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MMX registers ?

Started by hutch--, July 07, 2016, 12:15:31 AM

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Can anyone think of a reason not to use MMX registers in 64 bit ? You have 8 x 64 bit registers that are not specified in win64 and it seems to be a waste of a resource not to use them for something. Among other things I wondered if there would be any problems in using them to pass extra arguments to procedures. It certainly will not work on API calls or any procedure that uses the Microsoft ABI but it may be useful internally to avoid the stack layout of the conventionsl ABI.


Forget MMX and use SSE2 (8 x 128 Bit), which is native part of x64 and more powerful. In that case you can also use the FPU.
MREAL macros - when you need floating point arithmetic while assembling!


As we all know, using mmx registers trashes the FPU - search the forum for emms fpu

How serious a problem that is would certainly justify one of our usual mega-threads 8)

SSE2 is better if you can do parallel operations. In all other cases, the fpu is equally fast, and has some cute functions that SIMD doesn't offer. In case somebody doesn't know about them: fphelp.hlp is attached.


I think you guys missed the drift of the question, I already know that XMM is bigger, better and more plentiful but my question was related to the FP/MMX  not being specified in Win64 and just sitting there going to waste. What I had in mind was being able to use them to pass up to 8 extra arguments to a procedure as you only have 4 integer registers available with the ABI. RE: Floating point calculations you have late SSE specified in Win64 and while I have not properly read up on them, AVX and AVX2 will probably add some pace to calculations.

I have not personally used MMX registers for many years as you can generally use XMM registers to do the same thing.


You could use MMX in your own code for that purpose. Personally I use FPU a lot so don't use MMX. But I'm pretty sure MS treats MMX / FPU as volatile, not guaranteed across MS calls, so that limits their usefulness.
I am NaN ;)


Quote from: rrr314159 on July 07, 2016, 11:40:40 AM
  not guaranteed across MS calls, so that limits their usefulness.

Sorry rrr, perhaps (for one time  :biggrin: ) you missed the word. How M$ can limit FPU usefulness? 
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Quote from: hutch-- on July 07, 2016, 09:55:01 AMnot being specified in Win64

That is the nasty point: xmm regs are "not being specified in Win32", and I used xmm0 a lot as scratch register, only to discover one day that, while they kept their values in proggies running on XP-32, they lost them on 7-64 :(

As long as you don't use API calls, mmx, st(x) and xmm are "safe". But when using them with a MsgBox, make sure you read the ABI 8)


Part of the brave new world. Here is a macro to write 64 bit integer registers OR 64 bit immediates to an MMX register.

  ; ----------------------------------------
  ; use this macro to load a 64 bit register
  ; or immediate into an MMX register
  ; ----------------------------------------
    lmm MACRO reg, value
      LOCAL dat64,pdat
          dat64 dq ?
          pdat dq dat64
        IFDIFI <value>,<rax>    ;; insensitive comparison
          mov rax, value        ;; write value to rax if different
        mov pdat, rax
        movq reg, pdat


Quote from: hutch-- on July 07, 2016, 09:55:01 AM
I think you guys missed the drift of the question, I already know that XMM is bigger, better and more plentiful but my question was related to the FP/MMX  not being specified in Win64 and just sitting there going to waste. What I had in mind was being able to use them to pass up to 8 extra arguments to a procedure as you only have 4 integer registers available with the ABI.

Why not? The idea is good and worth testing.

You have to know the facts before you can distort them.


Quote from: HSE on July 07, 2016, 12:02:28 PM
Quote from: rrr314159 on July 07, 2016, 11:40:40 AM
  not guaranteed across MS calls, so that limits their usefulness.

Sorry rrr, perhaps (for one time  :biggrin: ) you missed the word. How M$ can limit FPU usefulness?

AFAIK if you make an API call it can trash contents of FPU. Even if it doesn't you can't be sure it won't in a later version of Windows, because behavior isn't specified in ABI. That makes it even worse, your prog may work for now but break later on. So, you just have to be careful to do all your FPU / MMX work without inserting an API call. That limits their usefulness. In particular it means, AFAIK, hutch's idea is no good. Even if you test and find out MMX's are still there after an API call it may change with the next update.

Thanks, HSE, for reading my post!
I am NaN ;)


Relying on any register that is not specified as non-volatile in the ABI is dangerous, MMX are no exception. They will be useful for passing arguments around, that's mainly what I had in mind.


Thanks rrr!! Just I never think to call APIs in the middle of calculations.

New processors increase registers more and more. If APIs preserves all registers perhaps become very inefficients, better is programmers decide what register preserves.   
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


Quote from: HSE on July 08, 2016, 12:50:52 AM
Thanks rrr!! Just I never think to call APIs in the middle of calculations.

New processors increase registers more and more. If APIs preserves all registers perhaps become very inefficients, better is programmers decide what register preserves.   

Which registers should be volatile and which non-volatile is key issue in designing an ABI. You're advocating caller responsible for preserving everything, which is one approach but of course it has drawbacks. Anyway what MS actually did was, not specify behavior for MMX (AFAIK) which means you should assume the worst and always preserve MMX. Which invalidates hutch's idea AFAIK.

As for "never calling API in middle of calculations", that's what I do also. The point is you'd better be sure of that. What if you want to print a value to check calculations? printf works, and probably always will, but I wouldn't count on MessageBox.

BTW with brand new registers another issue pops up: preserving them across context switches. A while ago Windows didn't do that with AVX512, I suppose they do now?
I am NaN ;)


That's an old story, of course. IMHO M$ should have declared non-volatile ecx at least, because it has several special instructions; that's why MB preserves it. A push/pop pair more in slow API code would cost absolutely nothing.

In 64-bit code, passing paras seems to be a big issue. I would exclude MMX because I like the FPU, but one could declare it a matter of taste.

OTOH, why aren't the additional r8...r15 enough? Do we really need so many regs?? Besides, with movd, movlps and movhps, one has really plenty of additional dword and qword registers. Wasn't one of the "important" arguments of 64-bit code that you have more registers? I never was short of regs in 32-bit code, so I really can't understand why suddenly we need three or four times as many...



> Anyway what MS actually did was, not specify behavior for MMX (AFAIK) which means you should assume the worst and always preserve MMX. Which invalidates hutch's idea AFAIK.

I am still astounded at the level of ignorance here, not being specified in an ABI means you and everyone else can do any thing they like with MMX registers. Some 10 or more so years ago there was a lot of MMX code around in 32 bit yet no-one who knew how to write it was having these imaginary problems. Now the obvious is that when you don't have the usage specified in the OS based ABI, you don't make the assumption that you can leave data in them and expect it to be there the next time you want to use that data.

When you want to leave data where you can reliably find it next time you need it is to store it AS data. That is what memory is used for. It is not as if you need MMX registers for calculations any longer as you have XMM and YMM registers but there is no reason to leave them there to waste either if you can in fact find a use for them. Even if you want to use FP in win64, there has long been a normal method to do that.