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Uncle Remus Tales

Started by Mikl__, May 26, 2017, 08:43:47 PM

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Hi, AW!
will add  to your messages tags [sarcasm] and [/sarcasm] please.
QuoteMr. Skazki Djadjushki Rimusa, famous Russian writer.
When translating it is difficult to determine whether the interlocutor is joking or not. Sorry for my bad english.


No sarcasm at all, "Uncle Remus" sounded to me like a plausible Russian name.
Anyway, it was a great work you did. I had been an occasional technical translator in the 80's and 90's and it is the hell of a job. For my own use I only work in English originals, never translations.


Remus isn't Russian name

Br'er Romulus and uncle Remus and mommy "La Lupa Capitolina" (the Capitol Female Wolf)


Yeah, makes sense. Italian emigrants to the US, named their slave Remus and their dog Romulus.  :skrewy:


The sad end of Uncle Remus Tales.
Disney parks change the Splash Mountain attraction due to racism

The campaign to combat racism that has swept the United States after police killing african american George Floyd has no boundaries. Following the demolition of monuments to the leaders of the Confederation, Christopher Columbus and the Founding Fathers of the United States, it came to reforming the sphere of children's entertainment.

Vicious "Songs of the South"

"The Song of the South" is a 1946 American live-actors/animated musical drama film produced by Walt Disney and released by RKO Radio Pictures. It is based on the collection of Uncle Remus stories as adapted by Joel Chandler Harris, and stars James Baskett as Uncle Remus. The film takes place in the southern United States during the Reconstruction era, a period of American history after the end of the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery. The story follows seven-year-old Johnny (Bobby Driscoll) who is visiting his grandmother's plantation for an extended stay. Johnny befriends Uncle Remus, one of the workers on the plantation, and takes joy in hearing his tales about the adventures of Br'er Rabbit, Br'er Fox, and Br'er Bear. Johnny learns from the stories how to cope with the challenges he is experiencing while living on the plantation.

Walt Disney had wanted to produce a film based on the Uncle Remus stories for some time. It was not until 1939 that he began negotiating with the Harris family for the film rights, and in 1944, filming for "The Song of the South" began. The studio constructed a plantation set for the outdoor scenes in Phoenix, Arizona, while other scenes were filmed in Hollywood. The film is predominantly live-actors, but includes three animated segments, which were later released as stand-alone television features. Some scenes also feature a combination of live-actors with animation. "The Song of the South" premiered in Atlanta in November 1946 and the remainder of its initial theater run was a financial success.  Walt Disney was impressed with Baskett's talent and hired him on the spot for the lead role of Uncle Remus. Baskett was also given the voice role of Brer Fox, one of the film's animated antagonists, and also filled in as the main animated protagonist, Brer Rabbit, in one sequence. This was one of the first Hollywood portrayals of a black actor as a non-comic character in a leading role in a film meant for general audiences.

Baskett was prohibited from attending the film's premiere in Atlanta, Georgia, because Atlanta was racially segregated by law.

Although Baskett was occasionally criticized for accepting such a "demeaning" role (most of his acting credits were that of African-American stereotypes), his acting was almost universally praised, and columnist Hedda Hopper, along with Walt Disney, was one of the many journalists and personalities who declared that he should receive an Academy Award for his work.

On March 20, 1948, Baskett received an Academy Honorary Award for his performance as Uncle Remus.

He was the first African-American male actor to win an Academy Award. Additionally, Baskett was the last adult actor to receive an Honorary Oscar for a single performance.

Since its original release, "The Song of the South" has remained a subject of controversy. Some critics have described the film's portrayal of African Americans as racist and offensive, maintaining that the black vernacular and other qualities are stereotypes. In addition, the plantation setting is sometimes criticized as idyllic and glorified. Because of this controversy, Disney has not released "The Song of the South" on any home video format in the United States, nor is it available on its streaming platform Disney+. Some of the musical and animated sequences have been released through other means, and the full film has seen home video distribution in other countries. The cartoon characters from the film have continued to appear in a variety of books, comics, and other media. The Disney theme park ride Splash Mountain was originally based on the film's animated sequences when it opened in 1989.

In 2003, the online film critics community ranked the film as the 67th best animated film of all time.

But all the old regalias of the film did not save the film from accusations of inculcating racial prejudices. The same claims were made by anti-racist activists to the water attraction based on film "The Song of the South".

Correct Tiana

In the wake of the protests surrounding the Floyd case, a petition was published on, which said that the trip to Splash Mountain "is saturated with extremely problematic and racist stereotypes." Approximately 20,000 signatures were collected in support of demands to revise the design of the attraction, after which the management of The Walt Disney Company considered it best to comply with the demands of the activists.

