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powershell and utc time aka greenwich london uk

Started by herge, January 16, 2013, 11:14:23 PM

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not a big fan of edison
i think he stole more ideas than he originated - lol

he did, however, invent the light bulb and the cylindrical phonograph
the cylinders may have done better, but he wouldn't sell any rag-time music - only conservative music
with disks, you could get the music you wanted to hear, so they caught on
they probably would have taken over eventually, anyways, because they were easier to store and handle
but cylinders do offer a slight technical advantage in that the track has constant length

another guy, DeForest, added the control grid to the Fleming Valve
that is what really made tubes do something
before that, they were just rectifiers
with a control grid, they could be used to amplify - a big step
Brits still call them "valves", though   :P

at the turn of the century, there was a lot of patent grabbing going on, with regard to electrical discovery
also - a lot of mud-slinging - anything to discredit the opposition


  Thursday, January 17, 2013 3:25 AM EST

Hi dedndave:

He made a light bulb that you could use, the first light bulb did
not last very long?
Did all sort of electrical work i e Con Edison I hopte I got the
name right.
HMV his master's Voice the fore rumber of a thing we call the

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


this is true - the first light bulb didn't last long at all
he found a filament alloy, largely by trial and error, that lasted

edison is credited with many patents
i think he still holds more patents than any other individual
this may have changed - i'm not sure
but, most of his patents were based on someone else's work
he knew more about the patent process than most people at the time
that would make him more of a patent lawyer than an inventor - lol

the fore-runner of MP3's...
you are thinking of Alexander Graham Bell   :P


Hi dedndave:

Bell another Canadian, but I was thinking about Morse the
telegraph guy which connects back to Thomas Edison.

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


there were many innovators at that time
each built on the discoveries of the others
and, they fought over money every step of the way - lol

some were "advanced experimenters", some were true scientists
it took the work of both to get where we are today


Edison's resistance to AC power was extremely shortsighted, and "unscientific".
Well Microsoft, here's another nice mess you've gotten us into.


Quote from: dedndave on January 17, 2013, 01:11:15 PM
i am in MST
in Arizona, we do not use daylight savings time

Hi Dave,

   You are lucky.  DST is silly unless you own a golf range.




Hi Powershell Fans:
## GMT aka UTC aka Time in ye old London town England(UK)
Write-host(get-date -date -format U),"UTC"

Also always save as "Filename.PS1"
some editors have a nasty habit of adding .txt
The quotes are important!
so you get London.PS1.TXT and Powerdhell Goes Nuts
You will get four lines of gibberish that will not help you!
# is a comment marker ie a short REM.

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


 Hi EveryBody:

## London.PS1 Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:16:27 PM
# Get London Time aka UTC aka GMT
write-host (get-date -format U),"UTC"
# E N D of F I L E

## London.PS1 Thursday, January 24, 2013 1:16:27 PM
# Get London Time aka UTC aka GMT
write-host (get-date -format U),"UTC"
# E N D of F I L E
# PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# Even If you are God or Admin Do this First
# This allows the PS1 Files to go!

#To sign the Add-Signature.ps1 script file, type the following commands at
#the Windows PowerShell command prompt:

#   $cert = @(Get-ChildItem cert:\CurrentUser\My -codesigning)[0]

#   Set-AuthenticodeSignature add-signature.ps1 $cert
# If it don't Go Try This
# PS C:\> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
# Even If you are God or Admin Do this First
# This allows the PS1 Files to go!
Alway Quote File Names i e "FILENAME.ps1"
which will not make Powershell or you Happy.
Added Quote the FileName.

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


 Hi Everbody:

Greetings Windows Powershell Fans.

## itime.ps1 Monday, January 14, 2013 1:27 PM
#Local Time with offset from Zulu (London)
get-date -uformat "%T %p UTC%Z" # Same as C,C++ %etc

You MUST set the environment variable TZ to your Time Zone
or the %Z will not work.

    In a Dos Box ie Command Prompt set TZ to
    your Time Zone. this is for Eastern Standard Time.
    The %Z will Not work if TZ is not set before.
    Toronto/Buffalo time.

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


Oh my God:

Powershell can inkey or pause or getch.
Code From Microsoft.

## Inkey.ps1 Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:38:29 PM
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."

$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


Hi Everybody:

Because of problems in Powershell ISE it might be quicker
to use Read-host.

# The Get-Host Does Not work in ISE
Read-Host -prompt "Press any Key to Continue"

## Inkey.ps1 Saturday, January 26, 2013 12:38:29 PM
Write-Host "Press any key to continue ..."
#$z = (get-host).UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
# The Get-Host Does Not work in ISE
Read-Host -prompt "Press any Key to Continue" # You Get a Pop up window
# E N D of File

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


 Hi EveryBody:

## about.ps1 Friday, February 01, 2013 4:46 AM
help about_Comparison_Operators > \helpPS1\com_ope.txt
help about_For > \helpPS1\forps1.txt
help about_Foreach > \helpPS1\foreach.txt
help about_Switch > \helpPS1\switch.txt
help about_While > \helpPS1\while.txt

It will create the directory HelpPs1 on the drive you are on.
It will write files to this directory or create it if missing.
But will not warn you if directory is already There!
This will save some scrolling.
use set-location \helpPs1
to get to your directory.

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


Hi PowerShell Fans:

Finally found something like old DOS type

more c:\masm32\include\

Hit Control C you will be here all day
other wise. is massive.

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


yes - i think DOS had a "filter" called more.exe
type myfile.txt | more.exe
copy myfile.txt | more.exe con