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Started by Grincheux, December 24, 2015, 06:43:38 PM

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Hi Yves...Maybe this can help

Can you be able to read the contents of the php, right ?

On Firefox, for example, the contents of this page is:

<html><head><meta content="width=device-width; height=device-height;" name="viewport"><link href="resource://gre/res/ImageDocument.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="resource://gre/res/TopLevelImageDocument.css" rel="stylesheet"><link href="chrome://global/skin/media/TopLevelImageDocument.css" rel="stylesheet"><title>avatar_1133_1344617402.gif (GIF Image, 98&nbsp;×&nbsp;83 pixels)</title></head><body><img alt=";attach=407;type=avatar" src=";attach=407;type=avatar"></body></html>

Note, that on this case, the name of the image is inside the title tag of the html code.
Coding in Assembly requires a mix of:
80% of brain, passion, intuition, creativity
10% of programming skills
10% of alcoholic levels in your blood.

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Quotethe problem is to give a valid file name to:

Replace any symbol less than 32 with '_'
Ensure the new name is less than MAX_PATH
Append any extension

Here is what I do
szFmtWebImage   Byte   "%s\Grumpy-%8.8d.%s",0
                     mov      _dwCount,0

                     push   edi
                     INVOKE   PathFindExtension,_lpszFileName
                     add      eax,1
                     mov      edi,eax

@LoopCount :

                     add      _dwCount,1

                     INVOKE   wsprintf,_lpszWebImageFile,ADDR szFmtWebImage,ADDR szWrkDirectory,_dwCount,edi
                     INVOKE   PathFileExists,_lpszWebImageFile

                     test   eax,eax
                     jnz      @LoopCount


An internet file name can be more than 2880 bytes long and MAX_PATH is 260.


Hi ToutEnMasm,

Just skip "PHPSESSID=8b66972e915875a2a5ed239bbb76b96b&amp;" no cookies needed to download the avatar.

To know the kind of image-format, you could check the file by reading the first 10 bytes and check those and then write the correct file-extension.

BMP = BM at offset 0
GIF = GIF87a or GIF89a at offset 0
JPG = JFIF at offset 6
PNG = PNG at offset 1

If you download the second html-page of Topic InString =

Then search for "avatar" src=" you'll find 5 different avatars;attach=2;type=avatar     hutch;attach=4892;type=avatar  Grincheux;attach=164;type=avatar   Siekmanski;attach=407;type=avatar   ToutEnMasm;attach=6;type=avatar     jj2007
Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


Each time I dowload a file I add one to the counter then I call InvalidateRect but it is updated when all is finished.
How could I do?


New version availabale Here
Changed the backgound image.
Problem with GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap resolved. In fact GDI+ was not initialized!
Now it draws the last downloaded image.
I would like to draw each images when they are downloaded but I don't know how.
I made a thread because I thought it resolves the problem, but it is false.
Help me please.

PS : Download $CatchWebImages.exe and launch it to uncompress all the files it contains. Run CatchWebImages.exe to see the program running.

My archives files always beguins with a '$'

Have fun! :eusa_dance:


This one download the avatar. follow the link,source codes are included
The URLDownloadToFile function put the following file in a temporary file
When done:
FindMimeFromData search the extension of the file in the data
movefile rename the temp file giving it the correct extension
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


This is the latest version

I have added a listbox which displays the images. :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:


Cool  8)

Works OK here with Windows 8.1
Creative coders use backward thinking techniques as a strategy.


New version available : Binary and source codes
New version available : Binary only

Corrected a small bug when an url was HTTPS:.
Added an other possible of detecting images under java.
Each file as temporary name but with the good image extension.
Added the base web page name, for example it it beguins by img/ccccccccc I forgot to specify
Removed dead code

Happy new year everybody, black, white, yellow, red...