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JWasm212pre with AVX2

Started by habran, November 18, 2014, 07:21:42 AM

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I use the good options in the sample you can download.
I have changed jwasm for the one in the 5 post,and I get
Win64_8.asm(18) : Error A2235: Constant value too large: Bh ;option win64 : 11
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


OK ToutEnMasm :biggrin:
That one in post #5 is an original JWasm12 version  with only AVX2 built in
so you can use maximum option win64 : 7 which will create 16 byte data alignment
if you don't need 16 byte data alignment use option win64 : 3

the version on the top of the post is my version which is more 'sofisticated'
and able to decide by itself if variable needs 16 byte or 8 byte alignment
and needs option win64 : 11

if you read again my #28 you will see that I explained that there

have a fan :t



Hi Habran,

Quote from: habran on November 21, 2014, 11:14:35 PM
I loved the life in Germany, it was a beautiful and developed, dynamic country (1972-74 when Willy Brandt was a Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany)
I loved German girls and they loved me back (I was 17-19) :dazzled:

that I can well imagine.  :t

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


One day, when I retire, if I get tired of programming I'll write a novel about that life in Germany and maybe make a movie about it 8)


Quote from: habran on November 22, 2014, 01:24:46 PM
One day, when I retire, if I get tired of programming I'll write a novel about that life in Germany and maybe make a movie about it 8)

This would be interesting. That's for sure.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Thanks Gunther :biggrin:

Hey ToutEnMasm, did you succeed to assemble AVX2 instructions? :biggrin:


Need another WinMainCRTStartup entry point (link error)
If you can post the same sample who works for you,that will be more simple.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


The windows sample Works for me without the -pe option
windows 8.1
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Hi ToutEnMasm :biggrin:
here is my latest build 64bit with VC13
this is my full version

option casemap : none
option win64 : 11
option frame : auto
option stackbase : rsp

I hope you will be happy with it :bgrin:


Hi Habran
May your provide the complete environment, including your sources, for VC2013? It will help a lot to setup VC faster.



Hi Biterider :biggrin:
long time no see ;)

I will do that in the morning which is about 6 hours from now

see you later


I have replaced JWasm64 and JWasm32 on the top of the thread
there was a bug in hll.c  in HllExitDir proc in .CONTINUE
fixed and runs fine now


Quote from: habran on November 30, 2014, 06:26:46 AM
I have replaced JWasm64 and JWasm32 on the top of the thread
there was a bug in hll.c  in HllExitDir proc in .CONTINUE
fixed and runs fine now

Have you updated the source as well?

Update: oops sorry. it's posted on another thread. i didn't notice it  :redface:


Hi, thanks for your work with jwasm/avx2

I get renderAsm.asm(63): error A2049: Invalid instruction operands

when using

vmovntdqa ymm0, ymmword ptr [rdx+r9]
    vmovntdqa ymm1, ymmword ptr [rdx+r9+20H]
    vmovntdqa ymm2, ymmword ptr [rdx+r9+40H]
    vmovntdqa ymm3, ymmword ptr [rdx+r9+60H]

the following works ok

vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r9], ymm0
    vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r9+20H], ymm1
    vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r9+40H], ymm2
    vmovntdq ymmword ptr [rcx+r9+60H], ymm3

and it all compiles ok in masm.

Hope you can fix the vmovntdqa issue



Hi sbgk
Good find :t
It was Typo error easy fix :biggrin:
here is fixed version