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FPU Error

Started by Bigboss591, May 02, 2016, 08:08:37 AM

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I was currently programming using masm 32 and was confused why i recieved an error for creating this proc

storeValues PROC ,
outputText:PTR BYTE, listPointer:PTR BYTE
; Prompts user for an integer. Saves the integer in the array
; Returns: EAX -- stores count 

mov edx,outputText
   call WriteString
   call ReadFloat

      fild 100
      fcomp compareVal

      jg endLoop

      fld 100.00

      fcomp compareVal

      jl endLoop
   fstp REAL8 PTR [esi]

      add esi, TYPE REAL8

storeValues ENDP

END main

I wanted to know if there was any way to fix this so it would in this proc


- post complete examples, from include .... to end start
- post the error message, and show us the line where it is happening
- attached the help for FPU opcodes
- use Masm32 (\Masm32\help\masmlib.chm) or MasmBasic - the irv32 lib is kind of obsolete
- study \Masm32\Examples