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Where to find/open the "debug dialog"

Started by japheth, August 19, 2012, 09:56:38 PM

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I've downloaded RosAsm ( files and ) and unzipped them in directory C:\Rosasm.
I'm able to start Rosasm and open+compile the tutorial RosAsmFiles\IVT001Asm_Lesson_01_Syntax.EXE.

When I click "Run", the program apparently is launched and stops behind an Int 3 at a NOP. Pressing F8 moves the cursor one line forward to the second NOP. That looks ok. What I'missing, however, is the "debug dialog" mentioned in B_U_Asm\RosAsm_Manual\Debugger. I'd like to open this dialog to see the contents of the "General Purpose Registers". How is this achieved?


HI Japeth

nice to see you.

The debug dialog is not showing ?

You seem to loaded the example correctly. (I assume you pressed F6 "compile+run") to be able to step the debugger.
The debug dialog is the one on the right corner of the screen as:

Did you configured RosAsm as below:

If not, i´m posting to you my config file. Just unzip it on your main RosAsm file. (Btw: make sure the path of equates.equ, structures.str are the ones inside the directory you are using). Mine are in: "F:\RosAsm\RosAsm\RosAsmFiles\"

If it is still not working tell me which OS you are using. (I didn´t tested RosAsm on versions bigger then XP yet)
"" you put on the main rosasm directory

Also, if you need i uploaded mine version of debug config (This one you must put in the same directory as the equates- "RosAsmFiles")
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Thanks for your reply, Guga!

> I assume you pressed F6 "compile+run"


> Did you configured RosAsm as below:

Instead of 3 times F: there is 3 times C:, but the rest seems identical.

> If not, i´m posting to you my config file.

This didn't help. In fact, it made things worse. With your config.bin, I cannot even open a project then: if I select File\open, the configuration dialog opens and, after clicking ok, Rosasm terminates.

> If it is still not working tell me which OS you are using.

It's Windows XP SP3.

Btw, I found an old copy of Rosasm on my computer, version 2049, and with this version I can see the debug dialog.

Perhaps you did change something there, perhaps the dialog does use an unusual font or control?

I copied the Rosasm2053b.exe binary to the "old" Rosasm directory and it also "works" now, that is, I can see the debug dialog. So my assumption that it may be some weird font or control that causes the problem is wrong. Perhaps it's a problem if the debug dialog windows is located "beyond" the screen limits? I tried to "move" the (may be invisible) dialog with the keyboard, but regrettably the keyboard interface to access the system menu via ALT-SPACE seems to be deactivated.

Anyway, I can happily live with the "old" directory and config file.


Hi japeth

I´m glad you suceeded. Indeed, it seems to be some errors on the registry/config data. Once you loaded the older rosasm, the config was correctly configured back. Now, all you have to do is place the updates (RosAsm 2.053xxx etc) on the main rosasm directory.

I plan to review the way RosAsm handle the configuration in order to completely remove putting things on the registry. So on this way, all it will use is the config.cfg file (in binary or perhaps i make a txt version insetad)

Also, on the current updates i´m trying to adapt JE!´s work to make the next versions compatible with the older ones. It will take sometime because JE! make several changes while i was out. But i´m finishing it. the next versions will be updated accord.

I only hope i can succeed to make the several features completely independent of the GUI without loosing performance.

Btw...if someone knows a way to make plugins let me know. (I´ll try to make the plugin creation as simple as possible, but effective like in the plugin engine inside Olly or IdaPro)
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80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
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