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vkdebug - maximum characters in debug window issue

Started by bsdsource, October 05, 2015, 01:08:23 PM

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When using vkdebug PrintString to print out my buffer the debug window doesn't show the entire string. There appears to be a character size limitation of around 30,000 bytes in the editbox that the debug window shows. Is this a limitation of an editbox or a limitation of vkdebug's editbox? If it's a vkdebug limitation does anyone know how I can increase the maximum size of characters permitted? Seems i would need to adjust allocated memory in vkdebug source code as well as rebuilding the vkdebug library.


Simple edit controls are indeed limited to 32767 bytes afaik.

Redesign your program; for example, if you want to find something inside these >32k bytes, use InString of find$() to isolate it, and display only the part you are interested in.

Besides, deb is often a better choice, as you can see your stuff in the console.


Here I wrote about this limitation though I didn't bother to check if it's possible to change the upper limit.
Today I made quick search'n'read and found something interesting and hopefully helpful for you :
How do I put more than 32,000 characters into a rich text control? - a small note in The Old New Thing by Raymond Chen
Sets an upper limit to the amount of text the user can type or paste into a rich edit control.


    This parameter is not used; it must be zero.

   Specifies the maximum amount of text that can be entered. If this parameter is zero, the default maximum is used, which is 64K characters. A COM object counts as a single character.

Return value

This message does not return a value.

The text limit set by the EM_EXLIMITTEXT message does not limit the amount of text that you can stream into a rich edit control using the EM_STREAMIN message with lParam set to SF_TEXT. However, it does limit the amount of text that you can stream into a rich edit control using the EM_STREAMIN message with lParam set to SF_RTF.

Before EM_EXLIMITTEXT is called, the default limit to the amount of text a user can enter is 32,767 characters.

EDIT: All info above is for richedit control and Minimum supported client = Windows Vista [desktop apps only] ! 


Quote from: GoneFishing on October 05, 2015, 07:33:56 PMEDIT: All info above is for richedit control and Minimum supported client = Windows Vista [desktop apps only] !

M$ speak for "did XP ever exist?". Of course it works with Win XP, too, and probably for earlier versions.
In RichMasm, SendMessage hRE, EM_EXLIMITTEXT, 0, -1 never gave any problems.


Thanks. I guess a simple google search would have answered my question.