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64 bit gdi examples

Started by zedd151, March 10, 2025, 07:37:10 PM

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I have ported my 32 bit gdi examples to 64 bit.

I had to make a couple of changes for these to work as expected in 64 bit. Originally I used the PAINTSTRUCT RECT for some of the API calls in WM_PAINT, which worked fine in the original 32 bit versions. But also in the 32 bit code, I used GetClientRect for other API calls. That also worked fine in 32 bit. But not so, for 64 bit. I now use the RECT structure filled in by GetClientRect for everything in WM_PAINT, I even modified the 32 bit versions to do the same. Now code-wise, no difference between the two flavors of each program except for obvious dword/qword and registers, etc.  :rolleyes:

  • polygon_64                  ; example of creating a filled polygon
  • stretchblt_64              ; example of using StretchBlt to stretch a bitmap
  • transparentblt_64          ; example of using TransparentBlt to exclude a single color when drawing a bitmap
  • transparentblt_stretch_64  ; same as above, but also stretches the bitmap as well

code for stretchblt_64
    include \masm64\include64\
        cwidth        equ 390                   ; desired client area width
        cheight       equ 260                   ; desired client area height

        hBmp_red      dq ?                      ; handle of bitmap loaded from resource


    start proc
    local hInstance:qword
        invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL
        mov hInstance, rax

        invoke DialogBoxParam, hInstance, 100, 0, addr DlgProc, 0  ;; create dialog box, from resource dilalog

        invoke ExitProcess, rax
    start endp

    DlgProc proc hWin:qword, uMsg:qword, wParam:qword, lParam:qword
    local hDC:qword, ps:PAINTSTRUCT, rct:RECT, hBrush:qword, hBrush_old:qword
    local mDC:qword, hBmp:qword, hBmp_old:qword, hPen:qword, hPen_old:qword
    local x:dword, y:dword, wwid:dword, whgt:dword, cwid:dword, chgt:dword
        .if uMsg == WM_INITDIALOG

          ;; resizing Client Area to exact dimensions, specified by cwidth and cheight

          invoke GetWindowRect, hWin, addr rct ;; get window current dimensions.
          mov eax, rct.right                   ;; obtain current window width by subtracting left boundary
          sub eax, rct.left                    ;; from the right boundary
          mov wwid, eax                        ;; store current window width
          mov eax, rct.bottom                  ;; obtain current window height by subtracting top boundary
          sub eax,                     ;; from the bottom boundary
          mov whgt, eax                        ;; store current window height

          invoke GetClientRect, hWin, addr rct ;; get client area current dimensions.
          mov eax, rct.right                   ;; obtain current client width by subtracting left boundary
          sub eax, rct.left                    ;; from the right boundary
          mov cwid, eax                        ;; store current client area width
          mov eax, rct.bottom                  ;; obtain current client height by subtracting top boundary
          sub eax,                     ;; from the bottom boundary
          mov chgt, eax                        ;; store client area height

          ;; calculate the difference between desired client area width and current client area width
          mov eax, cwidth
          sub eax, cwid

          ;; adjust the window width according to the difference calculated above
          add wwid, eax

          ;; calculate the difference between desired client area height and current client area height
          mov eax, cheight
          sub eax, chgt
          ;; adjust the window height according to the difference calculated height
          add whgt, eax

          ;; center the main window
          ;; obtain client area of the desktop, not including the task bar
          invoke SystemParametersInfoA, SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, addr rct, 0

          ;; center window width
          mov eax, rct.right
          sub eax, wwid
          sar eax, 1
          mov x, eax

          ;; center window height
          mov eax, rct.bottom
          sub eax, whgt
          sar eax, 1
          mov y, eax

          ;; implement the centering of the resized main window
          invoke MoveWindow, hWin, x, y, wwid, whgt, TRUE
          invoke GetModuleHandle, 0
          invoke LoadBitmap, rax, 100                           ; load bitmap from resource
          mov hBmp_red, rax

        .elseif uMsg == WM_PAINT
          invoke BeginPaint, hWin, addr ps
          mov hDC, rax                                          ; window client area DC

          ;; get client area rectangle
          invoke GetClientRect, hWin, addr rct                  ; client rectangle of dialog box

          invoke CreateCompatibleDC, hDC
          mov mDC, rax                                          ; memory DC

          invoke CreateCompatibleBitmap, hDC, rct.right, rct.bottom
          mov hBmp, rax                                         ; compatible bitmap handle

          ;; ###########################################################

          invoke SelectObject, mDC, hBmp                        ; select memory bitmap object
          mov hBmp_old, rax
          ;; Here I change the background color of the main window
          invoke CreateSolidBrush, 00DFDFDFh                    ; color = off white
          mov hBrush, rax  ;; save the brush handle

          ;; fill the client area rectangle with chosen color
          invoke FillRect, mDC, addr rct, hBrush                ; fill rectangle in memory DC

          ;; delete the brush, as it is no longer needed
          invoke DeleteObject, hBrush
          invoke SelectObject, mDC, hBmp
          mov hBmp_old, rax
          invoke BitBlt, hDC, 0, 0, rct.right, rct.bottom, mDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY
          ;; ###########################################################
          invoke SelectObject, mDC, hBmp_red                    ; select resource bitmap object
                                                                ; stretch blit resource bitmap
          invoke StretchBlt, hDC,   10, 10, 240, 240, mDC, 0, 0, 120, 120, SRCCOPY
                                                                ; normal bit blit resource bitmap
          invoke BitBlt, hDC,         260, 10, 120, 120, mDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY

          ;; ###########################################################
          invoke SelectObject, mDC, hBmp_old
          invoke DeleteObject, hBmp                             ; delete DC bitmap object
          invoke DeleteDC, mDC                                  ; delete memory DC

          invoke EndPaint, hWin, addr ps
        .elseif uMsg == WM_CLOSE
          invoke DeleteObject, hBmp_red                         ; delete resource bitmap object
          invoke EndDialog, hWin, 0                             ; clode dialog box
        xor rax, rax
    DlgProc endp


all examples listed above are included in the attached zip file.  :smiley:
¯\_(ツ)_/¯   :azn:

'As we don't do "requests", show us your code first.'  -  hutch—