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Fast and secure search on internet with google or other searcher

Started by TouEnMasm, August 14, 2014, 06:16:26 PM

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This one is to made a safe and fast search on internet.
He give you only the url he had extracted from the google search.
You can configure the search as you want and made further searchs.
To help,see

in the text search Arguments,only the first is used,can be empty
For download the most useful word is href=
For images imgurl=http:
The user agent for images can be :
"/search?q=rammstein sehnsucht album cover&tbm=isch&tbs=isz:ex,iszw:512,iszh:512"

For User Agent see

A little practice is needed to use it well.
The given file size tell you if your search is good or not.
The goal of this is to win time and avoid many troubles.

Here Last version tested with XP SP3,Windows 8 and 8.1,use the IMalloc
If you find it useful,help me made it better,put your need here

The advanced web search filter the suggestions of the search engine
Google in this sample.
He delet also the link softonic (a pack of multiple Installations).

He allow you to test the URL in a MiniBrower.
It is not a powerfull browser.
He can take time and failed to execute script.
You can quit it easily (he is in a thread).
This allow you to browse further links faster.
He create a file with the content of the page (fichier.htm)
Let the two programs in the same directory

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


corrected a bug.
Give it a better look,added a filter,the founds links open now the defaut explorer
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


crashes if not executed with privileges, tested on Win 8 x64

Image base 000F0000:
.text:000F3FC9 call    free ; msvcr100_free

call stack:
7744E726 ntdll.dll:ntdll_RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey+1AF9   
7744F654 ntdll.dll:ntdll_RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey+2A27   
7744F734 ntdll.dll:ntdll_RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey+2B07   
773FE040 ntdll.dll:ntdll_RtlUlonglongByteSwap+BA0     
769C14A7 kernel32.dll:kernel32_HeapFree+E             
67DA0164 msvcr100.dll:msvcr100_free+16                 
000F3FC9 fnInternetCallback+0xCBA                     
000F2BC9 StartAddress+0x1E4                           
000F29F2 StartAddress+0xD       


Works on win 8.1 x64 (i had to shut down my virus killer first)
Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


For Windows 8 , I suspect a bad link for the malloc function.
In my system (XP SP3)the change with CoTaskMemAlloc don't work.
The CoTaskMemAlloc is said by microsoft working the same way as malloc.
So i have made a version who made a dynamic link with the msvcrt to have malloc.
Perhaps he could solve the problem.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


This one use the IMalloc interface and there is no nt.dll or msvcrt.dll loaded.
It's the one who must have the less problems.
IMalloc is granted to be thread safe by Microsoft.

Fa is a musical note to play with CL

x64Core and working on my Windows.


Thanks for reports.
In the first post,I have put the IMalloc version and added the source code
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


I have added a secure in case of the cogetmalloc failed :

.if ppvIMalloc != 0
       IMalloc Release

It is possible that it never failed,it is just in case of
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Added the "IMalloc HeapMinimize" function.This one unfragment the memory.
           It is needed after a certain number of  new search (3 Unknown error inside the dll).
The   background of the links change when they are used.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


added an advanced search in the first post

The advanced web search filter the suggestions of the search engine
Google in this sample.
He delet also the link softonic (a pack of multiple Installations).

He allow you to test the URL in a MiniBrower.
It is not a powerfull browser.
He can take time and failed to execute script.
You can quit it easily (he is in a thread).
This allow you to browse further links faster.
He create a file with the content of the page (fichier.htm)
Let the two programs in the same directory
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Changed the browser in the advanced search.
This one seems enough fast and not enought powerfull to view advertise and publicity.
Tested in XP SP3
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Added the IOleCommandTarget to the minibrowser.
The Messagebox "failed to execute a script" are not shown.
This work if you allow the debugging of scripts in the Internet properties (advanced)
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


made an update of
Added a list (exclude.txt) who allow exclusion of url.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL