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Which data base?

Started by avcaballero, October 01, 2013, 12:04:00 AM

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Hello, people. Recently I have found Firebird, what does not seem widely used despite its features, so I tried seeking in Internet which database manager is more interesting, especially within the Free ones, just for curiosity:

* MariaDB
* Firebird
* PostgreSQL
* SQLite
* etc

Do any of them could compete with Oracle / SQL Server?

I always prefer the minimalist and would need a good reason to move up a rung. What do you think?



Had not tried those giants  i.e.  Oracle / SQL Server ... and never heard of Firebird database
I think that your choice (of DBMS) depends on your goals.

AFAIK   SQLite (open source) is very good for small projects and built-in databases.
NOTICE: SQLite is serverless!
If you are familiar with MS VS and one of its programming languages - MS SQL SERVER EXPRESS EDITION (free) might be a good choice.

Also try searching for "nosql" ...


Hello, I've already worked with oracle and sqlserver. They are too big for a personal project, in my opinion, though you can do it as well in them. But I like more tiny tools, such SQLite, that I know a bit, but it has no triggers for example; also a bit PostgreSQL that has an excellent dbadmin, but seems to be more heavy that mySQL (with which I have not worked yet). Recently I met Firebird that they tell it is lightweight and very powerful (I haven't worked with it yet). MySQL is rather known (not for me yet), but since it was bought by Oracle many people lost their interest on it. MariaDB is a fork of MySQL (by the original authors of it), don't know almost anything of it...

In short, just for curiosity, I was thinking a good choice in the case I start a new personal project...



you're welcome

BTW is your new project meant to be "for local use only " or for web?
Once MySQL was VERY popular and lots of websites used it . I think it worth a try.


Nothing special, actually I'm working on a jsp project, nothing special, just for learn/training/improve (when I have time  :( ), also something to prove db programming in Windows/Linux, even a task manager in the way of entering issues/time to fix them/teams/profiles/...  When I have time, for the moment I'd like any opinion regarding a good free dbms just for not loosing time in an obsolete one. PostgreSQL is not bad choice and you are free on use it even in commercial projects, and SQLite is not bad neither (I did my tiny forum with php/SQLite) and if I'm not wrong its popularity is increasing due to its usage in smart phones, etc... MySQL is everywhere, you know LAMPs systems,... but I have not worked with it yet, maybe I keep an eye, I've heard that is faster than SQLite and PostgreSQL...


I read about Firebird database that it was forked from open source edition of Borland InterBase .

Here's an interesting table:
Comparison of relational database management systems


Anywhere comparison client libs and ODBC for them ?


Very interesting table, Vertograd. According to Wikipedia, Oracle is written in Asm :shock:, c, c++.

In the other hand PostgreSQL is used by Yahoo! managing 2 Petabytes of data. Not bad, besides it allows commercial or non commercial usage. That's not bad, I think.

For little projects (the most common, I guess), maybe SQLite is enough, and is used by many large companies. Not bad neither.

Firebird is a fork ob Interbase, with full support for stores procedures and triggers. It also allows to make proprietary software based on it (maybe a bit more restricted than Postgres?)

All of them have full connectivity apis for java, c, etc. Not bad... Maybe I'll have a look to Firebird, just for curiosity, but Postgres and SQLite seem to be just what I need.
