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Full SDK 10.0 translate for 64 and 32 bits

Started by TouEnMasm, August 11, 2012, 10:04:25 PM

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For the include path problem,I had found the soluce.
QuoteIn the property page of the project "Include Path"= H:\sdkrc81\shared;H:\sdkrc81\um;H:\sdkrc81\vc;

That all, if the list is not ended by a ; it is shown in the property command line but not done.
headers files extensions are the one you want

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Added lib of inline c++ function for the crt
New also:
The following files had been tested,other can need some modifies
The before_use_me.exe allow you to adapt constants switchs to your version of windows

\sdkrc81\shared\rpc.sdk Nombre d'Include: 12       
\sdkrc81\um\amstream.sdk Nombre d'Include: 13       
\sdkrc81\um\AtscPsipParser.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10    
\sdkrc81\um\Audioclient.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11   
\sdkrc81\um\audioenginebaseapo.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10
\sdkrc81\um\AudioEngineEndpoint.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11
\sdkrc81\um\audiopolicy.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10   
\sdkrc81\um\Bits3_0.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\bits4_0.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11       
\sdkrc81\um\bits5_0.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11       
\sdkrc81\um\CertSrv.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10       
\sdkrc81\um\combaseapi.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10    
\sdkrc81\um\ComSvcs.sdk Nombre d'Include: 12      
\sdkrc81\um\d2d1.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\d3d10.sdk Nombre d'Include: 13      
\sdkrc81\um\d3d11.sdk Nombre d'Include: 15      
\sdkrc81\um\d3d11_2.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\devicetopology.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10   
\sdkrc81\um\dshow.sdk Nombre d'Include: 17      
\sdkrc81\um\DvbSiParser.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10   
\sdkrc81\um\ehstorapi.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\evr9.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\fsrmtlb.sdk Nombre d'Include: 12      
\sdkrc81\um\functiondiscoveryapi.sdk Include: 14    
\sdkrc81\um\FwCommon.sdk Nombre d'Include: 15      
\sdkrc81\um\gdiplus.sdk Nombre d'Include: 31      
\sdkrc81\um\Iadmw.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\LM.sdk Nombre d'Include: 19            
\sdkrc81\um\locationapi.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11   
\sdkrc81\um\minidrv.sdk Nombre d'Include: 20      
\sdkrc81\um\msctf.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\MsHTML.sdk Nombre d'Include: 12      
\sdkrc81\um\Mshtmlc.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11      
\sdkrc81\um\msopc.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11      
\sdkrc81\um\oledb.sdk Nombre d'Include: 93      
\sdkrc81\um\oledbdep.sdk Nombre d'Include: 22      
\sdkrc81\um\propsys.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11      
\sdkrc81\um\sapi.sdk Nombre d'Include: 11      
\sdkrc81\um\SearchAPI.sdk Nombre d'Include: 24   
\sdkrc81\um\segment.sdk Nombre d'Include: 12      
\sdkrc81\um\shdeprecated.sdk Nombre d'Include: 12   
\sdkrc81\um\ShObjIdl.sdk Nombre d'Include: 18    
\sdkrc81\um\sphelper.sdk Nombre d'Include: 14      
\sdkrc81\um\strmif.sdk Nombre d'Include: 18      
\sdkrc81\um\Tapi3.sdk Nombre d'Include: 13      
\sdkrc81\um\tuner.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\UtilLib.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\vds.sdk Nombre d'Include: 13      
\sdkrc81\um\vdshwprv.sdk Nombre d'Include: 13      
\sdkrc81\um\wiamindr_lh.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10   
\sdkrc81\um\wiamindr_xp.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10   
\sdkrc81\um\WinBase.sdk Nombre d'Include: 34      
\sdkrc81\um\wincodec.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
\sdkrc81\um\Windows.sdk Nombre d'Include: 38       
\sdkrc81\um\winnt.sdk Nombre d'Include: 13      
\sdkrc81\um\Wsdapi.sdk Nombre d'Include: 10      
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


WINDOWS 10.0 translated  in the new form,see first post
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


added strsafe functions (inline) to the crt lib (Windows 10 inline functions) added ,macros of the masm32 package usable with the translated sdk
small modifies.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


QuotePage Introuvable


EDIT: Correct link is NOW in the first post.