According to the company, the waterslide will be redesigned in the style of the movie "The Princess and the Frog".

"Tiana is a modern, bold and determined woman who follows her dreams and never loses sight of what really matters," reads a message posted on the company's website. "The new concept is comprehensive, allowing all of our guests to communicate and be inspired by it, and speak volumes about the diversity of the millions of people who visit our parks each year."

What is so special about the 2009 film compared to the 1946 film? The fact is that the main character of "The Princess and the Frog" Tiana is african american.

Disney Animator Mark Henn stated: "The heroines of our films have changed over time. Previously, they were just "princesses in trouble", like Snow White - victims of unfortunate events who did not have power over their own destiny. It was easy to fall in love with such heroines. Tiana is a completely different story; she has a goal, strong motivation, she is able to make decisions, and this is what makes her interesting and attractive. "

The waterslide in Disney parks will now correspond to the correct understanding of the place of african americans in the modern world.

It's time to fix mistakes
Judging by the comments on the company's website, the changes caused quite conflicting feelings among the Americans themselves.

"Bravo! That's the right decision. Disney is doing the next right thing. We're going to miss Splash Mountain, but it's time to fix the bugs associated with using the problem movie on the ride, "writes a user named Jackie.
"I am very sad that Disney is giving in to pressure again. There was nothing wrong with this ride and most people weren't even aware of the topic. It was such a fun and happy trip with great music, nothing can replace it. I will not ride the new attraction. With all these changes, I can stop visiting Disneyland altogether, "says user Sharon.

The fate of the Splash Mountain attraction, located in Japan, is unclear. As far as know, no one there complained about the water slide, but it is possible that racial reforms will take place there. Although, based on the course taken, for Japan, Disney would be worth looking for a heroine with an Asian appearance.

By the way, the 6-year-old daughter of the deceased Floyd Gianna is a Disney shareholder. The shares of the company were presented to the girl by the American actress and singer Barbra Streisand.

If this goes on, then in children's amusement parks, white heroes will only meet in a kneeling position, bringing repentance over the years of humiliation on racial, gender and other grounds.


How many and which disk devices are in your system
A simple utility


Analog watch
; GUI #
W = 256
H = 256
WinMain proc
local hbrBackground:qword
local msg:MSG

xor ebx,ebx
mov esi,IMAGE_BASE
mov edi,offset AppName
mov qword ptr[rsp+28h],LR_LOADFROMFILE
mov [rsp+20h],rbx
mov edx,offset BmpName
        invoke LoadImage,esi,,0,0
invoke CreatePatternBrush,eax
mov hbrBackground,rax
mov ecx,offset FileName
invoke LoadCursorFromFile
push rax ;hIconSm
push rdi ;lpszClassName
push rbx
push hbrBackground
push rax ;hCursor
push rax    ;hIcon
push rsi ;hInstance
push rbx    ;cbClsExtra & cbWndExtra
pushaddr WndProc  ;lpfnWndProc
push sizeof WNDCLASSEX;cbSize & style
invoke RegisterClassEx,esp ;addr WNDCLASSEX
push rbx
push rsi ;rsi=400000h
shl esi,9 ;rsi=CW_USEDEFAULT
push rbx
push rbx
push H+20;rsi
push W
push rsi
push rsi
sub esp,20h
    invoke CreateWindowEx,0,edi,edi
mov hWin,rax
lea edi,msg
@@: invoke GetMessage,edi,NULL,0,0
invoke DispatchMessage,edi
jmp @b
WinMain endp
WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
local hdc:HDC
local hpen:DWORD
local hPenOld:DWORD
local hBrush:DWORD
local hBrushOld:DWORD
local X:DWORD
local temp2:DWORD

