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Android for x86

Started by Gunther, August 28, 2015, 08:22:46 AM

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Our member Clive [Toolsmith and Assembler coder (x86,ARM,MIPS,68K)] was very active inside the old forum, but he's not very active in the new forum. What's the reason? I had a conversation with him via PM and he moved most of his forum participation to ARM and Cortex-M3/M4 related sites. That's too bad, because he is an excellent coder with great knowledge. But he can be reached on Google+ and LinkedIn, if someone is interested.

That was the prehistory. Perhaps we should also look at the operating systems for tablets and smart phones, to avoid losing the technical connection. So, I have therefore set up Android for x86 as a virtual machine under Virtual Box. It works fine, since it is based on the Linux kernel. Even my correspondence chess application called Chess Time works perfectly. For interested members is here the link to set up the VM successful. 

The next step is the installation of the SDK and writing some small apps. It should be possible to do that partially in x86 assembly language. We'll see.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


On the other side, it would probably cool if jwasm also support ARM as well.
Similar like FASM and FASMARM


Quote from: anta40 on September 01, 2015, 09:00:52 PM
On the other side, it would probably cool if jwasm also support ARM as well.
Similar like FASM and FASMARM

I'm the wrong addressee for that. It may be that Habran it realizes one day. But probably not in the near future.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.