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FPU display question.

Started by KeepingRealBusy, December 19, 2012, 07:02:36 AM

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I am doing some FPU programming and have encountered some errors. I am using Visual Studio 2008 debugger. If I run the program and step through the various stages of calculations (not single step, but by blocks of code), then I do not have problems. But, if I let it run and stop at the end of the calculations, one or some of the FPU registers end up with a displayed value of "ST5 = 1#IND" instead of some normal floating value such as "ST0 = +1.8518518518518518e-0002". The question is, "what does this indicate?"

I am also running a C program (ENT) against the same files, and I always get the same output values from my MASM program  as from the C program.



IND stands for "indeterminate" type
it is a special set of NaN values

The divisions 0/0 and ±∞/±∞
The multiplications 0×±∞ and ±∞×0
The additions ∞ + (−∞), (−∞) + ∞ and equivalent subtractions
The standard has alternative functions for powers:
The standard pow function and the integer exponent pown function define 00, 1∞, and ∞0 as 1.
The powr function defines all three indeterminate forms as invalid operations and so returns NaN.

you can probably run up to the point just before the instruction that generates the NaN and examine the FPU registers

the fact that it works in single-step and not in normal execution might indicate you need an FWAIT someplace


I wonder why I sometimes get the error and at other times every thing is good? Does it have to do with having to put WAITS before or after some of the instructions?



yes - lol
i just updated my previous post   :P

that is a very likely reason
refer to Ray's tutorial - some instructions encode an FWAIT, already


Quote from: dedndave on December 19, 2012, 07:15:29 AM
IND stands for "indeterminate" type
it is a special set of NaN values

The divisions 0/0 and ±∞/±∞
The multiplications 0×±∞ and ±∞×0
The additions ∞ + (−∞), (−∞) + ∞ and equivalent subtractions
The standard has alternative functions for powers:
The standard pow function and the integer exponent pown function define 00, 1∞, and ∞0 as 1.
The powr function defines all three indeterminate forms as invalid operations and so returns NaN.

you can probably run up to the point just before the instruction that generates the NaN and examine the FPU registers

the fact that it works in single-step and not in normal execution might indicate you need an FWAIT someplace

Unfortunately, I do not get an exception so I do not know which calculation is going bad.

Is there any tutorial that explains where an FWAIT is needed?



well - maybe you can show us the series of instructions

maybe this will help, from Ray's tutorial...
QuoteThis instruction prevents the CPU from executing its next instruction if the Busy bit of the FPU's Status Word is set.

The FPU does not have direct access to the stream of instructions. It will start executing an instruction only when the CPU detects one in the code bits and transmits the information to the FPU. While the FPU is executing that instruction, the CPU can continue to execute in parallel other instructions which are not related to the FPU. Some of the FPU instructions being relatively slow, the CPU could execute several of its own instructions during that period.

The CPU also has some read/write access to the FPU's Status and Control registers even while the FPU is executing an instruction. In some cases, it may be desirable to read/write these registers without delay. But, in most cases, it is preferable or even necessary to wait until the FPU has completed the current instruction before proceeding with the read/write of these registers.

For example, a comparison by the FPU may require several clock cycles to execute and set the bits in the proper fields of the Status Word register. Waiting until the FPU has completed the operation and effectively updated the Status Word is a necessity if reading that Status Word is to have any meaning.

    Many of the instructions which read or write to the FPU's Status and Control registers are automatically encoded with the fwait code.

Whenever the FPU is instructed to store a result (such as an integer) intended to be used by a CPU instruction, the latter should be preceded by an explicit FWAIT instruction. (For example, storing the content of a data register to memory as an integer may take some 30 clock cycles to complete.)

