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Windows 10

Started by sinsi, October 02, 2014, 02:24:10 PM

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Just installed Windows 10, no NIC driver or video but Windows 8 video driver works OK.
MASM32 install went as per Windows 8 (errors ignored).



Not bad, i run crazy every time I clicked on W8 start button. A pity that I have already paid for such [...] as W8  :icon_rolleyes:.


not to worry, Alfonso
i read someplace that windows 9 will be free to windows 8 users
it should be released early next year - and, it has a Start Menu   :biggrin:


No Windows 9, just 8 -> 10.

Sort of messes up the "every 2nd version is crap" thing...or reinforces it  :biggrin:


Hi Sinsi,
Looks like a souped up Windows 8.
How is this any different for a business than Windows 8?
Who wants all that junk on their desktop, certainly not me.
Thanks for posting it.


Wondering if this one will be hard to figure things out. My daughter just bought me a new machine with Win7,and it did take a while to find my way through the settings I had become used to on Win2000. I did mess with winXp for a bit on a machine my son gave me,and kinda got used to that setup. I know from other people that Win8 really pissed people off,but never had to deal with it myself.


Hi Anunitu,
I played with a $33 Windows 8 for about a week.
Nothing for business people there,
It will never get on any computer I buy in the future.
I doubt Windows 10 will be any different.
But I will give it the benefit of the doubt.


So far I kinda like win7,and will most likely not upgrade for quite a while. What I do kinda hate about systems that come with windows installed is a LACK of an install cd,only a recovery partition.


the "look and feel" of windows 7 was pretty nice
hopefully, MS will stop trying to be all things to all platforms and get back to that


Quote from: anunitu on October 03, 2014, 03:42:13 AM
So far I kinda like win7,and will most likely not upgrade for quite a while.

Unfortunately, MS already stopped selling Windows 7.
This can be pretty challenging for those who prefer custom built PCs.


I suppose that the new politic of Microsoft has to do with save costs making "one" OS for all of their platforms, and also taking advantage on tactile screens. Nevertheless that anyone tells me how to work in a laptop without keyboard and mouse, just with fingers, is this the end of laptops and the kingdom of tablets? I don't believe it. At least for the moment, it is needed an os for laptops/PCs, I think that it just needed a button to swap between standar screen and tactil ones with big buttons as phones.

It would be a good time for Linux to make market place... just if it would work.


There are going to be "universal apps", one app for pc/phone/tablet that uses shared code and specific platform code.
I read somewhere that Windows will adjust it's inputs - if you click with a mouse it will assume keyboard/mouse, if you use
a touch screen it will default to touch. Same if you dock/undock a tablet, it will switch between mouse/touch. Something I can't try.

So far so good, no dramas, software works as normal.
Dave, where's that OS info thread you started?


Hi anta40,

Quote from: anta40 on October 03, 2014, 11:43:12 AM
Unfortunately, MS already stopped selling Windows 7.
This can be pretty challenging for those who prefer custom built PCs.

is MS on the descending branch? It looks like this.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.



i suspect this is the thread you were refering to

that post has links to the old forum threads

and this one has the attachment

yah - i would have liked windows 7, myself
a few months ago, a friend wanted to upgrade
we went to the local store and browsed
then we looked around online
all you could get on a new machine was windows 8/8.1
so, i searched for used machines, and got her set up nicely with win7-64 pro