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One more RichEdit bug, pardon: "feature"

Started by jj2007, May 21, 2013, 02:21:55 AM

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MSDN on the GETTEXTLENGTHEX structure:

Computes a precise answer. This approach could necessitate a conversion and thereby take longer.

Computes an approximate (close) answer. It is obtained quickly and can be used to set the buffer size.

Returns the number of characters.

Returns the number of bytes.

Totally clear? So how many bytes are there in

1901020 bytes for GTL_CLOSE or GTL_NUMBYTES
950510 bytes for GTL_CLOSE or GTL_NUMCHARS
950510 bytes for GTL_PRECISE or GTL_NUMBYTES

::) ::) ::) ::)

Source attached, extract with "use folder names" to \Masm32\examples\exampl06\riched\richeditBug.asm, then use console build. Line 314ff:

      mov tlex.codepage, CP_ACP
      mov tlex.flags, GTL_CLOSE or GTL_NUMBYTES
      invoke SendMessage, hRichEd, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, addr tlex, 0
      print str$(eax), " bytes for GTL_CLOSE or GTL_NUMBYTES", 13, 10

      mov tlex.codepage, CP_ACP
      mov tlex.flags, GTL_CLOSE or GTL_NUMCHARS
      invoke SendMessage, hRichEd, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, addr tlex, 0
      print str$(eax), " bytes for GTL_CLOSE or GTL_NUMCHARS", 13, 10

      mov tlex.codepage, CP_ACP
      mov tlex.flags, GTL_PRECISE or GTL_NUMBYTES
      invoke SendMessage, hRichEd, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, addr tlex, 0
      print str$(eax), " bytes for GTL_PRECISE or GTL_NUMBYTES", 13, 10



It seems they forget to mention something "small irrelevant detail". From combination you found, Jochen, it looks like GTL_PRECISE is automatically imply GTL_NUMCHARS flag. Probably that can be explained just like "Precise - is a precise number of chars in a control, because it contains an Unicode characters, which are longer that a single-byte characters, that's why it requires conversion and takes longer" - but the first part of the message was omitted somewhere, and the only tail is revealed ::)
Well, at least you researched this detail (just like we told somewhere about "small details missed in docs" here) yourself :t


If I have it right after years of using richedit 1, 2 & 3, there are different versions of richedit depending on the styles and options selected and each has bugs of its own. In QE I wanted the multi-level undo-redo and this produced some very irksome bugs, especially on line number reporting. I had to write a very unusual work around to get it to work reliably and it was purely a bug in the rich edit design that followed from the selected styles.

The original richedit was a lot less buggy but had a lot less capacity where the later 2 & 3 could do a lot more but with an "interesting" set of built in bugs.


explain from msdn:
This message is a fast and easy way to determine the number of characters in the Unicode version of the rich edit control. However, for a non-Unicode target code page you will potentially be converting to a combination of single-byte and double-byte characters
There is a conversion to do but which ?.

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on May 31, 2013, 12:15:12 AM

explain from msdn:
This message is a fast and easy way to determine the number of characters in the Unicode version of the rich edit control. However, for a non-Unicode target code page you will potentially be converting to a combination of single-byte and double-byte characters
There is a conversion to do but which ?.

WideCharToMultiByte or similar.


After a little search it seems that things are more clear,here the result.

The EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX message prepare the call of the EM_GETTEXTEX message.The EM_GETTEXTEX message fill a buffer with the content of the richedit in any format.He need to know the size of the buffer to allocate,it is the EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX  message who give it the size.
There is the UNICODE format and various other format depending of the code page.
Here a sample:
954 Ko (977 412 octets) txt       size of file on disk
bytes for GTL_CLOSE or GTL_NUMBYTES  :1901030    ;size buffer for UNICODE
bytes for GTL_NUMBYTES                 :950562               ;size ANSI buffer
bytes for GTL_PRECISE or GTL_NUMBYTES :950610
It seems that the GTL_CLOSE  had a bad explain on his use.IT give the size for the UNICODE format.
In any case the given size is to used by the EM_GETTEXTEX message,and no other use

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on May 31, 2013, 03:17:28 PM
977 412 octets size of file on disk
GTL_NUMBYTES  :950562               ;size ANSI buffer

crlf flag??


crlf flag??
Just an experiment to see the changes of the buffer size.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL