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[solved] datetime.dll missing ??

Started by kromagmomag, June 08, 2016, 06:06:33 AM

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I went into:  C:\masm32\datetime\demo

to try the "WorldTimes.exe" demo and it said it could not run cause I am missing "datetime.dll"

Anyone know what happened,  I just installed the version, with no issues, designed for Windows 10!



I received the same error message. Could you try to run the batch file makeit.bat in the same folder? This will rebuild the project and eliminate the DLL dependency problem.


The one located here:  "C:\masm32\datetime"

Cause the Executable was in a subdirectory:  "C:\masm32\datetime\demo\WorldTimes.exe"



The original exe will not run on Win7-64 or Windows 10. Rebuild it, and it's fine - see attachment for both versions.


Thanks guys... I got it to work...  I have a hard time focusing right now cause I'm on serious meds for Cancer treatment...

makes it hard to focus at times like how I didn't see that makeit.bat in the WorldTimes.exe directory..

I got it running now though thank you both.

