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Started by Biterider, November 11, 2021, 03:18:09 AM

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I have a bit of troubles with the translation of this C structure

typedef struct tagEXCEPINFO {
    WORD  wCode;
    WORD  wReserved;
    BSTR  bstrSource;
    BSTR  bstrDescription;
    BSTR  bstrHelpFile;
    DWORD dwHelpContext;
    PVOID pvReserved;
    HRESULT (__stdcall *pfnDeferredFillIn)(struct tagEXCEPINFO *);
    SCODE scode;

In particular, the red marked member is identical to a function prototype.
Does anyone know how to distinguish whether it is a structure member or a function proto in this case?

The goal is for a translator, in this case h2incX, to have an indication of how to proceed.



Hi Biterider,

in this case you can use the "*" as an indicator that it is a function pointer.

HRESULT (__stdcall *pfnDeferredFillIn)(struct tagEXCEPINFO *);

h2incX gives me this translation:

EXCEPINFO   struct
   wCode         WORD   ?
   wReserved         WORD   ?
   bstrSource      BSTR   ?
   bstrDescription   BSTR   ?
   bstrHelpFile      BSTR   ?
   dwHelpContext      DWORD   ?
   pvReserved      PVOID   ?
protoEXCEPINFO_pfnDeferredFillIn typedef proto WINSTDCALLCONV :ptr tagEXCEPINFO
pEXCEPINFO_pfnDeferredFillIn typedef ptr protoEXCEPINFO_pfnDeferredFillIn
   pfnDeferredFillIn   pEXCEPINFO_pfnDeferredFillIn   ?
   scode   SCODE   ?

You can take a look at the source code of h2incX ... CIncFile.asm, line 1934

;--- determine if it is a "function" or "function ptr" declaration

IsFunctionPtr proc

local   dwCntBrace:dword
local   bRC:dword
local   sis:INPSTAT

      invoke SaveInputStatus, addr sis
      inc m_bSkipPP
      mov dwCntBrace, 1
      mov bRC, FALSE
      .while (dwCntBrace)
         invoke GetNextToken
         .break .if (!eax)
         lea ecx, sis
         invoke IsIfLevelActive
         .continue .if (CARRY?)          
         .if (word ptr [eax] == '(')
            inc dwCntBrace
         .elseif (word ptr [eax] == ')')
            dec dwCntBrace
      .if (eax)
         invoke GetNextToken
         .if (eax && (byte ptr [eax] == '('))
            mov bRC,TRUE
         dprintf <"%s, %u: unexpected eof",lf>, m_pszFileName, m_dwLine
      dec m_bSkipPP
      invoke RestoreInputStatus, addr sis
      mov eax, bRC

IsFunctionPtr endp

Kind regards
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Thanks Greenhorn
I think it is clear, that it is a function pointer declaration, but why it is also a structure member?
Or is a function declaration automatically a structure member if it is declared inside a structure?



I would say yes, as long as it is a function pointer.
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I think that can be a callback function. I have see this in object oriented programming like gtk+ as an example.
In gtk, some functions depends of other callback functions, I think thats because hierarchy.

An example is:
g_slist_insert_sorted proto  list:ptr GSList, data:gpointer, function:GCompareFunc

Now looking to prototype GCompareFunc:
LIBRARY: glib CALLBACK: gint GCompareFunc (gpointer a, gpointer b)

So, when I call g_slist_insert_sorted, I need give other function as a pointer to compare data and return result.
Will be something like:
invoke g_slist_insert_sorted, addr my_list, add my_data, addr my_compare

my_compare proc first:ptr,second:ptr
my_compare endp

It's not necessary to be my_compare function, generally exists more than one function in same library that do the job, so, user can choose whats better to deal with specific data.
From what I have seen these type of functions deals with data transform/sort. So, from this example, a list can store pointers/numbers/strings. The'res no universal function to deal with these data types, so user must choose what data type list will store.
I'd rather be this ambulant metamorphosis than to have that old opinion about everything


Hi Biterider!

HRESULT (__ stdcall .....  Is a COM Method, and structure is an Interface (Raymond Chen 09/09/2020)

Regards, HSE.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Very good link.  :thumbsup:
It will surely help with the next thing I had to revise, the COM declarations!
