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Suggestion for the Boss

Started by shankle, October 24, 2013, 06:54:22 AM

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I looked at "EMEditor" and they sure don't want you to use the free version.
Cost is as ridiculous as Sandboxie. They could sell millions if the cost was $10 to 15.
Even if I spent the money, I still don't know if it would solve my going back and forth
from Cedt to the desktop.
On the other hand it scares me that I am using a product that is obsolete. The Emerald
Editor I find is also obsolete. I don't think Notepad would be of any value.
I am at a total loss for how to proceed.


Hi Shankle,

You could try Notepad++.  It is an excellent tabbed editor that lets you work on as many files at a time as you want, simply switching tabs to get to the other open files.  Has save and save all, as well as an excellent search/replace capability, including finding/replacing in every open file or in EVERY file in that folder or sub-folder.  That is particularly good for renaming labels project-wide.

It has a command-line interface for running your batch file and the cli can be set to your current folder, so if you put GoAsm in a folder with the asm files it is very simple.  Lots of plug-ins, and built-in syntax highlighting for assembly which you can modify or add keywords, directives, etc.  Also, it has the ability to view the same file side by side and even synchronize the two, meaning you can run down either file in the same or different places within the file, and the edits are live on both sides.  Great for looking at the top of the file for something when you are working at the bottom and without having to scroll up and down all the time.

It is frequently updated and will really make you more productive.  Totally recommend it.


Hi shankle,

yes, notepad++ is a good editor. Another alternative is TEA. It's available under Linux, too. You should use the Windows version.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Thanks guys for responding.
Yes, I have gone the "Notepad ++ route. It will  be a tad of a learning curve. Satpro you mentioned
a command line that I might be able to use my batch file in to compile the program. Will this also
list the errors at the bottom of notepad++?

As a side Satpro are your the same one that's on Satelliteguys?


Needs least NppExec plugin form here for commandline handling ?


Notepad++ works very well and I am happy with it.
I have been playing with NPPexec for 2 days now trying to get a script
to work that will compile the program without leaving Notepad++.
I really don't want to spend 1 month learning how to use Nppexec.
Maybe some of you have experience with Nppexec and GoAsm and
would be inclined to help.


Quote from: shankle on October 30, 2013, 07:30:01 AM
Thanks guys for responding.
Yes, I have gone the "Notepad ++ route. It will  be a tad of a learning curve. Satpro you mentioned
a command line that I might be able to use my batch file in to compile the program. Will this also
list the errors at the bottom of notepad++?

As a side Satpro are your the same one that's on Satelliteguys?

Sorry for not getting back to you but I have been out with torn knee tendons and most of my time has been spent in bed working on a different computer set up more for watching TV.  I just happened to stumble in here the other day to do some banking and stole a peek on this forum.  I did manage to squeeze in a half-mile marathon today, though.  Kind of a drag knowing you're not 25 anymore.  As for Satelliteguys, I was a satellite guy, but not one of those guys.  Wife & I had a DISH Network dealership until 2008.  Sold the business to campaign for Obama--it was that important at the time.

Below is a short GoAsm script from one of my projects.  If you are handy with the cli then you could put GoAsm and your .asm/.inc files anywhere and just set directories through commands, etc.  In my case I usually just throw a copy of GoAsm and GoLink in the same folder as the main .asm file and work from there, setting sub-folders from within the main file.  Yes, you will get the error messages, etc. in the NppExec sidebar that can be opened and closed right from the toolbar.

Something simple like this (e.g. "ec.bat") would give you "ec.exe":

set INCLUDE=P:\Eclipse\Includes
GoAsm /l /b /c "ec.asm"
GoLink "ec.obj"

You can do it a million different ways but NPP has an option in the NppExec plugin to use the current directory when it runs your batch file, which will mean if the last tab you worked on was a file in that "Includes" folder it would throw a "Could not Open File" error, so in that case just click into a tab of a file located in the same folder as GoAsm before you assemble.

You can write the .bat file right in NPP.  Hope this helps some.


Thanks Satpro for responding.
I have given up on "NPPEXEC". Will use my cumbersome method that works for me.
The man that wrote the docs for NPPEXEC expects me to decipher his documentation
to fit GoAsm. I was unable to do so.
In your last message what does "cli" mean?


CLI is an x86 instruction - CLear Interrupts (clears the interrupt flag, actually)

but, i think in this case, it stands for Command-Line Interface   :P


Quote from: dedndave on November 07, 2013, 03:06:04 AM
CLI is an x86 instruction - CLear Interrupts (clears the interrupt flag, actually)

but, i think in this case, it stands for Command-Line Interface   :P
:t   Also a 6502/'816 instruction, but Dave wins.

NPPExec is easy to use.  What is giving you grief?  Maybe I can help--use it all the time.  BTW, I'll check back again soon--knees are getting well enough that my wife kicked me out of the BR and back into the office.  Now that she has great video & audio...


Thank you Satpro for responding.
I below is the latest script file I tried. It gave so many errors that I gave
up and stopped wasting my time.
I installed the plugin "Nppexec"
All the GoAsm - header programs are in d:\codejps
I'm 100% green at this and this script is full of errors.

set codejps=D:\codejps
cd $(codejps)
env_set INCLUDE=$(codejps)
env_set PATH=$(codejps)
GoAsm /x64/b/c"$(FILE_NAME)"
GoLink /unused"$(NAME_PART).obj"


Oh, man, is that complicated.  I gave up on it, too.  About the only good I'll be for that is to advise you to try something a whole lot simpler.  My guess is that it's riddled with syntax errors or it's using something NPPExec, which is a lightweight implementation of the command line, doesn't know.

Make it easier, less busy.  Like one or two lines of very direct instruction.  That's why I throw a copy of GoAsm/GoLink right in with the .asm files wherever they are so I can use the current directory and go from there.  The goal is to write assembly code and not be bogged down with the other stuff, right?

Sorry I can't help, but that needs a CLI guy.


Thanks satpro,
Agreed, that's why I dropped it.
GoAsm and GoLink are in the codejps folder.