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Having trouble adding files from Menu or Project Explorer

Started by satpro, January 22, 2014, 09:35:31 PM

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I'm getting crazy with this. I'm terribly sorry but I can't see where the problem is so I can't fix it. Everything works fine in all computers and Windows platforms where I have tested Easy Code GoAsm.

I will keep on trying.

EC coder


Quote from: rsala on January 27, 2014, 06:50:27 AM

I'm getting crazy with this. I'm terribly sorry but I can't see where the problem is so I can't fix it. Everything works fine in all computers and Windows platforms where I have tested Easy Code GoAsm.

I will keep on trying.


Hi Ramon,
You know what?  Don't sweat it.  No sense getting crazy over something one person (me) is talking about.  It must be something on my end.  Just wish I knew what.  I'll code the long way and just add the headers in code -- I am used to doing that anyhow.  The IDE is nice to work with, and it's really all I was after anyway, so that's good enough.  In the meantime, if I do manage to figure out what it is I'll be sure to report back.

Thanks for all your help,


Quote from: rsala on January 27, 2014, 06:50:27 AM

I'm getting crazy with this. I'm terribly sorry but I can't see where the problem is so I can't fix it. Everything works fine in all computers and Windows platforms where I have tested Easy Code GoAsm.

I will keep on trying.


Hi Ramon,

Does EasyCode have a mechanism to generate error dump?
I know that not being able to reproduce bug can be very confusing, and in this case
examining error dump can provide some hints about the bug itself.


Hi satpro,

Thanks a lot for you kind words. I'll try to find out the problem.

EC coder


Hi anta40,

Thanks for giving ideas.

No, unfortunately Easy Code does not have any mechanism to generate error dump.

EC coder


Quote from: rsala on January 28, 2014, 06:41:21 AMNo, unfortunately Easy Code does not have any mechanism to generate error dump.

A simple debug macro could do the job, applied near the code area where the problem seems to be.
This one uses a switch; if usedeb=0, no extra code will be generated. With usedeb=1, extra checks are being performed, and a console window will be created to display the error line:
include \masm32\include\

usedeb=1 ; 0=no checks, 1=check
voidNonZero MACRO args
LOCAL tmp$
  @CatStr(<;>, <args>)
  if usedeb
.if !eax
invoke GetConsoleWindow
.if !eax ; must be SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS...
invoke AllocConsole
tmp$ CATSTR <chr$("## eax is zero in line >, %@Line, < ##")>
print tmp$, 13, 10
rc RECT <>
hWin dd ?
voidNonZero rv(GetConsoleWindow) ; uses Masm32 rv macro
invoke GetClientRect, edx, addr rc
voidNonZero eax ; more traditional
voidNonZero rv(GetClientRect, eax, addr rc)
MsgBox 0, str$(rc.right), "Pixels wide:", MB_OK
end start


Hi jj2007,

Thank you very much!

I will test the macro.

EC coder


I would like to announce that Ramon has taken the steps to fix my problem with adding include files through Project Explorer/Menu.  He did it in a professional, unrelenting manner (through personal messaging) that has left me impressed to the point of bewilderment.

Just thought everyone should know.

Thanks Ramon.  You're a class act for sure.


satpro: Thank you very much for your help!

Thanks to satpro I have been able to fix the problem, although it has no sense and it seems not to happen in any other computer (that's the most mysterious) .

I expect to release a new version in a few days.

Thanks to everybody,

EC coder