History lesson
  in the 1960's and 1970's Iann Barron and chums produced the first true parallel processing environment
The still revolutionary Transputer and Occam

  in the late 1970's and 1980's Transmeta produced
The Code morphing compiler [and recently reincarnated in Russia ??]

  in recent times ‎Andreas Olofsson tried to reinvent the transputer and produced
The Epiphany co processor and associates the accompanying Parrallela language  [sadly its next incarnation .. the one they should have gone for seems to have stalled .. being a cycnic im not surprised by that ]

What will Happen ....
The latter idea is sort of where it will go in my opinion ....
My prediction is that the FGPA system will enable individuals to make specialised cluster "chips" .. eventually this will gather enough momentum that these groups will be able to form some thing like a computer-by-process and that enough of these processes"at a reasonable price" [its prohibitive at the moment] will be the basis of the next generation computer in the same way that Linux formed
an operating system first from a kernel and then the mish-mash of contributions by lots of enthusiasts mostly from the scientific and academic communities [due to their requirements as ordinary people only want 'to do a bit of keeping in touch with each other' and maybe a few basic accounts so they just need posh phones ] ...
The problem with computing has always been the Hardware software interface and this is partly relieved with FGPA [see below ]

unfortunately you will have noticed that ....

politics and funding killed off the Transputer

IBM bought Red Hat Linux [the only decent Linux !!!] for 36 billion recently i think this will cast a long shadow over Linux

you will notice that Transmeta's offering was balatantly plaguarised by Intel and AMD in order to kill it off [and i would too if i was in their position]

that the incarnation of Epiphany [1024 cores 64 bit with a Zylinx chip attached ] isnt happening as far as i can see

Nvidia own many of the Linux based GUI API's

so you can fully expect that developments likely to cause issues with what is prodominantly American Big Business may well be bought out or swallowed up .. in fact if you come up with something innovative then dont expect to get much out of it [fact !!] and probably dont expect it to see much daylight as large companies are a bit like "collectors" so it might sit in a vault for a long time 

you will also be aware

much of the parallelisation and  optimisation of code in the x86 machine is in hardware not software as with the Transmeta offering
[ see various articles on the Itanium for a pleasant contrast in idealogy The Transmeta offering wasnt brilliant either but it was a bloody good first attempt considering the difficulties involved and how far evolved the competion was]
incidentally some of this has moved into ML64 {along with what i reckon is a lot of paranoia} which you will notice makes it rather bulky compared to its 32 bit parent

regards   mike b


Developers, rejoice: Now AI can write code for you - Neural Sketch Learning for Conditional Program Generation -

The system—called BAYOU —was developed by Rice University computer scientists, with funding from the US Department of Defense's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Google.

While the technology is in its infancy, it represents a major breakthrough in using artificial intelligence (AI) for programming software, and can potentially make coding much less time intensive for human developers. BAYOU essentially acts as a search engine for coding, allowing developers to enter a few keywords and see code in Java that will help with their task.

BAYOU trained itself by studying millions of lines of human-written Java code from GitHub, and draws on that to write its own code, according to the release. It is based on a method called neural sketch learning, which trains an artificial neural network to recognize high-level patterns in hundreds of thousands of Java programs.

The system can generate API idioms, or snippets of code that use APIs, in Java, according to its website.


 :biggrin: just think about the code and it will be written  :thumbsup:

Watch Elon Musk's Neuralink presentation



> just think about the code and it will be written

Ah, there is hope for the Apple user yet, a computer that one day will "Do what I think".  :tongue:
