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visual studio 2015 express and masm64

Started by markallyn, October 11, 2017, 10:01:15 AM

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Hello everyone,

I finally managed to get VS2015 Express edition up and running properly.  I was wondering if it was possible to assemble masm64 bit code (Win 7) using the IDE.  Got conflicting answers from Google. Could someone here clarify?

Mark Allyn



Good afternoon, aw27,

Good to hear this.  How do I do it--what do I have to click on the GUI?



It is nothing I can explain easily without making a full article.
I learned from google, better you give it another try.


Quote from: markallyn on October 13, 2017, 05:30:37 AM
Good afternoon, aw27,

Good to hear this.  How do I do it--what do I have to click on the GUI?


Hi Mark,

Assembly Programming with Visual Studio 2010/2012
Guide to Using Assembly in Visual Studio .NET
Getting Started with MASM and Visual Studio 2015
Introduction to writing x64 assembly in Visual Studio

AsmHighlighter 1.6 - VS2010 + VS2012

8) :t


Good morning, LiaoMi,

Thanks for the links.  After getting encouragement from aw27 I managed to partially solve the problem.  But, I'm not there yet.



aw27, LiaoMi,

Well, I got partway there and then ran into issues adjusting the linker/assembler options on the property page.  For some reason, probably a bad download, the "OK", "Cancel", and "apply" buttons don't show up (actually on all the "properties" button on relevant taskbar menu items as well as "solution explorer".  So, I'm running a "repair" of the installation in hopes that they will magically reappear. 

Mark Allyn


Hello everyone,

As aw27 said, it can indeed be done.  All you have to do is right click on the project in the solutions explorer window, go to the "Build dependencies" line, then click on  the "build customizations" line, and select masm in the drop-down lisk, and then "OK".

Two questions remain unresolved for me.

1.  Why does the IDE insist on naming the entry point "mainCRTStartup"?
2.  If I want to change the entry point to something else, how do I do it?  I know how to find the relevant line in the "properties" page or the linker options, but I don't know how to change it.  There are no "apply" or "OK" buttons on the page where I make the edit.

Mark Allyn


mainCRTStartup is the standard entry name given by the C compiler under windows

it would be a lot easier to just change the name of your main routine  :biggrin:


Quote from: markallyn on October 16, 2017, 03:56:01 AM
Hello everyone,

As aw27 said, it can indeed be done.  All you have to do is right click on the project in the solutions explorer window, go to the "Build dependencies" line, then click on  the "build customizations" line, and select masm in the drop-down lisk, and then "OK".

Two questions remain unresolved for me.

1.  Why does the IDE insist on naming the entry point "mainCRTStartup"?
2.  If I want to change the entry point to something else, how do I do it?  I know how to find the relevant line in the "properties" page or the linker options, but I don't know how to change it.  There are no "apply" or "OK" buttons on the page where I make the edit.

Mark Allyn

Hello markallyn,
I don't know the reason for the buttons not being visible and will not speculate about possible reasons.
You can get rid of the default mainCRTStartup and use your own with that name or set your own EntryPoint in the Properties as you found. Probably you will have to Ignore some default libraries as well.

