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Using LLVM IR as a higher level assembly?

Started by Jibz, July 25, 2013, 02:56:43 AM

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Not sure if it would be practical to write actual code in IR, but the thought of a portable language that is almost down at the assembly level is interesting:
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Quote from: Jibz on July 25, 2013, 02:56:43 AM
...  a portable language that is almost down at the assembly level

But ... isn't C supposed to be exactly that?

I cannot see that there's enough "space" between C and assembly for another useful "abstraction layer".




Quote from: japheth on July 25, 2013, 04:03:45 PM
I cannot see that there's enough "space" between C and assembly for another useful "abstraction layer".

Especially since we have that level already: macros. If I had to work on Linux, too, MasmBasic would have a IsLinux switch.

Which would not be a valid argument for other processor architectures, of course. But that concerns only 0.1% of the desktop market, right?