mov hWnd,rcx

cmp edx,WM_CREATE
cmp edx,WM_PAINT
je wmPAINT
cmp edx,WM_DESTROY

        jmp NtdllDefWindowProc_

wmDESTROY: invoke  timeKillEvent,hTimer
invoke RtlExitUserProcess,NULL
wmCREATE:mov qword ptr[rsp+20h],TIME_PERIODIC
mov r8d,offset TimeProc
        invoke  timeSetEvent,1000,1000,,777
mov hTimer,rax
lea ecx,Time
invoke GetLocalTime
movzx eax,Time.wHour
mov ecx,12
xor edx,edx
div ecx
cvtsi2ss xmm0,edx
movss Hour,xmm0
movzx eax,Time.wMinute
cvtsi2ss xmm0,eax
movss Minute,xmm0
movzx eax,Time.wSecond
cvtsi2ss xmm0,eax
movss Second,xmm0
mulss xmm0,const1_60
addss xmm0,Minute
movss Minute,xmm0
mulss xmm0,const1_60
addss xmm0,Hour
movss Hour,xmm0
jmp wmBYE
wmPAINT:lea edx,ps
invoke BeginPaint;,hWnd
mov hdc,rax
invoke CreatePen,PS_SOLID,2,6464FFh;(255,100,100)
mov hpen,eax
invoke SelectObject,hdc,eax;hpen
mov hPenOld,eax
invoke MoveToEx,hdc,H/2,W/2,NULL
movss xmm0,temp;pi/30
mulss xmm0,Second
movss temp2,xmm0
invoke cosf
mulss xmm0,Second_arrow
cvtss2si eax,xmm0
mov X,eax
movss xmm0,temp2
invoke sinf
mulss xmm0,Second_arrow
cvtss2si edx,xmm0
add edx,H/2
mov r8d,W/2
sub r8d,X
invoke LineTo,hdc
invoke DeleteObject,hpen
invoke CreatePen,PS_SOLID,7,808080h;(128,128,128)
mov hpen,eax
invoke SelectObject,hdc,eax
invoke MoveToEx,hdc,W/2,H/2,NULL
movss xmm0,temp;pi/30
mulss xmm0,Minute
movss temp2,xmm0
invoke cosf
mulss xmm0,Minute_arrow
cvtss2si eax,xmm0
mov X,eax
movss xmm0,temp2
invoke sinf
mulss xmm0,Minute_arrow
cvtss2si edx,xmm0
add edx,H/2;119
mov r8d,W/2;119
sub r8d,X
invoke LineTo,hdc
invoke MoveToEx,hdc,W/2,H/2,NULL
movss xmm0,Hour
mulss xmm0,temp1;pi/6
movss temp2,xmm0
invoke cosf
mulss xmm0,Hour_arrow
cvtss2si eax,xmm0
mov X,eax
movss xmm0,temp2
invoke sinf
mulss xmm0,Hour_arrow
cvtss2si edx,xmm0
add edx,H/2;119
mov r8d,W/2;119
sub r8d,X
invoke LineTo,hdc
invoke SelectObject,hdc,hPenOld
invoke DeleteObject,hpen
invoke CreatePen,PS_SOLID,3,0AAAAAAh;(170,170,170)
mov hpen,eax
invoke SelectObject,hdc,eax
mov hPenOld,eax
invoke CreateSolidBrush,505050h;80,80,80
mov hBrush,eax
invoke SelectObject,hdc,eax;hBrush
mov hBrushOld,eax
invoke Ellipse,hdc,123,123,135,135
invoke SelectObject,hdc,hBrushOld
invoke DeleteObject,hBrush
lea edx,ps
invoke EndPaint,hWnd
wmBYE: leave
WndProc endp
TimeProc proc uTimerID:QWORD,uMsg:QWORD,dwUser:QWORD,dw1:QWORD,dw2:QWORD
        movss xmm0,const1
addss xmm0,Second
movss Second,xmm0
movss xmm0,Minute
addss xmm0,const1_60
movss Minute,xmm0
movss xmm0,Hour     
addss xmm0,const1_3600     
movss Hour,xmm0
invoke InvalidateRect,hWin,0,TRUE
TimeProc endp
Second      dd ?
Minute      dd ?
Hour        dd ?
const1_60   dd 0.0166666666666666666666666667;1/60
const1_3600 dd 0.0002777777777777777777777778;1/3600
temp        dd 0.1047197551196597746154214461;pi/30
temp1       dd 0.5235987755982988730771072305;pi/6
Second_arrow dd 100.0
Minute_arrow dd 75.0
Hour_arrow  dd 50.0
AppName     db 'Wristwatch',0
FileName    db "br_Rabbit3.cur",0
BmpName     db "clock256.bmp",0
hWin dq ?
hTimer dq ?
const1 dd 1.0


