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MASM32 & MASM64 Quines (& TASM32 Quine Bonus)

Started by alCoPaUL, May 26, 2024, 04:30:06 AM

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So i just polished my previous creations so processes involving their development won't be all over the place..

benu.asm (meant to be built with Embarcadero's latest TASM32/ILINK32 distribution (.lib files attached))
firebird.asm (should be able to be built with the single commandline on any Native x64 Visual Studio 201x-202x Console Window)
fenghuang.asm (you can either use the msvcrt.lib that I attached (from Visual Studio 2010 (you will need the Visual C++ 2010 runtime files)) or the msvcrt.lib from the MASM32SDK package from this site)

and since these are 32-bit & 64-bit console applications, you can format the console window's width to 214++ characters for optimal aesthetics..

attached files: = 3 source codes = visual c++ 2010 msvcrt.lib

tasm32msvcrtimport32.jpg (rename extension to .z01)

msvcrt.lib and import32.lib (for benu.asm)




successive generations of output from the first output should be able to be assembled and linked as if assembling and linking the first output...


x:\> notepad quine1.asm
x:\> asmlink quine1.asm quine1.asm.exe
x:\> quine1.asm.exe >> quine2.asm
x:\> asmlink quine2.asm quine2.asm.exe
x:\> quine2.asm.exe >> quine3.asm

quine1.asm = quine3.asm


32-bit MASM Quine Update


; ////
; Feng Huang
; by alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]
; 2/27/2023 Revised: 6/01/2024 @ NYC
; ml.exe fenghuang.asm /link /subsystem:console /defaultlib:msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib legacy_stdio_wide_specifiers.lib ucrt.lib /merge:.CRT=.rdata /entry:start
; ///

you should be able to assemble+link this with the commandline with no problems on the latest EWDK (Enterprise Windows Driver Kit) with zero warnings or whatsoever and run it flawlessly and aesthetically with suggested Console Window Size (214++ width).

attached is the full source code..


64-bit MASM Quine Update


Assembling and linking with no problems (e.g. WARNINGS) on the latest Enterprise Windows Driver Kit..

; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; Firebird
; by alCoPaUL [GIMO][As][aBrA][NPA][b8][BCVG][rRlf]
; 2/27/2023 Revised: 6/01/2024 @ NYC
; ml64.exe firebird.asm /link /subsystem:console /defaultlib:msvcrt.lib kernel32.lib legacy_stdio_definitions.lib legacy_stdio_wide_specifiers.lib ucrt.lib
; /////////////////////////////////////////////////

Full Source Code Attached...

The same 214++ width for the Console Window for maximum visual pleasure..


so i wanna download a backup of the EWDK that I used and found out that a new version,

Windows 11, version 24H2 EWDK (released May 22, 2024) with Visual Studio Buildtools 17.8.6 (Recommended)

was released...

for the Microsoft ASM 32-64 bit Quines posted on this forums, I used Windows 11, version 22H2 EWDK (released October 24, 2023) with Visual Studio Buildtools 17.1.5, which is still downloadable as of 6/2/2024..

Just in case Warnings or Errors when assembling, linking, running are encountered in the LATEST build tools..

(expect updates regarding about that on this thread).


Looks like all good from EWDK Windows 11, 24H2...

Testing On Proper OS Versions Later...


Flawless On Windows 11 Professional 21H2.

~ Should be Ok On The Latest Windows 10 Professional - Windows 11 Professional Builds..