Always refer to this one:

 Full sdk translate download link

Fa is a musical note to play with CL


corrected d2xxx.sdk,they are now with the translated interfaces.
added km directory (drivers),mmos
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


I managed to get this partially working. I copied all files into a single folder, pointed the radasm path to that folder, included:

include windows.sdk

Modified slightly based on the run me exe in the root folder that generated win version etc in a new window.

Compiles fine with jwasm/hjwasm, but when i try to link it came up with errors about unresolved references and listed all the functions: GetMessage, CreateWindowEx, DefWindowProc etc etc. Im using the microsoft linker v12 (x64 version). If i use the WinInc includes it seems to link fine, so not sure why it wouldnt link.


If there is unresolved reference at link can be only a bad path to the lib not to the include.
You need first to verify the path to the lib (64 bits libraries with correct machine)
You can also use "include" to decrease the number of lines.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL



I can not run this program fenetre_window, program terminates with an error, in the debugger can be seen that an exception occurs when you call

00007FF6FAC610E0 | E8 9F 13 00 00                                       | CALL <JMP.&RegisterClassExA>                             |

And here is an exception ...

00007FFFB3E63CF0 | 0F 29 45 C0                                          | MOVAPS DQWORD PTR SS:[RBP-40],XMM0                       |

program that I compiled myself, also fails in this place.

The next problem, the following error message -
HJWasm v2.14, Jun  9 2016, Masm-compatible assembler.
Portions Copyright (c) 1992-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.

Translated Windows SDK 8.1 64 bits
windef WIN_INTERNAL manque ENDIF
Win64_8.asm: 126 lines, 3 passes, 284 ms, 0 warnings, 0 errors
Press any key to continue . . .
Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 10.0.10011.16384
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Using codepage 1251 as default
Creating Win64_8.res

Writing MENU:100,       lang:0x409,     size 34.
Writing BITMAP:101,     lang:0x409,     size 29112
Microsoft (R) Windows Resource To Object Converter Version 14.00.24210.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

******* avec RESSOURCE ******
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.00.24210.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Win64_8.obj : fatal error LNK1318: Unexpected PDB error; OK (0) ''

There has been an error while linking this project.

Press any key to continue . . .

which occurs due to /DEBUG /debugtype:cv

Maybe someone already had the same problem ?! Thank you in advance!

P.S. Why do my procedure calls pass through a stub?

00007FF6FAC61344 | 33 C9                                                | XOR ECX,ECX                                              |
00007FF6FAC61346 | E8 15 11 00 00                                       | CALL <JMP.&GetModuleHandleAStub>                         |
00007FF6FAC6134B | 48 89 05 DE 3D 00 00                                 | MOV QWORD PTR DS:[7FF6FAC65130],RAX                      |
00007FF6FAC61352 | E8 FD 10 00 00                                       | CALL <JMP.&GetCommandLineAStub>                          |
00007FF6FAC61357 | 48 89 05 E2 3D 00 00                                 | MOV QWORD PTR DS:[7FF6FAC65140],RAX                      |


Win64_8.obj : fatal error LNK1318: Unexpected PDB error; OK (0) ''
try to compile in release mode,not in debug mode
Fa is a musical note to play with CL


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on August 17, 2016, 03:02:36 PM
Win64_8.obj : fatal error LNK1318: Unexpected PDB error; OK (0) ''
try to compile in release mode,not in debug mode


in the release build works well, but the program falls on my system, windows 10 Ent ...

P.S. What is written in the file jobapi2.SDK, some programs going with an error in the file jobapi2.SDK, after include Winbase.SDK


You are in 64 bits,fail of the debug build is the fault of the compiler.
With a correct release build,you have to suspect a bad alignment,verify this.
Put your source code on another post and sub-forum will be of great help.
Fa is a musical note to play with CL



Has anyone to settings up this sdk to use it with Masm32 or hJwasm x86/x64 builds?
I have run before_use_me.exe but

and inlude or

Has anyone examples for Masm32 or hJwasm x86/x64 ?



In the first post,you have who give you all you need + a batch file.
The paths given by the batch must be changed by yours (makeit.bat)
Fa is a musical note to play with CL