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masmbasic by jj

Started by clamicun, December 04, 2015, 04:03:17 AM

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jj, how are you doing

I am looking for a macro to change an us_date (2015-12-03) to de_date (03-12-2015).
The way "php explode" does.

$array = explode('-',$us_date);
$de_date = $arr[2]."/".$arr[1]."/".$arr[0];

Testing your Split$ Macro.
Yes it does the job, but why does it take about 10 seconds the first time ?
Then it works normally.

How do I use the result after the job is done ?


Hi Clamicun,

That delay with Split$() is mysterious, grateful if you could post code.

Convert U.S. date to German date as follows:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\
  SetGlobals usDate$="2015-12-03", deDate$
  Let esi=Right$(usDate$, 2)+"."+Mid$(usDate$, 6, 2)+"."+Left$(usDate$, 4)
  Let deDate$=fDate$(TimeSF(esi), "dd.MM.yyyy")
  Inkey "German date: [", deDate$, "]"

The other way round, DE->US:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\      ; download
  SetGlobals usDate$, deDate$="03-12-2015"
  Let usDate$=fDate$(TimeSF(Replace$(deDate$, "-", ".")), "yyyy-MM-dd")
  Inkey "U.S. date: [", usDate$, "]"


The code is like in the example
include \masm32\MasmBasic\   ; download

  Split$ MACRO src, array, delimiter:=<"-">   ; splits strings using a delimiter, by default: a space
  StringToArray Replace$(src, delimiter, CrLf$), array


   Split$ "2015-12-03", MySplit$()   ; create the string array MySplit$() using - as delimiter

   push eax
   xor ecx,ecx
   PrintLine "Result"
      Print Str$("\nString %i\t", ecx), MySplit$(ecx)
      inc ecx
   .Until ecx>=stack

   pop eax

end start


include \masm32\MasmBasic\
  SetGlobals usDate$="2015-12-03", deDate$
  Let esi=Right$(usDate$, 2)+"."+Mid$(usDate$, 6, 2)+"."+Left$(usDate$, 4)
  Let deDate$=fDate$(TimeSF(esi), "dd.MM.yyyy")
  Inkey "German date: [", deDate$, "]"

Does not work.
Returns "invalid use of register on line 5"


By the way..
what this code has to do with the Split Macro, which I want to use ? 


Quote from: clamicun on December 04, 2015, 05:23:32 AMDoes not work
Get the latest version.

> what this code has to do with the Split Macro, which I want to use ?

Nothing. It was you who mentioned Split$(), but I can't judge it because I don't see the context... complete example would be nice.

Under the hood, Split$() uses Recall, so file I/O could play a role. Again, without seeing the code, impossible to judge...


include \masm32\MasmBasic\
  SetGlobals usDate$="2015-12-03", deDate$
  Let esi=Right$(usDate$, 2)+"."+Mid$(usDate$, 6, 2)+"."+Left$(usDate$, 4)
  Let deDate$=fDate$(TimeSF(esi), "dd.MM.yyyy")
  Inkey "German date: [", deDate$, "]"

ok, I installed MasmBasic 02.12.2015
above code runs - returns the right result.
Takes over 10 seconds the first time,then immediately.

"Nothing. It was you who mentioned Split$(), but I can't judge it because I don't see the context... complete example would be nice."

jj per favore !

That is what I wrote..

"I am looking for a macro to change an us_date (2015-12-03) to de_date (03-12-2015).
The way "php explode" does.
$array = explode('-',$us_date);
$de_date = $arr[2]."/".$arr[1]."/".$arr[0];"

So I am testing Split$ because it seems to do about the same job as explode (src,delimiter,dest)

include \masm32\MasmBasic\   ; download

;syntax Split$ MACRO
;Split$ MACRO src, delimiter, array
; StringToArray Replace$(src, delimiter, CrLf$), array
; EXITM <eax>

myyear    db 4 dup(?),0
mymonth db 2 dup(?),0
myday     db 2 dup(?),0
mysrc      db "2015-12-03",0
mydest    db 10 dup(?),0

   Split$ offset mysrc,"-",offset mydest   ; create the string array  using - as delimiter  ;Line 20

end start

Returns a syntax error on line 20


Quote from: clamicun on December 04, 2015, 07:11:00 AM
jj per favore !

That is what I wrote..

"I am looking for a macro to change an us_date (2015-12-03) to de_date (03-12-2015).
The way "php explode" does.
$array = explode('-',$us_date);
$de_date = $arr[2]."/".$arr[1]."/".$arr[0];"

So I am testing Split$ because it seems to do about the same job as explode (src,delimiter,dest)
Returns a syntax error on line 20

Scusa, non avevo capito :P

Split$ is a functional macro, i.e. it returns the number of strings obtained from the splitting. Here are two methods to use it:

include \masm32\MasmBasic\

; myyear    db 4 dup(?),0
; mymonth db 2 dup(?),0
; myday     db 2 dup(?),0
mysrc      db "2015-12-03",0
mydest    db 10 dup(?),0
mydate    dd ?


  For_ ct=0 To Split$(offset mysrc, "-", My$())-1
      PrintLine "[", My$(ct), "]"

  invoke lstrcpy, offset mydest, Cat$(My$(2)+"."+My$(1)+"."+My$(0))
  PrintLine "[", offset mydest, "]"

  Let mydate=My$(2)+"."+My$(1)+"."+My$(0)
  PrintLine "[", mydate, "]"

Re the 20 seconds delay: mysterious. Check if an antivirus is active.

As you can imagine, I use MB a lot and on several machines (Win XP, 7-64, 8.1), but I have never seen such a delay. My sources always build almost immediately: *** Assembling and linking took 702 milliseconds ***

This is the RichMasm editor's source code, >17,000 lines. For ordinary hello world proggies, it's below 200 ms, linking included.

The library is very small in comparison to many other standard C libraries (Boost, QT, ...). has now 14,000 lines, but in my tests the build times with ML (6.15 ... 10.0), JWasm and AsmC are identical to sources built only with Masm32.


Tu sei un tesoro JJ,
molto grazie e buona notte


One of my coleague when I worked at university was a Visual Basic heavy user. Great experience, but with low interest on learning new language. So as a replacement, I sent him MASM basic and easy code. Trust me, he know what he's doing. Each time I tried to rewrite the library system on the university I kept thinking about him, he could lose his job while at his age its hard to study a new thing. But we will see.
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