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Rogue in ASM?

Started by xoreaxeax, June 07, 2012, 05:04:33 AM

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I've been reading through Iczelion's tutorials and thought it would be fun to code a rogue/nethack game while trying to learn asm.  Does anyone know if any variant has been done in asm, I wanted to check out some source code to see how they did things like dungeon map generation and the like.  I don't know much C/C++ at all.  Here's what I came up with so far, please suggest any optimizations or coding tricks I can use, thanks for any info!


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We are the ASM Borg and you will become part of us. Compile and be assembled.


OOPS I made some last minute changes to the source code and didn't test it thoroughly enough before uploading and didn't realize it crashes upon startup.  I've since restored some of the changes I made (I tried putting the pointers to the building structures in a seperate memory allocation table instead of the same table of the mobs, don't know why I did it that way in the first place  :redface:).   Here's a more stable revision.

hfheatherfox07: thanks for the info, I hope to pick up some new tricks and techniques from that source code!


well here is another one that I downloaded for you ...I have used it before my self so I know it works
it is in Chinese and used as .res instead of the rsrc.rc   .... if you want the rsrc.rc just use reshacker  on the .exe

Your code and your skills will be assimilated. Your programming language is irrelevant.
We are the ASM Borg and you will become part of us. Compile and be assembled.


I like your style ....I think this will help me with converting that 16 to a win32
I will do it the same way you do the green "G"'s

Your code and your skills will be assimilated. Your programming language is irrelevant.
We are the ASM Borg and you will become part of us. Compile and be assembled.



put a semi colon on the start of this line in pacman.asm!

invoke ShellExecute,0,ADDR cmd,ADDR webSite,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOW

regards herge

Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.

Mr Hippy

Quote from: herge on June 09, 2012, 11:39:19 PM

put a semi colon on the start of this line in pacman.asm!

invoke ShellExecute,0,ADDR cmd,ADDR webSite,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOW

regards herge

I haven't looked st the source code, but I am guessing that stops the browser pop-up to the author's website after closing the game.


hi MR Hippy:

Yes it does stop pop-up!

Regards herge
Regards herge
Read "Slow Death by Rubber Duck"
for chemical Laughs.


hi there,  i am looking for an idea about pacman in assembler 8086, can you give a hand here...... please, thanks a lot


Guys, can you spare us titles with terms like "nethack" in them as it saves me scanning the code and editing the posts. Any flack about this site comes back to me which I cannot allow.


yes hutch it is kinda sad that Hac*er has gotten such a bad name,it used to be a positive term for an innovative person.


Trying to download the file :

QuotePage not found


it's from ragdog, so we should be able to get a link from him, if he checks in   :P


Hi Dave,

Thanks for the link.