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Feedback on masm64 Version 2 Beta.

Started by hutch--, July 02, 2022, 04:34:46 PM

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Quote from: hutch-- on August 19, 2022, 09:23:20 AM
This is done by running "makeit.bat" in that directory.
Aw, cmon hutch of course I know THAT. Thats the problem, I did run the batch file. Just as I had for all of the other examples in the examples folder. Only this one is giving me a problem.

The system cannot find the path specified.
The system cannot find the path specified.
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 6835-0838

Directory of C:\masm64\Examples\Simple\bigicon

05/07/2022  10:23 PM             1,942 bigicon.asm
               1 File(s)          1,942 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  11,272,355,840 bytes free
Press any key to continue . . .

At any rate I'm (tentatively) set up on Windows 7 64 bit, ready to write some code with it for a change.
In the meantime I'll pretend the errant (for me anyway) file doesn't exist. If I run into any errors in the future I'll try to track down what is wrong. Thanks for checking anyway.


REM the @echo off to see which file was not found.

@echo off

set appname=bigicon

del %appname%.obj
del %appname%.exe

\masm64\bin64\porc64.exe rsrc.rc

\masm32\bin64\ml64.exe /c /nologo %appname%.asm

\masm32\bin64\Polink.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:entry_point /nologo /LARGEADDRESSAWARE %appname%.obj rsrc.res

dir %appname%.*


It's also quote inconsistent that one line refers to \Masm64 and two lines to \Masm32
My setup may work fine because I do have all that stuff in both \Masm64 and \Masm32 :cool:


I'm out away from my computer (posting via iPad)
When I get home I'll do that. Thx

I found an error!
Look at the paths in the batch file in my post above...

Funny that. I have the masm64 folder in the root of C:/ drive. Check your batch file for that example if you hadn't modified it from what is in the download. I'm quite certain that I hadn't changed mine.

Lemme go back in the house to test my theory... I think I'm onto something.


Ha! You saw that at about the same time that I caught it. Hutch might need to check the official download.
Thanks jj

At least I know that my masm64 install is correct and working. Now I can sleep easy tonight without burning the midnight oil trying to figure out wtf is wrong.


Assembling: bigicon.asm
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 66FB-3791

Directory of C:\masm64\Examples\Simple\bigicon

05/07/2022  10:23 PM             1,942 bigicon.asm
08/18/2022  06:24 PM            71,168 bigicon.exe
08/18/2022  06:24 PM             2,319 bigicon.obj
               3 File(s)         75,429 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  11,566,268,416 bytes free
Press any key to continue . . .

Yup the batch file was the culprit...

@echo off

set appname=bigicon

del %appname%.obj
del %appname%.exe

\masm64\bin64\porc64.exe rsrc.rc

\masm32\bin64\ml64.exe /c /nologo %appname%.asm

\masm32\bin64\Polink.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:entry_point /nologo /LARGEADDRESSAWARE %appname%.obj rsrc.res

dir %appname%.*


I'm surprised that I hadn't seen that sooner 



As you can imagine, these things are a joy to convert from one format to another. I checked my own reference version and it had already been converted the full masm64 but as you can imagine, its easy for one to slip through.


Quote from: hutch-- on August 19, 2022, 11:14:28 AM
... as you can imagine, its easy for one to slip through.

Oh no, its quite alright This is a Beta version after all. I thought I screwed up the masm64 installation somehow. It's been quite a while since I had to set it up, fetch the VS build tools, then locate 'VCRUNTIME140.dll' as well - then copy all of the correct (compaitble with each other) files to the bin64/1033 folders etc...

The rest of the examples did not have any isues. So far as I can tell my installation is okay.


include \masm32\MasmBasic\
  GetFiles \Masm64\Examples\*.bat, "\Masm32", 1, 1 ; 1 = return first match only, 1 = case-insensitive
  For_ ecx=0 To eax-1 Step 2
Print Mid$(Files$(ecx), 5) ; ecx+0 is the file
PrintLine At(54) "  ", Trim$(Files$(ecx+1)) ; ecx+1 is the first matching line
  Inkey "bye"

\Masm64\Examples\Advanced\MBwin\Original\makeit.bat     \masm32\bin64\rc.exe rsrc.rc
\Masm64\Examples\Advanced\NewButns\lib\makelib.bat      \masm32\bin64\ml64 /c @src.txt
\Masm64\Examples\Advanced\NewButns\makeit.bat           \masm32\bin64\rc.exe rsrc.rc
\Masm64\Examples\Advanced\ProcTimer\makeit.bat          \masm32\bin64\rc.exe rsrc.rc
\Masm64\Examples\Simple\bigicon\makeit.bat              \masm32\bin64\ml64.exe /c /nologo %appname%.asm
\Masm64\Examples\Simple\editmake\parts\makeit.bat       \masm32\bin64\ml64 /c @src.txt



> Aw, cmon hutch of course I know THAT.

What I don't know is how different people build these files, some use their own editor/IDE with different ways to load and build the file. The batch file works independently of any other technique.


First, is it the same script engine used in tEditor as in qeditor? Also, is the help file for qeditor 4 the only place where the scripting functions are documented? I want to begin experimenting with using those types of scripts to automate building projects. When I first tested it running the fulledit.qse script I was impressed and want to learn all about creating .qse scripts. If there is documentation that I overlooked, sorry about that. Just point me in the right direction.  :biggrin:  And off I go.

Also I want to insert updated code, i.e., the 'FindText' code (to repair single letter, search up) into existing .qse scripts in my Masm64 sdk installation.  :biggrin:  Also noticed that there are no quotes for the project name in generated makeit.bat files, causing minor issue of having to manually add them if project name contains spaces. Yes, I'm a PITA sometimes.  :tongue:


I tried to download the masm64 version 2 beta via both chrome and edge, and both browsers are saying a virus is detected.


Not much I can do about crap AV scanners, both the standard Win10 AV and Kaspersky do not flag false positives on the same files. I use a Chrome clone, Slimjet, and it has no problems at all.


Hi w_r_rose,

As Hutch (it's his forum) already wrote, you can happily ignore that warning: download and install the SDK.

Assembly is a language that the antivirus brigade doesn't like, so they spit out warnings. We even have a dedicated sub-forum here.

Other sites have the same problem with Chrome.


Solving a problem with Chrome blocking

The error occurs in Win10 security.

Steps to fix problem

1. Control panel
2. View in Windows Security
3. Virus and threat protection settings
4. Exclusions
5. Add or remove exclusions
6. Add an exclusion

I then added the folder (directory) that I download into normally.

Download then worked correctly.

You can be certain that does not contain any malicious code at all.

The real solution is to use a better browser that is not aimed at the DONKEY market. I use a Google Clone, Slimjet and there are others that are not crippled in this manner.

For anti virus, I use Kaspersky's KVRT.EXE which you download and run. When finished, delete it as it will be replaced within the next day with a later version.


I have produced yet another SFX file after tweaking as many things as possible, named this time as "m64sdk.exe" which should reduce the number of triggers for crap AV scanners but nothing will get past all of them. You can be certain that there is no malicious code in the archive, they have all been built in an isolated environment on a perfectly clean machine and differing from AV donkeys, absolutely no virus or trojan code on the dev box.