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Blue screen - stop dumping physical memory

Started by Magnum, February 14, 2013, 11:34:46 AM

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I search for answers but all I found was check your memory, was a new driver installed.

I got 0x 6 zeros 7F, six zeros8, 0xBA338D70, there was a few more but forgot to write them down.

Nothing in the event viewer. (no surprise there.)

I did not delete any dlls or system files. :-)

Take care,



Stop error 0x0000007f = UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP
Parameter 0x00000008 = Double Fault, indicates that an exception occurs during a call to the handler for a prior exception.

Download memtest and check your RAM, that's usually the problem with that stop error.


I ran it and my ram is o.k.

I ran chkdsk /f on c and d drives.

It found a bunch of errors.

A disk check has been scheduled.
Windows will now check the disk.                         
Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
Cleaning up 2483 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 2483 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
Cleaning up 2483 unused security descriptors.
CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
Usn Journal verification completed.
Take care,
