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Main Menu (winioctl redefenition)

Started by bomz, January 31, 2013, 11:30:09 AM

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What DIDN'T you understand about not posting copyright files. The WINEXTRA include file is part of MASM32. If you want to create an include file, do it yourself, not modify ones that you don't own.


Just remove the comments - that's the only part which is "original work" - then you can happily use and copy it; the rest of the file are "facts", which aren't copyrighted.

Or download WinInc and use the file that is included there. This avoids discussion with some people who don't understand what copyright means.


there is no reason to dispute
I make with these two batch files and handly. each may easily do this

This find conflict files
for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b C:\masm32\include\*.inc') do (
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('find /c "UNDEFINE_ALTERNATE" C:\masm32\include\%%i') do (
if not %%a==0 copy C:\masm32\include\%%i .\UNDEFINE_ALTERNATE\%%i

This find doubles
for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%i in ( do (
for /f "tokens=3 delims= " %%a in ('find /c "%%i"') do (
if not %%a==0 echo %%i>>double.txt

now handy - it easy 15 minute. Batch conflict with ;;;; symbols and do not work with empty strings so I can't quickly do third batch. I think awk script need or masm programe


>  then you can happily use and copy it; the rest of the file are "facts", which aren't copyrighted.

Just what we need is another backyard GPL lawyer.


I put them here because I just want save your copyright. 4 February the main asm russian forum begin working and I ask people to test my version  - and this be alternative masm32 without any copyrights in people property forever


Quote from: hutch-- on January 31, 2013, 06:31:34 PM
Just what we need is another backyard GPL lawyer.

No, my friend - I only post when I know what I'm talking about.


> I only post when I know what I'm talking about.

This has not shown in what you have said so far, you are confusing between the file which IS copyright and the information in it that belongs to Microsoft. The solution for bomz is to do what you have done, write his own.


Quote from: hutch-- on January 31, 2013, 07:49:26 PM
... you are confusing between the file which IS copyright and the information in it that belongs to Microsoft.

No. The Win32 API is information, it doesn't "belong" to MS; you can freely translate the API ( which originally is supplied in C header files ) to assembly include files ( do NOT include the comments, they are NOT part of the API ). Since this translation of  information can be automated, the result is neither original nor derivative work, it's still just facts and thus it isn't copyrighted - even it it was done manually, not by a program.

If you want to minimize the amount of links to copyright material in YOUR forum, I'd suggest to have a look at the many links to pictures/photos in the colosseum.  I bet that at least 80% are "illegal". :icon_mrgreen:



The problem with a definition this wide is it works for everything, just call everything "information" and by your definition, if you can automate copying its content then it its yours. Now contrary to your opinion, Microsoft Do own the data for their operating systems, it just happens to be that they legally allow the data (APIs, STRUCTS, EQUATES etc ...) to be copied so that programmers can write software for their OS.

Now much the same problem exists with your view that the data is just "facts", if someone claimed that they owned copyright on "1 plus 1 = 2" they would be in trouble in that this "algorithm" just happens to be a matter of fact whereas "THIS_EQUATE == 12345678" being an identifiable piece of named data is the property of its creator.

Now as you would be aware, ever the GPL brigade do a "clean room" copy of an executable they wish to duplicate as they would violate the original copyright if they just modified the original file. Now this is the problem with what bomz has done, he is free to write any file he likes if its his but what he has done is modify a file that he does not own and that is why it was removed.

Now regarding the stray images posted in the colosseum, the only ones I have posted were my own from memory, I tend to remove any that display titz 'n arse as it causes problems for people browsing the forum from their work. Interestingly enough your own criterion for "information" should allow any image to be used.


Quote from: hutch-- on February 01, 2013, 01:21:57 AM
The problem with a definition this wide is it works for everything, just call everything "information" and by your definition, if you can automate copying its content then it its yours.

Actually, I didn't define "information"; but I probably should have used "facts" instead, because information is indeed usually defined quite "wide".

Now contrary to your opinion, Microsoft Do own the data for their operating systems, it just happens to be that they legally allow the data (APIs, STRUCTS, EQUATES etc ...) to be copied so that programmers can write software for their OS.

No, this is not "my opinion" - I repeated the legal status which makes a distinction between facts, original work and derivative work. Of course this distinction is somewhat artificial, but after all, the whole concept of "property" is an artificial construct, an invention of the human brain.

Now much the same problem exists with your view that the data is just "facts", if someone claimed that they owned copyright on "1 plus 1 = 2" they would be in trouble in that this "algorithm" just happens to be a matter of fact whereas "THIS_EQUATE == 12345678" being an identifiable piece of named data is the property of its creator.

Well, yes, there are philosophical problems - indeed, every file can also be viewed as a - more or less - big number, and it's perfectly valid to ask: why should anyone have the right to declare a certain number as his/her intellectual property?

QuoteNow regarding the stray images posted in the colosseum, the only ones I have posted were my own from memory, I tend to remove any that display titz 'n arse as it causes problems for people browsing the forum from their work.

I wasn't talking about photos of naked women, I was talking about innocent, simple photos, uploaded somewhere by members, not necessarily you, most likely without having the copyright of the material.



> I repeated the legal status which makes a distinction between facts, original work and derivative work

Yes, that which I originally labeled as another backyard GPL lawyer. If you can load it its yours, if you can steal it, its yours etc ....

> Of course this distinction is somewhat artificial, but after all, the whole concept of "property" is an artificial construct, an invention of the human brain.

You are right, as phony as a $3.00 bill.  :P


Quote from: hutch-- on February 01, 2013, 10:08:13 PM

Yes, that which I originally labeled as another backyard GPL lawyer. If you can load it its yours, if you can steal it, its yours etc ....

You are right, as phony as a $3.00 bill.  :P

My advise is to delete this thread - in your own interest. Perhaps you think your emoticons and your ad hominem "arguments" make you look smart, but better ask one of your friends if they can confirm this impression!



I thank you for the intent of your advice, even though the content is nonsense.  :P



QuoteSecurityAnonymous      equ 0
    SecurityIdentification   equ 1
    SecurityImpersonation   equ 2
    SecurityDelegation      equ 3

Quote@echo off
color 0a
cd %~dp1
\masm32\bin\ml.exe /c /coff /errorReport:none "%~1" 1>error.txt
for /f "tokens=2 delims=^(^)" %%i in ('findstr "(.*)" error.txt') do (
echo %%i
call notepad2 /g %%i

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none



end start

   Buffer      QWORD   ?   ; PVOID64
   Alignment   QWORD   ?