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A Teaching Toy: Sine wave harmonics demo

Started by NoCforMe, July 03, 2024, 06:20:42 AM

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Quote from: HSE on July 10, 2024, 09:16:04 AM"toy" is just a little tool, perhaps not useful for everybody.
No. Tools ≠ toys.

QuoteNoC's program is not a toy, but an example

OK then; how about

o Projects
  o Showcase
  o Tools
  o Toys
  o Educational

(or "Teaching examples" if you prefer)
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


"here" means exactly this section, like Hutch created it.
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Quote from: HSE on July 10, 2024, 09:51:10 AM"here" means exactly this section, like Hutch created it.
What? are you proposing that there's something sacred about the way things are now, because Hutch did it that way?
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Quote"toy" is just a little tool, perhaps not useful for everybody.
Well, by your own 'description' that type of 'Toy' is NOT a 'Toy' but a 'Tool',.. small or not, useful to everyone or not, a TOOL is still a Tool and Not a Toy unless it's a Child's plastic Tool Set,..  :joking:

An example from the Cambridge Dictionary, provides us with;
Quotean object that is used by an adult for pleasure rather than for serious use: His latest toy is an underwater camera



It's not English but assembly programmers jargon  :biggrin:

Just I guess could sound strange to you why there is a "tools and toys" section.

You can move that where you want  :biggrin:  :biggrin: , except 64 bit sections obviously.

Regards, HSE.

Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


So again, my proposal is on the table:
o Projects
  o Showcase
  o Tools
  o Toys
  o Educational (or Teaching)

Haven't heard a peep from anyone about this. Love it? Hate it? Have any other suggestions?
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


QuoteIt's not English but assembly programmers jargon  :biggrin:
Please understand, I am NOT completely inept in either English, (State debating Championship team member in High School) or regarding 'Programming' Jargon, Assembler or otherwise, as my own personal interest and observance spans from the time of the Era of Dr.Dobbs etc and pre-dates the arrival of many Languages  on the programming 'Scene'.

Whilst NOT specifically a programmer I do understand a reasonable degree of 'stuff', .... including the oft' used term 'Tools & Toys' but I was not the one being pedantic about it (although I really DO want to sort this out) ... and ... within the interests of trying to Tidy this place up certain distinctions need to be made.

The dual term, does NOT NEED to continue to be used to effectively describe the functions of certain Code and Programs contained within a Section ... IF their purpose is to do something useful.

In this thread's discussion, I think it clearly was trying to define the differences between that which is Useful and that which is purely for Fun or Experimentation.

Including both, in what could (or perhaps should), be referred to as a Utilities Section, (a perhaps far more common and correct piece of Programming 'Jargon' for the type of Section being discussed), would seem far more appropriate to myself,.. especially perhaps with 'specific' regard to the MASM64 section discussed below ... but there I feel those 'Utilities', Should be for 64 bit exclusively, else why place them there when (as once again can be seen below), there ARE other options.

Whilst I think I can understand why Hutch created the 'Tools & Toys' section as a Sub-Forum of the Microsoft 64 BIT MASM section.
Once again, we appear to have a degree of duplicity or replication, as and with reference to my own requests to you guys to confirm/deny same, not ALL material contained therein is either written in or used Exclusively with or for 64 bit MASM and as pointed out in a previous 'post', we also have the Showcase, which suggests;
A gallery of finished applications by experienced members. Do not fill this full of junk or experiments, it is for finished applications. targets can be either 32 or 64 bit assembler applications.

Look, in reality, I (Almost), don't care,... except I do,.. maybe I'm overly Anal but I hate inefficient 'Layouts' and situations like this where there are (as jj pointed out) many underused (and perhaps arguably superfluous) Sub Sections.
It is/was evident that Hutch often moved postings to more appropriate sections, as I have often had to do, so may I suggest MANY here are Still, Unclear Why or Where certain things should or should Not be posted in certain sections of the forum, so IMHO, ANY attempt at making those choices clearer, for those 'posting' and those Searching, is a GOOD thing !!  :smiley:  :cool:

Thanking you all, your serious consideration in this matter, it IS appreciated !!  :thumbsup:


"Utilities" could reasonably include "tools", but not "toys".
That's why I think "projects" is better.

And I think the division between 32- and 64-bit programs is unnecessary, unless it's for a category which requires that bitness (like something that only runs under a 64-bit OS).
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


QuoteSo again, my proposal is on the table:
o Projects
  o Showcase
  o Tools
  o Toys
  o Educational (or Teaching)

Seems pretty reasonable to me, ... as long as we 'appear' to have some semblance of broad agreement of Terms & Location  :wink2:

Thinking of this I just checked on an old, often visited site for reference  :smiley:


That's a nice list, but far too detailed for this site.
If we ever get that many projects in that many categories, we can always add new categories (subforums).
So other people here: what do you think of my proposed set of forums?
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Quote"Utilities" could reasonably include "tools", but not "toys".
QuoteThat's why I think "projects" is better.

QuoteAnd I think the division between 32- and 64-bit programs is unnecessary,
Quoteunless it's for a category which requires that bitness (like something that only runs under a 64-bit OS)
Exactly  :thumbsup:




OK, perhaps some slight confusion, so just so I completely understand ...
Currently we have Projects as a MAIN Forum Section 'Header'. It has Many Sub-Sections that also contain many further Sub Sections.

We also have the Members Gallery, which contains the Showcase section, containing no further Sub forums or sections.

NoCforMe, has proposed:
o Projects
  o Showcase
  o Tools
  o Toys
  o Educational (or Teaching)

Which seems fine by me but am wondering What that 'Layout' actually requires and exactly What Section should that be Created in/under or what needs to be Moved etc ??

Projects is already really rather busy (but obviously that is OK, if everyone thinks this Layout Should go there but within the existing Framework of the Projects section, am unsure how that would 'fit' neatly, if you 'take my meaning', as it's current layout contains:
o Projects
  o MASM32
  o MASM include files
  o MasmBasic & the RichMasm IDE
  o Game Development
  o Easy Code IDE 32/64-bit
  o ObjAsm
  o Poasm
  o Rarely Used Projects

Personally, I think adding the Extra elements would be inappropriate, in that section.

If what was suggested, was to create those New sections in the Members Gallery, where the Showcase already exists, that would obviously be far neater, apart from the included Projects title atm above Showcase in NoCforMe's example.

So, sorry to labour this, just want to make sure WE are ALL on the same page and to get it right  :smiley:


Why not just add those categories to Projects?

o Projects
  o MASM32
  o MASM include files
  o MasmBasic & the RichMasm IDE
  o Game Development
  o Easy Code IDE 32/64-bit
  o ObjAsm
  o Poasm
  o Tools
  o Toys
  o Educational (or Teaching)
  o Rarely Used Projects

(putting the Showcase there could be optional)
Assembly language programming should be fun. That's why I do it.


Hi stoo!

Quote from: stoo23 on July 11, 2024, 09:59:00 AMPlease understand, I am NOT completely inept

I'm sure not. Well... I was sure...

32 bit "thing" still is placed in a 64 bit section  :biggrin:  :biggrin:

I toll you before: what you think is reasonable, that it's Ok  :thumbsup:

Just I have to note that to mess a 32 bit example with 64 bit it's not reasonable for me.

Equations in Assembly: SmplMath