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Pirates Launcher

Started by elC, December 24, 2024, 09:30:33 AM

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Hi friends
Have a happy new year 2025.

The attachment is an alpha release of my tiny Pirates Launcher.
Today without the source code, because it is an alpha version.
Maybe, you like to test it,
Please don't spread the file, wait for the final version. Thank you.

I wish to know if everthing is working okay, particularly under Windows 11, which isn't my OS!
Any bug reports are welcome.
Also suggestions or small(!) ideas to enhance the application are welcome.

Sure, there will some big options to enhance the program, but i like it small and simple.
It should be only a launcher... with some pirate features ;-)

The source code will be available with the first stable release, in January 2025.

Credit flies to Ernest Murphy and his win32 com solution, found in the:
A S S E M B L Y  P R O G R A M M I N G  J O U R N A L - Issue 8
That was a brain flash for me, remembering the old times, in the year 2000...


The description is included, hit the Information button in the app.
This is a new alpha, with some new features.
It would be nice to get any response...

You can add a directory with prefered files.
You can save that diretory list and load it after next restart, selecting the directory you wish to dispay in the list.
You can extract icons of a file in the list, if you like to get that icon.
You can create shortcut files (*.lnk) to your favorite files in a "links" directory.
Add that "links" directory to the application diretory list.
Saving the directory list the prefered (*.lnk) files are available to execute, selecting the directory and double clicking the (*.lnk) item.
Checked items are include if the app will be minimized, for quick access from the taskbar.

It is a launcher, your desktop must not contain a bunch of icons.

At the end of the day it is another win32 assembler example!
Anyway, i think currently missing is an option to restore the settings, after restarting the app.



Would be great if you posted a description of what the program does, or is supposed to do...  :smiley:

Some sort of file manager?, by looking at the screenshot would be a guess at best.