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How to get cursor hotspot using masm

Started by vishwadt, March 15, 2014, 05:33:56 PM

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I search the internet but i can't find answer. please help me


"msdn cursor" in a motor search.
give GetCursorPos ....

A search for "cursor" in this forum is also a good way.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


thank you for your help.
but i need to get hotspot of cursor icon. not a cursor location


You may need the file format for a cursor to get that info. A cursor editor can load that info when you edit a cursor so it must be contained in the file.


not tested

CharacterizeCursor PROC hInst:HINSTANCE,lpCursorName:LPCTSTR

;Load Cursor and return handle and hotspot.
;May only be used for cursors that are standard size for the system (normally 32x32).

;Call With:    hInstance = module handle (NULL for system cursors)
;           lpCursorName = pointer to cursor name, or a system cursor constant
;           To load a cursor from resource: hInst = module handle of current process
;                                           lpCursorName = resource ordinal
;  Returns: EAX = cursor handle (0 if error)
;           ECX = hotspot X (-1 if error)
;           EDX = hotspot Y (-1 if error)
;Also Uses: All other registers are preserved


;standard system cursor constants
;IDC_APPSTARTING  Standard arrow and small hourglass
;IDC_ARROW        Standard arrow
;IDC_CROSS        Crosshair
;IDC_HAND         Hand
;IDC_HELP         Arrow and question mark
;IDC_IBEAM        I-beam
;IDC_ICON         Obsolete for applications marked version 4.0 or later.
;IDC_NO           Slashed circle
;IDC_SIZE         Obsolete for applications marked version 4.0 or later. Use IDC_SIZEALL.
;IDC_SIZEALL      Four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, and west
;IDC_SIZENESW     Double-pointed arrow pointing northeast and southwest
;IDC_SIZENS       Double-pointed arrow pointing north and south
;IDC_SIZENWSE     Double-pointed arrow pointing northwest and southeast
;IDC_SIZEWE       Double-pointed arrow pointing west and east
;IDC_UPARROW      Vertical arrow
;IDC_WAIT         Hourglass

;  fIcon    dd      ?
;  xHotspot dd      ?
;  yHotspot dd      ?
;  hbmMask  HBITMAP ?
;  hbmColor HBITMAP ?


    LOCAL   _iis    :ICONINFO


    INVOKE  LoadCursor,hInst,lpCursorName
    .if eax
        push    eax
        INVOKE  GetIconInfo,eax,addr _iis
        .if eax
            mov     eax,_iis.hbmMask
            .if eax
                INVOKE  DeleteObject,eax
            mov     eax,_iis.hbmColor
            .if eax
                INVOKE  DeleteObject,eax
            mov     ecx,_iis.xHotspot
            mov     edx,_iis.yHotspot
            or      ecx,-1
            mov     edx,ecx
        pop     eax
        or      ecx,-1
        mov     edx,ecx

CharacterizeCursor ENDP


Thank you very much @dedndave your code very helpful. I correct my codes. :t
and @hutch Thank you for correct the path