Note: Original versions of MASM were inserting an FWAIT instruction in front of every FPU instruction except those specified as "no-wait". This may have been necessary with the earlier co-processors but not on the more modern ones. Such coding may be observed if some old code is disassembled. The CPU can now poll the Busy bit of the Status Word whenever necessary before sending data processing instructions to the FPU.

typically, you don't need FWAIT between FPU "internal" instructions
the FPU isn't multi-core or multi-threaded or anything
one FPU instruction has to complete before it can work on the next


Intel and AMD both says that the [F]WAIT instruction is only useful, if you have unmasked FPU exceptions.
For your problem, store the FP result (or intermediate results) in memory and test  the exponent field for all bits set - this indicates NaNs. At this point it maybe helpful to print out all input values of the  formula or step into a INT3.

MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


Thank you both for the info.




The deb macro may help you to find the point where it happens. Only the include line and the deb 4 ... line are interesting, all the rest of your code can stay "as is".

deb 4 prints to console, deb 5 writes to DebLog.txt
You can add more variables, like registers, local, global variables, even xmm regs.

; this line replaces "include \masm32\include\"
include \masm32\MasmBasic\        ; download
        push 123
        xor ecx, ecx
                fild dword ptr [esp]
                deb 4, "FPU", ST(0), ST(1), ST(2), ST(3), ST(4), ST(5), ST(6), ecx
                Inkey "more (y)?"
        .Until eax!="y"
        pop eax
end start

ST(0)           123.000000000000000
ST(1)           0.0
ST(2)           0.0
ST(3)           0.0
ST(4)           0.0
ST(5)           0.0
ST(6)           0.0
ecx             1
more (y)?
ST(0)           123.000000000000000
ST(1)           123.000000000000000
ST(2)           0.0
ST(3)           0.0
ST(4)           0.0
ST(5)           0.0
ST(6)           0.0
ecx             2


well - if you do as qWord suggests, you may not see the error
because you will be inserting FWAITS to store the results

what you might try is to enable interrupts in the control word

depends on how many FPU instructions you have
if there aren't too many, stick FWAITS in there and take them out until the problem pops up again   :P


I doubt that fwait has anything to do with it. In 99% of my bugs, it's either a missing ffree st(7), or division by zero. Which is a fairly likely case, and difficult to chase, if you work with random numbers.

If there is a bug at all: You write that "one or some of the FPU registers end up with a displayed value of "ST5 = 1#IND" - is the result in ST(0) ok for you? I am using Olly, and the higher FPU regs contain most of the time some trash from intermediate calculations.


Quote from: dedndave on December 19, 2012, 07:49:23 AM
well - if you do as qWord suggests, you may not see the error
because you will be inserting FWAITS to store the results
why should he insert FWAIT? In which way should a synchronization instruction cause an error?

Quote from: dedndave on December 19, 2012, 07:49:23 AMwhat you might try is to enable interrupts in the control word
exactly in that case ( unmasked exceptions) he needs FWAIT for synchronization (according to the manuals)
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


the FWAIT's won't cause an error
just the opposite - they will mask the problem he is trying to find   :P

as to the interrupts - i mis-spoke - lol
what i meant was....
when you initialize the FPU with FINIT, all the exceptions are set up to be handled by the FPU
that is why a NaN is being generated
by altering the control word, you can allow the FPU to generate exceptions that can be captured by a JIT debugger

interrupts - lol - i am showing my age   :P


Remember we had a long thread about FPU exceptions ;-)

Just made a test with this:
   Rand(-5.5, 9.3)   ; push a random number into ST(0)
   fdivr   ; divide
It crashes after 165000 iterations. Difficult to chase with a debugger, I did it with the deb macro but setting the control bit is also an option.


Quote from: dedndave on December 19, 2012, 08:03:42 AM
the FWAIT's won't cause an error
just the opposite - they will mask the problem he is trying to find   :P

as to the interrupts - i mis-spoke - lol
what i meant was....
when you initialize the FPU with FINIT, all the exceptions are set up to be handled by the FPU
that is why a NaN is being generated
by altering the control word, you can allow the FPU to generate exceptions that can be captured by a JIT debugger

interrupts - lol - i am showing my age   :P

I guess I need to modify the control word so I can trap any exceptions. I'll check Raymond's FpuLib documentation.
