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NMHDR in 64-bit

Started by sinsi, August 03, 2024, 07:24:50 PM

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Working on a ListView header click routine that wasn't being triggered, tracked it down to the NMHDR structure.

I was using NMHDR structure (richedit.h), the first hit on Google
typedef struct _nmhdr {
  HWND hwndFrom;
  UINT idFrom;
  UINT code;

After a couple of hours searching, I was steered to the correct structure definition at NMHDR structure (winuser.h)
typedef struct tagNMHDR {
  HWND     hwndFrom;
  UINT_PTR idFrom;
  UINT     code;
Thanks, Microsoft :rolleyes:

MASM32 uses the old definition (UINT) but MASM64 uses the new one (UINT_PTR).
Too bad I don't use the MASM64 SDK  :tongue: