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Started by Mikl__, May 26, 2017, 08:43:47 PM

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What are you zipping these files with ? I could unzip the first one but the cannot be unzipped with WinRar.


Hi, hutch-- !
I used 7-zip menager ( compression method deflate, compression level maximum, dictionary size 32 KB, word size 64
And I used WinZip and produced now


I could download the asm file and exe file with no problems but the file keeps giving the error message "unknown format or damaged".


Only files with Zip extension can be uploaded to your site. File is a renamed file 00.png the browser knows about it and shows the correct picture with the wrong extension. I thought that you know about the features of your site


I renamed the file to ".png" and can view the image but the exe does not run.

The suggestion, put it all together as one zip file making sure it works properly and post it so we can see what it does.


download and extract it in same folder with movie3.wmv


Done, exe does not run. I can open the wmv file and it runs with VLC player. I am running Win10 64 US version.


On Win7-64, exe runs fine, but the process starts only if there is moview3.wmv in the same folder.


#38 (6.12 kB - downloaded 20 times.)
jj2007 + hutch-- + caballero = 3
How did the program workes for another 17 men?


Hi Mikl, 7 now, I executed the tut_14-04.exe with movie3.wmv in the same folder, but nothing happened except that it remains as a process. W7 64 bits.


What it should do, play movies using mci? I made a multimedia player some years ago with fasm, I attach two version, the extended one is MP3WF01 and works ok with it, the MP3WF03 is a tiny version, when you open the file with it you can view it with the previous player, but when you click on accept cannot play it, I have to check it.

EDITED: The problem is the window size that doesn't allow to view the buttons to play it, if you put
cdXSize            equ  640
cdYSize            equ  440
for example, it wuould be nice


Hi, hutch-- and caballero!
Do you have a key .wmv in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT? If there is the key, can you write the contents of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wmv names, types and values?


QuoteWhat it should do, play movies using mci?
Hi, caballero!
And you will write about branch registry contents HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wmv names, types and values,  pleazzz..  This is necessary for correct errors in tut_14-04.exe


Quote from: Mikl__ on June 24, 2017, 11:53:36 AM
And you will write about branch registry contents HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wmv names, types and values,  pleazzz..  This is necessary for correct errors in tut_14-04.exe

Here is mine :icon14:


I write this from another computer than the first time. Now, the window is up but seems not working. Here is my wmv register branch, as I see I need to clean it better because I dont' have winamp yet. What I don't know is why is this info good for you.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Content Type"="video/x-ms-wmv"






