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The color changing bug.

Started by AssemblyChallenge, February 16, 2015, 11:30:27 PM

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Yes, 0x80000001 is the Desktop color in Windows, and yes I will read the pdf file you attached.



EC coder



EC 0.9 just color failed on me today, so, a quick recap:

* Only text background changes.
* Color settings in options do not change (or gets modified) after the bug.
* You don't have to suspend the computer, just leave EC open for long periods of time.
* It can change out of the blue while you work on it.
* If you open several instances of EC, they all get color changed  :dazzled:

Greetings, Master.


Well, thanks for the report. I will try to find the bug.
EC coder



As soon as I clicked the "Send" button and opened EC, was greeted by a pink background.
Do you know what that means ??? BINGOOOOO  :greenclp: :greenclp:

Take a look at the attachments please.

Steps to reproduce (I use Win7 Pro SP1 x64):

- Set background color in EC settings (attach-2)
- Set background color in Windows options. (attach-1)
- Enjoy the bug  :lol: (attach-3)

So my previous idea about system colors were not so far from reality, right ?  :shock:

That means EC should set the background color as "reference" from Windows but maybe not set the system color itself because then EC will be changing its colors at the same time as Windows. This is, of course, if you want to keep them separate. Maybe some other EC colors based on system could be affected too. Also, maybe is my background who changes with corporate Policies.


PD: Finally, that pink color can make you go blind in seconds  :lol:


Meh, maybe I got excited too soon  :icon_redface:

I touched nothing and left EC open, just to see how it would look like. It changed, of course, but I still have the ugly theme and eye burning pink as Windows background color. EC also shows the pink as background. The change, as usual, is white.

Anyway, I still feel we are getting close to the cause. My next experiment will be using a background color not defined by system.



Yes, that is exactly what I meant. To set a solid color for editor background (not the desktop).

Thanks for your help (and your patience)!
EC coder


Well, as before: So far so good.

Defined an ugly blue color for background and no change. Created a black color too and no signs of the bug  :bgrin:

Today in the afternoon will come the suspending part. There is strong evidence now to assume this problem discovered if everything goes fine. All of that in a hurry as my main PC will be migrated to Windows 10 Pro x64 in the coming days.



Good news! However I still do not know why it fails with the Desktop system color. It shoud not.

There is no need to choose an ugly color, you could choose the same color that the Desktop but as a "solid color", not as the system desktop color (0x80000001).


EC coder


Ok. After two days in a row with no errors including the dreaded suspend, I think we have enough evidence:

Avoid at all cost picking a color from System Colors's dialog box for your text background and instead define your own from the palette.

In any case, if you can't find the reason for this behavior, just keep it in mind for EC v2 (ie. do not show that dialog for picking colors, create your own or something) and put the footnote on the last oficial 1.X as this weird problem seems -so far- confined to my system.

The good news, as I said before, is that my computer will be Windows 10 soon and you can expect regular feedback from me  :t :t


Hi AssemblyChallenge,

Well, these are (relatively) good news. I still do not understand why your text background changes. I will try to find the reason but it will not be easy if it does not happen to me.

Thank you very much for your help!

Best regards.
EC coder


Hi again,

I don't want to be a real pain :icon_redface:, but I'm trying to find the bug.

Would you please test the attached executable (EasyCode.Ms) choosing the system desktop color as the text background? Thanks.

If for any reason a system color is changed, this new exe will display a dialog box. Besides, it re-reads the text background every time the editor needs to be repainted.

Thanks in advance!
EC coder



Once again, thank you very much indeed!
EC coder



Guess what: Not a single error in all this days  :dazzled:

I even made a copy -and reopened- the old EC just to be sure and zero, nada.



I don't understand anything (:shock:), but thanks again for your patience!

I will release a new version of EC v1 one of these days (probably the last one).

EC coder