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masm 10 vs 11

Started by bomz, January 22, 2013, 09:45:06 AM

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Hi bomz,

Can you attach here your include file? Maybe, I can help you to convert it to an import library.


all include files in masm32.v11. the problem is that some mistakes occurs with new ml.exe and link.exe version from studio 2010

and i find that there is no DllInitialize PROTO STDCALL :DWORD in new includes, only DllUnload PROTO STDCALL

in fptoa.asm fptoa2.asm I changes 73 row to     fbstp real10 ptr [esp] now masm32.lib creates OK the same size than with old ml.exe

fpu.lib - Ok
datetime.lib - Ok
stiill this two inc to lib psxdll lvcodek. and msvcrt.lib - something wrong too


Hi bomz,

The link is inaccessible.

Hutch's inc2l works fine :

D:\masm32\bin>cd \masm32\tools\inc2l

D:\masm32\tools\inc2l>inc2l.exe d:\masm32\include\
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-1997.  All rights reserved.

Assembling: psxrtl.asm
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8078
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

   Creating library psxrtl.lib and object psxrtl.exp

D:\masm32\tools\inc2l>inc2l.exe d:\masm32\include\
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-1997.  All rights reserved.

Assembling: lvcodek.asm
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8078
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

   Creating library lvcodek.lib and object lvcodek.exp

In the \masm32\bin folder, don't try to replace ml.exe version 6.14.8444 with the one supplied with Visual Studio 2010.


yah, but your inc2lib tool makes much smaller libs   :P
and it doesn't care which version of masm you use


with old ml.exe 6.14.8444 and link.exe and lib.exe - all OK. of course I no need the very last ml.exe with AVX because my processor not support them, but I always use ml.exe 8 with SSE - which have the same problem with the same files


Quoteyah, but your inc2lib tool makes much smaller libs   
and it doesn't care which version of masm you use
not smaller they contain less fuctions

Bomz, if you post another link to copyright code, I will block you from posting!!!!!!!!


Hi bomz,

Please accept my apologies but why do you need ml 8 to build the import libraries? Any specific reason?


Are you sure that new files works good with old inc and lib's create with ml6?

when I do this I understand the difference between versions, find DllInitialize. and first time thought about how lib makes


Hi bomz,

To use and build import libraries, there is no any problems with the tools supplied with the Masm32 package.

Creating import libraries is not difficult. One method is to create temporary .asm files to build dummy system DLLs like kernel32.dll  The product of the linker will be a dynamic link library , an .exp file and finally an import library. You can keep the import lib and delete the other temporary files.

The second method is to use Pelles library manager polib.exe to build import libraries. You only .def - module definition files.

A third method is to study the MS COFF file format specification and build your tool creating libs from .def files or include files.


May be exist good short article to understand the main principles what is this - libs, exp, def ....


Hi bomz,

Here is a nice article by Iczelion :



@echo off
color 9F
undname /show_flags
undname ??0?$_SpinWait@$00@details@Concurrency@@QAE@P6AXXZ@Z

undname name undecorator

@echo off
color 9F
cd %~dp0
C:\masm32\bin\dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS psxdll.dll /out:psxdll.txt
echo LIBRARY psxdll>psxdll.def
echo EXPORTS>>psxdll.def
for /f "skip=15 tokens=4 delims= " %%i in (psxdll.txt) do echo %%i>>psxdll.def
C:\masm32\bin\lib.exe /def:psxdll.def


#102 row 81 comment

Quote;pause PROTO C :VARARG

I think most function is dll code internal and there is no sence to export them, you never know what they do only you disassemly dll. old lib was good


Bomz, if you post another link to copyright code, I will block you from posting!!!!!!!!

I don't care if you hide behind translation issues, I will not carry the responsibility of illegally posted copyright code for you.


Hi bomz,

psxdll.dll provides the runtime environment of the Microsoft POSIX subsystem. What are you trying to achieve?