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Started by bomz, February 12, 2013, 06:23:05 PM

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make batch file
@echo off
color 0a
if "%~1"=="" exit /b
cd %~dp1
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
\masm32\bin\dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS %~nx1 /out:%~n1.txt
echo include ''>%~n1.def
for /f "skip=9 delims=" %%i in (%~n1.txt) do (
if not !stop!==stop (
if "%%i"=="  Summary" (
set stop=stop
) else (
set string=%%i
set string=!string:~18!

set name=!string:~1!
for /f "delims=@" %%a in ('echo !name!') do set name=%%a

echo implib %~n1.dll, !string!, !name!>>%~n1.def
echo endlib>>%~n1.def
fasm %~n1.def %~nx1.lib

it's makes from DDK_XP lib such files:
include ''

implib kernel32.dll, _ActivateActCtx@8, ActivateActCtx
implib kernel32.dll, _AddAtomA@4, AddAtomA
implib kernel32.dll, _AddAtomW@4, AddAtomW

than FASM makes LIB from it. New LIB works but something wrong with mask signs through back converting.
What is wrong?


Cool little "movie"! ( I particularly like the green color )

However, for finding errors it's probably way better to provide a simple, old-fashioned text that describes the cmdline parameters how fasm is launched - and, additionally, attach the input file that fasm is to assemble!


if I attach file hutch eat me without solt . all files download from first url and lib from microsoft site . how add them see screen


Quoteif I attach file hutch eat me without solt

:badgrin: :badgrin:


Quote from: bomz on February 12, 2013, 08:33:07 PM
if I attach file hutch eat me without solt . all files download from first url and lib from microsoft site . how add them see screen

That's nonsense because there's no copyright violation. I'm not going to do thousand additional things just because of an ignorant person.


I ask two forums else, of course attach all files, but nobody answer me


not sure what you mean by "wrong mask signs"

Quoteif I attach file hutch eat me without solt

i heard a similar phrase in the tv series "Justified"
Quotei am going to smile real big and eat a nice plate of shit, with no salt


if begin convert "new" lib you don't get the same result as with DDK lib.
if open LIB in notepad the difference __imp__fname __imp___fname


LIB 2 INC (without FASTCALL!)
Quote@echo off
color 0a
rem --------------------------
rem ©™Alex_Piggy®
rem --------------------------
if "%~1"=="" exit /b
cd %~dp1
set fname=%~n1
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
\masm32\bin\dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS %~nx1 /out:%fname%.txt
set string=%fname%
for /f "tokens=2* delims=:" %%i in ('find "" ":%string%\" 2^>^&1') do set upstring=%%j
set upstring=%upstring:~0,-1%
echo ; ---------------------------------------------------------------->
echo ;>>
echo ; ---------------------------------------------------------------->>
echo    IFNDEF %upstring%_INC>>
echo    %upstring%_INC equ ^<1^>>>
for /f "skip=9 delims=" %%i in (%fname%.txt) do (
   if "%%i"=="  Summary" goto :break
      set "string=%%i"
      set string7=!string:~18,1!
      if not "!string7!"=="?" (
         set "string=!string:~19!"
         set "string5=!string:@=A@!"
         set "string6=!string:@=W@!"
( echo !string! | findstr "@" && (findstr /c:"!string5!" /c:"!string6!" %fname%.txt || call :stdcall) || (findstr /c:"!string!A" /c:"!string!W" %fname%.txt || call :decl))>nul
echo    ELSE>>
echo       echo ------------------------------------------->>
echo       echo WARNING duplicate include file>>
echo       echo ------------------------------------------->>
echo    ENDIF>>
del %fname%.txt
exit /b

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set string2=%string:*@=%
set string3=!string:@%string2%=!
if !string2!==0 (
   set string=!string:@%string2%= PROTO STDCALL!
) else (
   set string=!string:@%string2%= PROTO STDCALL !
set /a string2=!string2!-4
if !string2!==0 (
   set string=!string!:DWORD&& goto :next
) else (
   if not !string2!==-4 set string=!string!:DWORD,&& goto :next
echo !string!>>
set string4=!string3:~-1!
if !string4!==A (
(echo   !string3:~0,-1! equ ^<!string3!^>)>>
exit /b

SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set string4=!string:~-1!
set string3=!string!
set string=!string! PROTO C :VARARG
echo !string!>>
if !string4!==A (
(echo   !string3:~0,-1! equ ^<!string3!^>)>>
exit /b



The data at this uRL "" is simply wrong. MASM32 has provided a working MSVCRT import library for years. The tools for creating it are in the directory "\masm32\tools\makecimp".

> That's nonsense because there's no copyright violation. I'm not going to do thousand additional things just because of an ignorant person.

Yet another profundity from a backyard GPL lawyer. Whats mine is mine, whats yours is mine, whats theirs is mine but don't touch anything thats mine.  :P

bomz is
bin fasm free for copy and distribution with license file
kernel32.lib ???
who interested download all files


I would try and explain it but you won't even read anything when its translated into Russian.


google translator makes terrible translation, because English use fixed word order in sentence, as all Latin language group even Poland and
some respect Ukrainian, but Russian have not fixed word order in sentence, word order may change sense 100%

plus prepositions . I 1 hours find with google in all internet to find how say
Drug and Drop ON\INTO\TO batch file ???

get russian subtitles translate it with google and try to see movie


Russian is just anoth4er Indo-European language that is much closer to English than say Chinese or worse, Japanese. I have had no problems translating Russian with Google and while the word order is a little strange, its no harder to read that say Greek.


Hi bomz,

Wouldn't it be better to rename your tool to something like dll2lib?