Digital watch
asm-file; GUI #
IDB_MYBITMAP   equ 100
WinMain proc
local msg:MSG

xor ebx,ebx
mov esi,IMAGE_BASE
mov edi,offset AppName
mov ecx,offset FileName
invoke LoadCursorFromFile
push rax ;hIconSm
push rdi ;lpszClassName
push rbx
push rax ;hCursor
push rax    ;hIcon
push rsi ;hInstance
push rbx    ;cbClsExtra & cbWndExtra
pushaddr WndProc  ;lpfnWndProc
push sizeof WNDCLASSEX;cbSize & style
invoke RegisterClassEx,esp ;addr WNDCLASSEX
push rbx
push rsi ;rsi=400000h
shl esi,9 ;rsi=CW_USEDEFAULT
push rbx
push rbx
push 110+10
push 403+10
push rsi
push rsi
sub esp,20h
    invoke CreateWindowEx,0,edi,edi
lea edi,msg
@@: invoke GetMessage,edi,NULL,0,0
invoke DispatchMessage,edi
jmp @b
WinMain endp
WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM
local hdc:dword
local hMemDC:dword

mov hWnd,rcx

cmp edx,WM_CREATE
cmp edx,WM_PAINT
je wmPAINT
cmp edx,WM_DESTROY
cmp edx,WM_TIMER
je wmTIMER
        jmp NtdllDefWindowProc_

wmDESTROY:;уничтожаем таймер #10
invoke KillTimer,,TIMER_ID
mov ecx,hBitmap
invoke DeleteObject
invoke RtlExitUserProcess,NULL
wmCREATE:invoke SetTimer,,TIMER_ID,1000,NULL
mov hBitmap,eax
wmTIMER:lea ecx,Time
invoke GetLocalTime
movzx eax,Time.wSecond
mov [rsp+20h],rax
movzx r9d,Time.wMinute
movzx r8d,Time.wHour
mov ecx,offset buffer
lea edx,fmtstr
invoke wsprintf
invoke InvalidateRect,hWnd,NULL,TRUE
jmp wmBYE
wmPAINT:lea edx,ps
invoke BeginPaint;,hWnd
mov hdc,eax
        invoke CreateCompatibleDC,eax
mov hMemDC,eax
mov edx,hBitmap
invoke SelectObject,eax
xor edi,edi
sub esp,40h
@@: mov eax,hMemDC
mov [rsp+28h],rax
and qword ptr[rsp+38h],0
mov qword ptr[rsp+40h],SRCCOPY
movzx eax,buffer[rdi]
and eax,0Fh
imul eax,53
mov [rsp+30h],rax
mov qword ptr[rsp+20h],82
imul edx,edi,49
invoke BitBlt,hdc,,0,53
inc edi
cmp edi,7
jbe @b     
add esp,40h
invoke DeleteDC,hMemDC
lea edx,ps
invoke EndPaint,hWnd
wmBYE: leave
WndProc endp
AppName  db 'Timer',0
FileName db "br_Rabbit3.cur",0
fmtstr   db "%02d:%02d:%02d",0
hBitmap  dd ?
buffer   db 50 dup(?)
rc-file#define IDB_MYBITMAP 100


Do the examples work or not? Do you have any wishes or suggestions?


Does the timer02 program under Windows 10 have an indicator displayed on the screen? Why are you silent?
There ara asm-/rc-/exe-files timer02a.exe, timer02b.exe, timer03c.exe executables were assembled with resources and indicators are normally displayed under Windows 7 and 10 in the attachment. To make exe work both under "seven" and under "ten" I had to remove the permission to write to the .code (.text,W) section and the alignment /ALIGN:16 from the bat-file The difference between timer02a.exe, timer02b.exe, timer03c.exe
1.When creating a resource in timer02a.rc, the BITMAP type resource has the name "MYBP1"MYBP1 BITMAP "03.bmp"in
aMYBP1 db "MYBP1",0
mov edx,offset aMYBP1
invoke LoadBitmap,IMAGE_BASE
mov hBitmap,eax

2. When creating a resource in timer02b.rc, a BITMAP type resource is identified by number (100)#define MYBP1 100
MYBP1 BITMAP "03.bmp"
timer02b.asm MYBP1 equ 100
invoke LoadBitmap,IMAGE_BASE,MYBP1
mov hBitmap,eax

3. When creating a resource in timer02c.rc, a resource of type BITMAP is associated with the number 100, but which is described as the string100 BITMAP "03.bmp" in timer02c.asm .data
aMYBP1 db "#100",0
mov edx,offset aMYBP1
invoke LoadBitmap,IMAGE_BASE
mov hBitmap,eax


Hi Mikl__!timer02a.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp_AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor
timer02a.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp_AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor
timer02a.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp_AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback
timer02a.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp_AdjustCalendarDate
timer02a.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp_AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma...

Look like includes and libraries don't mach.

How to make package new installation?
Equations in Assembly: SmplMath




Hi Mikl__!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Timers are builded and working now.

Thanks, HSE.

Equations in Assembly: SmplMath


They look good, Mikl, but all three versions flicker a bit...